I'm the Evil Lord of an Intergalactic Empire!

Book 9: Chapter 9: The Original One-Flash

Book 9: Chapter 9: The Original One-Flash

The thick, heavy gate is blown away, and as the four of us enter, we are greeted by unmanned security drones which shower us with laser attacks.

We retaliate with our One-Flash, causing slash damage to appear on the trees in the garden and the buildings of the mansion.

I notice a sniper on the roof, and slice the bullet that they fire.

So, they were waiting for our arrival. Their information network seems quite decent.

We walk in slowly, and we don't come across any non-combatants.

They must have known we were coming, and evacuated in advance.

In their place are bodyguards, and soldiers wielding weapons.

Seeing them appear from the other side of the windows, Fuuka unleashes her One-Flash, cutting them down in an instant.

Rinho opens her mouth and says, Senior Brother, I'll go this way.

She points to the right side of the mansion.

Fuuka pulls out her sword, and points to her left.

Then I call dibs on this side.

I can sense the presence of the Original One-Flash's disciples where they're pointing to.

If we spread out, they would no doubt make their move as well.

You can do whatever you want, but if you meet the schoolmaster of the Original One-Flash, you must let me know.

Fuuka seems unwilling to do so.

How 'bout making it first come, first-serve'? I wanna aim for the schoolmaster too.

Rinho agrees with Fuuka's opinion.

Senior Brother's being unfair.

Yes, I'm an unfair person.

And what if I am?

The girls avert their eyes when I smile at them.

Now that I've gotten their consent, I head into the mansion with Ellen.

Time to teach those trash over at the Original One-Flash what a true One-Flash looks like.

The Guide and Gudwar were watching Liam, and his companions, rush into the governor's mansion from far above.

The show's about to begin.

The Guide spread his arms out in glee when he saw Liam had jumped straight into a trap on his own volition.

Of course, there was a chance of Liam emerging victorious.

However, a large army of enemies were approaching their group from behind.

Even if he came out of the mansion alive, he would still be trapped.

Gudwar was excited about the battle between those who could unleash the One-Flash.

Fight. Spill your enemies' blood. Entertain me. You guys exist to entertain me with your struggles.

Gudwar, who only saw humans as tools for entertainment, was curious to see how Liam would die.

The Guide, on the other hand, didn't care so long as Liam perished.

There's no escape for you, Liam. Today is the day you die!

Fuuka was taking a walk inside the courtyard of the governor's mansion.

After she separated from Liam, she had been advancing while dealing with the drones and guards that came her way.

Ordinary people wouldn't have understood what was going on as enemies dropped like flies around her.

Suddenly, Fuuka stopped in her tracks, and slashes appeared a few centimeters away from her.

The ground had been carved away by several people unleashing their One-Flashes all at once.

She looked up and found disciples of the Original One-Flash standing on the roof.

Among them was the senior disciple that she had met the previous day.

You guys actually decided to storm this place? Must be a bunch of idiots.

The disciples of the Original One-Flash snickered.

Fuuka, a small smile hung on her lips, used her twin swords to unleash a One-Flash onto her surroundings.

However, as her opponents were fellow members of the same school, all of her attacks were intercepted, and none of her enemies fell.

She wasn't surprised by this.

The disciples, however, saw this, and were convinced of their victory.

After all, there were ten of them and one of her.

Although they were individually weaker than Fuuka, they had an overwhelming advantage in number.

The senior disciple stared at Fuuka, and the corner of his mouth raised up.

To spread your forces despite being fewer in number. Do you not understand what strategy is, or have you become too conceited?

Fuuka quietly drew her swords after being called out for her arrogance, and prepared her stance.

The notion of sword stances didn't exist in the School of One-Flash, and the senior disciple looked at her quizzically.

Fuuka, despite being at a disadvantage, laughed.

Ya speak too much. Just come at me, ya third rates!!!

Fuuka unleashed yet another wave of One-Flashes around her, and the disciples tried to block them the same way as before.

However, blood splashed as some of them failed to parry the attacks.

The senior disciple was shocked and looked around, only to see that their swords had broken.

He turned his attention back to Fuuka with clenched teeth.

Fuuka, on the other hand, was disappointed by the results.

Three, huh. It's less than I thought.

She was preparing to attack again, so the senior disciple called out to his allies.

Attack her all together! Don't give her time to fight back!

Now that her enemies were starting to get serious, Fuuka flashed a fierce smile.

Shoulda done so from the beginning.

Meanwhile, Rinho was facing a lone man.

Only one? Seems like I've drawn the short end of the stick.

The man introduced himself to Rinho, who was feeling down about only having one person as her opponent.

I'm the prime disciple of the Original One-Flash. I'd appreciate it if you don't treat me like the others.

The man, who declared himself the prime disciple, had a stern look on his face.

Rinho's interest was slightly stirred.

She unleashed her One-Flash to test the waters, and the man responded in kind.

A number of sparks scattered, but they were nearer Rinho, which indicated that she was being pushed back.

You really are the prime disciple.

You aren't half bad for a little girl. How about becoming my disciple?

Rinho was pissed off by the man's offer.

She had long, dark blue hair and gave off the impression of always being calm because of her orderly appearance.

It was a stark contrast to Fuuka's flashy looks.

Nonetheless, of the two, Rinho was more easily swayed by her emotions.

The expression on her face vanished.

Trash shouldn't let things get to their head.

The bloodlust coming out of her slightly swayed her hair.

The tense atmosphere inside the mansion cooled in an instant, but the prime disciple appeared unaffected as he believed in his strength.

What a pity. You have a decent face, and here I was thinking of making you my mistress.

Sparks scattered once more between the two as their One-Flashes clashed against one another.

Scratches appeared on the corridor of the mansion, and windows shattered before being blown away.

The walls, ceiling, and floor were not spared from the damage.

The prime disciple took a step forward, which prompted Rinho to step back.

The prime disciple had a frown on his face when he saw this.

I won't spare anyone that goes against me. Prepare yourself, little girl.

He took another step forward, and Rinho took another step back.

There was a grim look on Rinho's face, and cold sweat ran down her forehead.

We stop in front of a big door.

Ellen, wait here.


Nineteen. If I include the enemies Rinho and Fuuka are dealing with, the one in the far back should be the governor. Ellen, you should move away from here.


As you are now, you will only get in the way.

Subject to my glare, Ellen looks down before scurrying away.

Looking at her back, I wonder if I've said too much, but there's no helping it.

I can't afford to care for her at the moment.

Feeling several strong One-Flash presences, I open the door and enter by myself.

What awaits me are nineteen disciples of the Original One-Flash.

The huge door closes with a bang, and I hear the sound of heavy metal clicking.

Apparently, they've locked the door.

What a wasted effort.

I can just rip off the door with a single One-Flash, so I don't see the point of locking me inside.

I look to the front, and a few guys that seem stronger than the rest step forward.

Welcome, Liam-dono.

Address me as a Lord when you speak to me.

It's honestly beneath me to so much as meet with members of One-Flash who have fallen from grace.

The other disciples become angry at my attitude, but the three in front of me show a different reaction.

They laugh.

Apologies. We are senior disciples of the Original One-Flash. In other words, we are fellow disciples of the same school. We pay our respect to our senior.

I don't like how they're acting as if they're above me despite calling me their senior.

Enough with the chitchat. Why aren't you coming at me?

One of the senior disciples' grins, and approaches me for a deal.

Simple. Would you like to make a deal in exchange for sparing your life?

I'll at least listen to what you have to say.

Our master, the governor of this planet, admires Liam-dono greatly. If you are willing to join hands with him, you will be allowed to walk away from here with your life. But in exchange, you will be working for the governor in the future.

The governor admires me?

That's rather interesting, but to think he'd say he's willing to spare my life.

On top of that, he wants me to work for him?

A mere governor should know his place.

Enough with the nonsense. Return our Master immediately.

That would be impossible. I'm calling this a deal, but our side is in a far better position.


Anger begins to work its way up my body while facing these enemies who appear convinced that they have the upper hand.

The senior disciple talks about the current situation.

60,000 ships will be gathering on this planet, all from supporters of the Calvin Faction. I wonder what they'll do to you once we hand you over.

I've decided on what to do with these guys.

Well then. I'll just have to save Master after defeating everyone here. Nothing more, nothing less.

The senior disciple shakes his head.

So, the negotiation has broken down.

The disciples of the Original One-Flash fire off their One-Flashes simultaneously.

This room seems to have been made sturdy enough for such an occasion only left scratches behind.

Several slashes land near me, leaving scratch marks on the floor.

It's quite spectacular seeing nineteen people unleash their One-Flashes at once.

Invisible slashes.

The traces left behind by the attacks from enemies hailing from a school of swordsmanship, which prioritized in killing its foes, can be seen all over the room.

The senior disciple looks at me, and grins.

Do you still wish to continue?

Of course.

I start dashing as One-Flashes gets hurled at me one after another.

Scratches appear in places where I previously stood as I run around the room.

I only block the attacks that will hit me.

Sparks continue to be scattered around.

As a result, from the outside it would appear as if fireworks are chasing after me.

The senior disciple watches me run around, and makes fool of me while laughing.

Running away won't get you anywhere! Seems like defeating a Sword Saint doesn't mean much!

Ive known for the longest time that fighting against someone from the same school wasn't easy.

However, I didn't know things could be this tricky when I'm outnumbered.

None of them are as good as Rinho and Fuuka individually, but with nineteen people, I'm starting to feel a sense of danger.


To flee from the attacks, I climb up a pillar and start running on the wall.

It's as if I've become a ninja.

The enemies can attack as much as they wish while I have my hands full with blocking them.

The situation can't get any worse for me.

There are scratches everywhere in the room now that I've spent some time running around.

The other members of the Original One-Flash join in on ridiculing me.

Liam isn't as scary as the rumors say!

This shows that we're stronger than him!

The Original One-Flash is the strongest school of swordsmanship! We'll prove it by taking Liam's head!

I'll be the one to take his head!

No, it'll be me! Whoever gets it will be rewarded by the governor!

They've even begun to compete over who'll take my life.

There's only so much reward that a mere governor can give, and yet these fools are trying to compete over my neck for that.

Before I notice, tears begin to form on the kimono that I'm wearing.

I was cornered so easily.

I feel dissatisfied by my lack of ability.

I won't be able to perfect the One-Flash like this.

Drawing my sword, I slash at one of the disciples.

As I do so, I notice something peculiar about the opponent's movement.

And by that, I mean he becomes extremely flustered trying to receive my blow.


In fact, he seems terrified.

I'll be bombarded by a barrage of One-Flashes if I stay in one place for too long, so I jump away.

As soon as I do so, the senior brother raises his voice toward the enemy that I just attacked.

What are you doing, you disgraceful bastard!

P-please forgive me!!!

Is it possible for a swordsman that can unleash a One-Flash to falter so easily before an approaching enemy?

Maybe it's because he knows I'm stronger, but still.

Questions are popping up inside my head, but I shake off my thoughts to concentrate on the battle.

A little more. Just a little more.

I'm reaching my limit, and it's becoming difficult to breathe.

My body's also screaming in pain.

I jump into the storm of One-Flashes conjured up by my enemies, and avoid them all at the last minute.

My clothes get ripped, and a graze appears on my cheek. Blood flows out from within, but I don't pay it any mind.

A bit more. Just a bit more

As I refuse to fall, the enemies have decided to resume their attacks after spreading out around me.

At long last, I receive an injury as I fail to intercept the attacks that are coming from all sides.

From there, I get hit by all the enemies' One-Flashes.

I haven't seen my blood dance in the air since the days of my rigorous training with Master.

Cheers erupt from the surrounding.

We got him! Liam's down!

Not yet! His wounds are shallow!

No, he can't move anymore. I'll be taking his head.

I'm on my knees and bleeding, my consciousness is about to fade.

This reminds me of my painful days of training, and Master Yasushi's face suddenly make its appearance inside my head.

He's smiling, and he seems to be saying something.

Right. A long time ago

Master Yasushi once taught me something.

It was around the time I got a grasp of unleashing the One-Flash.

All my focus was in my training, and I remember asking how I could unleash a One-Flash like Master.

However, instead of giving me the answer directly, Master taught me something else.

Liam-dono, some time's it's important to take a moment to pause and think.'

I was confused by what he meant.

Take a moment to pause and think?'

That's right. Don't limit yourself to one truth. Things can look different from different angles. Question everything you believed in until now, and improve upon them. That is what it means to study martial arts. If you get stuck along the way, first begin by doubting yourself.'

Doubt myself?'

Yes! You must first doubt yourself! Understood? Great!'

As I reminisce about my conversation with Master, the flow of time around me slows down.

Doubt? Me? My One-Flash?

I've never been able to surpass my Master. Does that mean I've made a mistake somewhere down the line?

Was I mistaken from the very beginning?

Could it be that Master never drew his sword from the beginning to the end?

I come to a realization.

An enemy approaches my side and raises his sword, ready to swing it down on my neck.

At the same time, an electronic voice is heard from the training armor that I'm wearing under my kimono.

[The training armor has reached its limit. Forced shutdown.]

Freed from the load that I've been burdened with thus far, I slash at the disciple that has approached me.

However, instead of using One-Flash, I use my sword to do so.

This surprises the senior disciples, and the regular disciples alike.

I stand up, and look up at the ceiling.

Reality is cruel.

I've come to realize the truth of One-Flash.

Brian (`; ; ): Before saying anything what happened to not looking down on your enemies?! This Brian demands an explanation!

Wakagi-chan (): T-tomorrow is the day of release for Volume 2 of I'm the Evil Lord of an Intergalactic Empire!' P-please look upon it favorably. Gramps, you should calm down.

Brian (): No! The Master whom I serve is a sword maniac it's painful.

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