I’m the Slit-Eyed Character at the Academy, but I’m not the Mastermind

Chapter 281

Chapter 281


A thunderous roar echoed from the sky. It was a chilling sound that made it seem as if the sky was about to collapse.

The full-scale attack, Heavenly Lightning.

I checked the information through the holographic window and couldn’t help but be astonished.

‘Another gimmick here…!’

Fortunately, it wasn’t an instant kill.

Moreover, even though it was Benius’s turn, skills, artifacts, and mysteries could be used for defense.

The problem was:

‘Can everyone survive?’

That was the question. Thinking could wait. Giving orders came first.


Short and concise. But in the current situation, there was no better directive.

As I gave the command, the sky opened up.


White lightning began to strike all over the battlefield.

While the survival of others was crucial, my survival was equally important.

‘If I fall while holding Adonis’s Spear, it’s all over…!’

I raised the ring in front of my face and shouted.


The ‘Nameless Devotee’s Ring’ obtained through a deal with Caron.

An artifact that could use a 6-circle level [Shield].


Crackle— Crackle-!!

It seemed enduring [Heavenly Lightning] was too much. Lightning pierced through the shield and rushed toward me.

I had no more defensive measures, but that was alright.

I had a sturdy body and the ‘Barrier of Order’ given to me by Daike as a gift (or curse).

An artifact that reduces damage by 80% in case of a critical injury.

The weakened [Heavenly Lightning] after piercing the shield should be bearable.



Of course, enduring the pain was a different issue. It was my first time experiencing electrocution.

My entire body, including my vocal cords, was paralyzed, so I couldn’t even scream.

After the excruciating time that felt like being hammered all over,


I collapsed to the ground without realizing it. It was the aftermath of my body suddenly loosening up.


Electrocution. It’s an experience I never want to repeat.

I resolved to avoid electric-type magic no matter what.


The lightning that had been relentlessly striking the battlefield vanished as if it had never been there.

There were still sparks flying here and there, but they were just the final struggle before disappearing.

I leaned on my spear and slowly got up. As my view rose, I could assess the surroundings.


“Is everyone… is everyone okay?”

Charred skin, twisted hair, minor burns everywhere.

Everyone looked similar. I must look like that too.

‘Well, as long as everyone’s safe.’

Since everyone here was a main character, it wasn’t hard to guess how they survived [Heavenly Lightning].

Alex used his unique defensive skills, Rodelin used an artifact, Yuridia and Victoria used magic and divine power.

And Raymon…

“Ugh, ugh… that was close.”

…dodged the lightning.

No joke. His clothes, skin, and hair were all untouched.

Proof that he had dodged the lightning.

‘What an unbelievable evasion ability.’

How great it would be to have such an excellent tank in our party.

Of course, with Luna around, Raymon couldn’t join us. She’d rip his throat out instantly.

‘Come to think of it… what happened to Luna and Dwener?’

‘Spirit’s Breath’ is a top-tier artifact, but it can only protect one person.

If it were [White Lightning], Luna would have rushed to block it, but Benius used [Heavenly Lightning], a full-area attack.

Without any defensive means, Dwener would have inevitably faced death.

With a guilty heart, I searched for him and saw something shocking.

Someone with charred black skin was lying on the ground.

It wasn’t Dwener. Dwener was pouring a potion into the person’s mouth.

“Could it be…”

No, it couldn’t be. It must not be.

But seeing the sword he held, I had to acknowledge it.

The charred black person. That was.


It was Luna.

Everyone’s eyes turned to her at my shout, and their expressions hardened immediately.

The reason Luna was down was simple.

She handed over ‘Spirit’s Breath’ to Dwener to save him.

She used her defensive skill [Moon Shadow], but Luna’s lack of mastery meant she couldn’t fully block [Heavenly Lightning].

She had to endure over 80% of its damage with her body.

It was strange. Luna knew better than anyone that her [Moon Shadow] couldn’t handle it.

Why did Luna make such a foolish decision to give ‘Spirit’s Breath’ to Dwener?

Why on earth…

-I got it! Leave it to me!

I suddenly remembered Luna raising both hands in response.

That’s right. The culprit was me.

Because I asked her to protect Dwener. That’s why Luna made that choice.

I knew Luna valued her promises with friends.

But to hand over ‘Spirit’s Breath’ even in a life-threatening situation?

‘What an idiot.’


My grip on the spear tightened.

Luna might have wanted to save Dwener out of her own will.

But even so, it was still a foolish choice.

‘No one would blame you for being a bit selfish in such matters!’

Valuing someone else’s life over her own. Our Luna is truly a fool.


“Hurry, heal her!”

As Yuridia and Victoria moved towards Luna,

[5 Turns]

The holographic window signaled the start of our turn.

I shouted to stop their actions.



“The demon… defeating the demon comes first!”

If Yuridia and Victoria moved towards Luna, we’d lose the opportunity to attack Benius.

The last turn. And in a situation where victory wasn’t guaranteed, we had to pour everything we had.

“You cold-blooded monster! How can you say that now?”

“She’s a companion! A lover! And yet…!”

The ones fighting just moments ago were now united as a team.

But even now, there was no time to waste. I quickly thought and spoke.

“Victoria, you may move. You can’t fight in your current state anyway.”

In turn 4, those hit by Benius’s [Demonic Magic] were me, Victoria, and Raymon.

With Victoria paralyzed and in an ‘unable to act’ state, she was fine to move away.

“But Yuridia, you cannot.”

“What do you mean!”

“There’s nothing you can do even if you go. Are you going to grill Luna with fire magic?”

“You, you…!”

She couldn’t argue. There was nothing wrong with what I said.

“Enough! I’ll treat Luna as soon as my paralysis wears off, so don’t talk to that moron anymore.”

Victoria ran towards Luna in a hurry.

Yuridia huffed and turned her head away.

“Zero, calm down!”

Rodelin ran towards me from afar.

Although it used up her ‘move’ opportunity, I didn’t stop her. I intended for Rodelin to come to my side anyway.

As soon as she arrived, Rodelin spoke, her words slightly faster than usual.

“Have you determined that you can subdue the demon right now?”

It seemed she understood my thoughts.

Possessing the qualities of a commander, as expected of Rodelin.

I nodded, and Rodelin gave a faint smile.

“As expected. Then it’s an excellent decision. It’s the quickest way to save Luna.”

That’s right. The quickest way to treat Luna.

Killing Benius. That was the fastest way.

‘The 5th turn is our last turn.’

A turn-based quest with a limit of 5 turns and a penalty of ‘death.’

If we didn’t kill Benius this turn, it meant everyone here would be annihilated.

So, instead of focusing on saving Luna, it was right to concentrate on defeating Benius.

‘…Even if I rush to Luna, there’s nothing I can do. I don’t have recovery skills.’

The decision I made was the most accurate and wise. But.


I was too angry to hold back.

Because of my foolish decision, Luna was in a life-threatening situation.

And I couldn’t do anything about it, which made me feel utterly pathetic.

“Calm down.”

At that moment, something warm wrapped around my hand. It was Rodelin’s hand.

“Humans can’t be perfect. Luna’s current state isn’t your fault.”

“…But you’re always perfect, aren’t you?”

“Do I look perfect even in this state?”

Rodelin lightly tapped her head with her hand, causing her ponytail to sway side to side.

No, calling it a ponytail was a stretch. It was more like Victoria’s roll-bun, twisted and tangled.

Because of the electrocution, it was a mess, tangled and scorched.

“I strive for perfection, but I’m not perfect. If I were, I would have dealt with that demon long ago.”


“Zero, me, everyone. No one is perfect. Humans can’t be perfect.”

That’s right. Humans can’t be perfect. If humans could be perfect, the world would be endlessly happy and beautiful.

And because humans can’t be perfect…

“That’s why we need comrades. To complement each other’s shortcomings.”

I knew that well.

How did I know? Because I heard it.

I heard it countless times while playing this game, and it was one of my favorite phrases.

And the one who always said this…

‘Was Rodelin.’

Always helping me, the user.

Helping everyone in this game move forward.

That was Rodelin.

“Damn this body! Obey my will!”

Victoria, who had reached Luna, was struggling in a weird posture.

Paralyzed and ‘unable to act,’ using [Healing] was naturally impossible.

Still, seeing Victoria do her best brought a slight smile to my face.

“Do you trust me?”

“Of course. If I don’t trust you, who would I trust?”

“Then use ‘Purification’ on me.”

Rodelin’s necklace artifact. One of its embedded spells was [Purification].

Rodelin lifted the necklace and touched it to my chest, whispering.


A soft blue light enveloped me.

[Status effect ‘Paralysis’ has been removed.]

Benius’s [Demonic Magic] was dispelled.

With Victoria paralyzed, Rodelin was the only one who had [Purification].

And it was a once-per-battle [Purification]. But Rodelin didn’t hesitate.

“Keke, you trust me too much, don’t you?”

“I told you. People need to complement each other’s shortcomings. That’s what this is.”

That’s right. Alone, we can do nothing.

But together, we can achieve it.

‘Let’s keep it simple.’

If we kill Benius here, the battle ends.

With Victoria by Luna’s side, the sooner the battle ends, the faster Luna can be treated.


We kill the demon. No.

We destroy it.

“Everyone who can move, attack!”

In reality, there weren’t many who could attack.

Luna was injured.

Raymon and Victoria were paralyzed.

Rodelin used [Purification], consuming her action.

Rezé probably ran away when the full-area [Heavenly Lightning] was cast.

So, the only ones who could attack were Alex, Yuridia, and me.

These three.

“Lightning Strike!”

“Flame Spear!”


9%. The same figure as the last attack in turn 4.

Not even 1% decrease. But.

‘I will kill him.’

Daring to kill the child I raised with care.

I will kill him. Even if I have to bite him to death!

As I prepared to throw my spear, someone stood in front of Benius.


Come to think of it, there was one person who hadn’t acted yet.

The principal of Annwood Academy, the commander of the first year, and.

This world’s Don Quixote, Dwener.

–TL Notes–

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you want to support me or give me feedback, you can do it at /MattReading


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