Immortality Starts With Diligence(Xianxia Litrpg)

541. Entering the Holy Emperor Realm! The Difference Between the Holy Emperor and a True Monarch!

541. Entering the Holy Emperor Realm! The Difference Between the Holy Emperor and a True Monarch!

In the Holy Emperor Realm lies the Twin Holy City, long controlled by the Twin Holy Alliance. This alliance, founded by two Holy Emperors, once dominated the entire realm, reigning supreme for an era. Even after the passing of these Holy Emperors, the Twin Holy Alliance, having birthed a new Holy Emperor, gradually restored its former glory.

However, the current Holy Emperor of the Twin Holy Alliance bore a grave expression. Recently, he had battled several times with another being of equal stature, a mysterious Holy Emperor. Although he repelled his adversary, he couldn't vanquish him. The enigmatic origins of this opponent weighed heavily on the Holy Emperor's mind, sensing an obscure threat looming.

"What troubles you, Your Majesty?" asked an elder of the Twin Holy Alliance, puzzled by the Holy Emperor's distress.

The Holy Emperor, with a complex expression, replied gravely, "It's still about that mysterious Holy Emperor. Have your investigations over these days yielded any clues about their origin or identity?"

The elder of the Twin Holy Alliance shook his head, "Your Majesty, we've mobilized all our resources for the investigation. Yet, not a single clue has emerged. This mysterious Holy Emperor seems to have appeared out of nowhere. No one has seen him before, no one knows of him. His first appearance was in the Twin Holy Alliance, where he confronted you directly. So, to this day, his identity remains unknown to us."

The Holy Emperor's heart sank as he gazed into the void, a theory gradually forming in his mind. During his battles with the mysterious Holy Emperor, he had noticed something peculiar. Though the opponent possessed the strength of a Holy Emperor, their power was extraordinary, following a completely different path of cultivation.

What other cultivation paths within the Holy Emperor Realm could possibly lead to the realm of a Holy Emperor? Only ancient texts hinted at such possibilities, where forebears of Holy Emperors speculated that their realm was but one world within the vast expanse of the void.

Beyond the Holy Emperor Realm, there might be other life forms, other powerful beings. In the very ancient times, it seemed the Holy Emperor Realm had once been invaded, though these invaders were eventually repelled.

But these events, belonging to the distant past, were shrouded in mystery. The exact happenings of those ancient times were unknown, leaving behind only legends and fragmented information.

Subsequent Holy Emperors had only made bold conjectures based on these scraps of history.

The Holy Emperor had not been a firm believer in these theories, but now, he was beginning to entertain the possibility. The emergence of this mysterious Holy Emperor was too strange, too sudden.

"Fortify the defenses of the Twin Holy Alliance," he commanded. "The mysterious Holy Emperor was not gravely injured. I suspect he might appear again. If he does, I must be informed immediately."

"Yes, Your Majesty," replied the elder, who immediately set off to tighten the security. The defenses of the Twin Holy Alliance were to be reinforced, preparing for any potential re-emergence of this enigmatic adversary.

In Twin Holy City, Lin Fei and Sun Blaze True Monarch strolled casually through its streets. Having entered the Holy Emperor Realm, they had seamlessly blended in. Their auras were now indistinguishable from those of the common inhabitants of Twin Holy City, a feat easily accomplished for two Martial Dao True Monarchs.

Though Martial Dao True Monarchs lacked the survival capabilities and multiple incarnations of the Void Transformation True Monarchs, they had their advantages. Not only was their formidable strength entirely their own, but they also possessed the remarkable ability to perfectly control every particle of their physical form. This meant they could alter their appearance at will, a skill that enabled them to blend into the Holy Emperor Realm, despite their fundamentally different life structures.

Sun Blaze True Monarch, with a smile, inquired, "True Monarch Lin, what do you think of the life forms here in Twin Holy City? Aren't they entirely different from those in our Divine Realm?"

Lin Fei's eyes flickered with intrigue as he replied gravely, "Indeed, there is a significant difference. The beings here seem to follow a set of laws entirely different from those in the Divine Realm. It affects their very essence."

"Does that mean the True Monarchs of the Holy Emperor Realm, the Holy Emperors themselves, are also quite different from our kind of True Monarchs?" asked Sun Blaze True Monarch.

Nodding, he explained, "Yes, they are different. The True Monarchs of the Holy Emperor Realm, though powerful, derive their strength from understanding the realm's unique laws. They are somewhat akin to Void Transformation True Monarchs, but while Void Transformation True Monarchs fuse with the laws of the Divine Realm, the Holy Emperors of this realm rely on its specific laws. The strength of each is evident at a glance."

He continued, "This is precisely why the Holy Emperors of this realm cannot break free from it to enter the Divine Realm. They are even unaware of the Divine Realm's existence."

Lin Fei understood. Even though this minor world could give birth to True Monarch-level beings, these True Monarchs were generally unable to break through the confines of their world to enter the Divine Realm. This realization brought Lin Fei's thoughts to the Ancient Continent, a cultivation system capable of harmonizing with the Divine Realm, a feat not easily achieved.

Of course, this was partly because the Ancient Continent was not an ordinary minor world, but a realm at the level of true immortals. Only beings nurtured in a true immortal-level world could rival those in the Divine Realm.

As for True Monarch-level minor worlds, they fell short. Unable to break through their own realms, let alone enter the Divine Realm, their inhabitants couldn't compare with those from True Monarch-level worlds.

"Sun Blaze True Monarch, although the Holy Emperors of the Holy Emperor Realm rely on its laws to match True Monarchs, in their own realm, they must possess extraordinary strength, right?" Lin Fei inquired. His query was not baseless; Sun Blaze True Monarch had repeatedly failed to best the Holy Emperors of this realm, even suffering minor defeats. This was proof enough that the Holy Emperors of the Holy Emperor Realm were formidable opponents in terms of combat power.

Sun Blaze True Monarch, without concealing the truth, sighed deeply and admitted, "Indeed, they are not easy to deal with. I've entered the Holy Emperor Realm several times and clashed with the Holy Emperors, each attempt ending in failure. I gained no advantage. Hence, this time, I invited True Monarch Lin to join forces. Together, our combined strength as True Monarchs should suffice to suppress, or even gravely injure, that Holy Emperor."

As Sun Blaze True Monarch finished speaking, the two lifted their gaze and found themselves before a grand structure in the heart of Twin Holy City—the headquarters of the Twin Holy Alliance and the seat of power for the sole Holy Emperor of the Holy Emperor Realm.

"Let's go," Lin Fei said with a slight smile. He then took a step forward, heading towards the headquarters of the Twin Holy Alliance to meet this Holy Emperor.

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