I'm The supreme Fairy King

Chapter 72: The Dance Spell

Chapter 72: The Dance Spell

Jim was starting to move in a weird way, dancing on no music while the team on the back was having a chat over what he was up to.

He kept moving while his body was now covered in lightning arcs that started to get out of his control. He was trying his best to maintain the posture of his sword fixed.

'Just a bit longer,' the old man said while Jim only gritted his teeth and tried to resist the urge to let his sword touch the ground.

Every step he took got him closer to his target. The army of gangsters in the front were also on the move. Some started even to use their spells and clan abilities to attack him.

"Now," he suddenly let his sword touch the ground and the next instant the ball of lightning appeared. He felt his body being elevated by the usual force of his spell, but just before his feet left the ground, he tapped both over the ground in a special manner, ending the dance he was performing.


The next moment he heard this soft rumble coming from his sword, then from the lightning ball all around. The ball of lightning started to change from blue white color to golden in color, being augmented by the spell he just used.

"Damn! I never thought I would see such a spell in my entire life!" Roo was shocked while Kro muttered these words as both realized their initial guess was correct. "Only if he used the proper music in this, the spell might have shown its mightiest power," Roo shook his head in regret.

"Is this the dance spell you were talking about?" Jenny asked in curiosity before adding, "I believe this is a new skill. He never had such a thing before, right?" she turned to glance at Ashley who just nodded.

"He never used such a spell before," Rick said confidently, "meaning he got his hands on some interesting thing here, hehehe."

Rick already guessed the way Jim got such a spell from. 'I need to do anything to get my hands on this token from him,' he inwardly decided as his eyes shone brightly out of his enthusiasm.

As for Jim, he felt his sword turning into a mighty monster that was so hard to control. "Damn, never thought this spell would turn my own spell this berserk," he said in mockery while trying to hold the sword now with both hands.

'This spell is just stronger, but you can only perform this might of it.'

'I know, I need to train,' Jim muttered before feeling that his sword got burdened with an entire mountain over it. 'But now I need to learn how to move my sword first.'

'Just remember the steps of your dance,' the old man hinted.

'What for? Do I need to perform it again to use my sword?' Jim was surprised before saying, 'I can't dance in this embarrassed way again. No way!'

'You have to,' the old man laughed before adding, 'this is the only way to make your sword follow your desires.'

Jim tried once more to move his sword but he failed. At this moment, he was only protected from the rain of attacks coming from upfront by his lightning ball alone.

'The ball won't hold for much,' the old man said, 'you need to make up your mind now.'

'Screw you old man,' Jim didn't have any more options here but to follow the words of his old man. Again he started to move, this time while he was midair.

When his feet started to move and his body to sway, he felt the sword getting instantly lighter. The once heavy mountain turned in no time into a feather in his hand, and the next instant he started launching mighty balls of lightning towards his enemies.

But the effect of the spell didn't only stop at augmenting his ball, but also made his attacks much more stronger and far better than ever.

Each ball descended upon one enemy before it exploded, taking with it dozens of more enemies. For those standing from far, this looked like he was throwing off grenades, exploding and killing anyone it touched without any exception.

"Scary," Gorden muttered before laughing, "but I like this."

"Shouldn't we go and help?" Ashley was so worried about him.

"Do you see him needing our help?"Deno laughed before adding, "oh my mighty fairy ancestor this master of mine is really getting stronger with each passing day."

"Yeah," Rick nodded, "and we need to try our best to keep up with him or else"

He didn't continue but his glances conveyed what he wanted to say. Everyone had such a serious look over their faces, as they already understood the danger they were facing.

Jim was immersed in his fight, not knowing what he just did right now had such a deep impact on everyone on his team. He kept moving his body midair, dancing the spell while waving his sword right and left.

His lightning balls kept exploding and killing everything they touched and in less than five minutes the entire place ushered under the heavy silence of death.

"Phew, that was intense," Jim landed finally on the ground as he stopped dancing and the aura of golden lightning around him started to fade away. "I thought I was having a very beautiful moment just now."

'This is a moment of enlightenment,' the old man said, 'it's very rare and precious. I believe you have some insights, right?'

Jim nodded before thinking again at what he experienced while dancing. 'I saw great beings with wings and golden aura standing in front of me' he muttered while pausing. 'But I didn't get the meaning of their words.'

'Giant beings with wings hmm' the old man only said this and then went into silence.

'Do you know something old man?' Jim asked but he never got an answer for this question.

"Wow, that's impressive," Jenny ran towards him the next instant, breaking his talk with his old man. "Never thought you grew up to be this mighty."

"But I'm tired," Jim honestly said before glancing at others, "go and scan those dead. Anything of value take it and let's get inside the town now."

Everyone nodded and they moved up with strange hype that startled Jim. "What's wrong with them?" he muttered.

"Rick said something that pumped all of them," Ashley said before sighing, "is it true that if we didn't get stronger you'll abandon us?" she said before pausing for a moment there, "abandon me?"

"Oh," it suddenly hit Jim as he didn't know if he should laugh or cry. "Don't say this, I won't leave my girls behind."


"Don't worry, I'll make sure you all be strong with me," Jim caressed her exhausted cheeks with his trembling hand.

"You this spell seemed too much on your body," Ashley noticed that and he just sighed.

"I think I should refrain from using it except at the last needed moments," he took his hand back while holding it with the other hand behind his back. "In fact I just feel a bit hungry and exhausted. Might need a few hours of sleep and will be alright after."

'You need a long time of rest,' the sound of the old man reverberated once more inside his head. 'This spell is much higher than what your current body can tolerate. Despite executing a minor form of it, your body is very exhausted and you need to rest well before fighting again.'

'I won't fight now,' Jim inwardly sighed, 'at least not before I heal everyone and have some rest. It's a blessing the town is void of fighting.'

'Yeah, it's a real blessing.'

"We are ready," Deno returned fast with others while handing one ring to him, "we stored everything inside. All the other rings and extra gears that we don't need are in there."

Jim received the ring before finally feeling a little dizzy.

"Are you alright?" Lan asked, "you look paler than before."

"I need some rest, that's all," Jim said before taking a deep breath. "Let's go in, we need to find someone to heal everyone first."

"No, we need to head for the hotel first," Jenny said in a decisive tone before adding, "I'll take good care of you with Ashley while the boys will look for means to heal themselves."


"No buts," Ashley joined Jenny as she added, "you won't do us any good if you were severely injured right now out of exhaustion. Rest well and leave things for Deno and Rick, right?" she turned to glance at the two and they hurriedly nodded.

"Sigh," he had no other option but to follow their arrangements. The team entered the town once more and headed directly towards the hotel. Jim thought of calling Rili, but he found that he had no way of contacting him.

'Next time I'll have to ask for something to call him with,' he thought.

'There is a way you can try to reach out for him with,' the old man said, 'but I believe by the time you rest he will appear on his own.'

'I hope so.'

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