I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

C185 Are Those… Humans?!

C185 Are Those… Humans?!

Check out early access chapters on my Patréon, currently 14 chapters ahead! 



Peter's eyes locked onto Stane, and in that instant, everything clicked into place. He quickly pieced together why the Decepticons had raided Stark Industries. Stane had to either be captured or, more likely, working with them. 

Given the look on Stane's face—the stutter in his voice—and knowing his character from the movies Peter had seen in his past life, it all made sense. 

'Stane is working with them,' Peter thought. 'But why are they hostile toward him now?'

He didn't know for sure, but if he had to guess, Stane had probably found the location of Sector 7 and fed it to the Decepticons, believing the AllSpark would still be there. 

Unfortunately for him—and the Decepticons—the AllSpark wasn't at Sector 7 anymore. It was now hanging from Peter's neck, hidden beneath the collar of his shirt.

As these thoughts raced through Peter's mind, Tony turned toward Stane, his confusion evident. "Obi?" he asked, his voice a mix of shock and disbelief. "What the hell is going on?"

Stane's eyes darted nervously between Peter and Tony, his usual confidence crumbling under the pressure. "Tony, I… I can explain," he stammered, his voice shaky. "It's not what it looks like."

But Peter wasn't fooled, and he hoped Tony wasn't either. But Stane had been like an uncle to him, family in every way but blood. And while Peter, with his knowledge from his past life, could clearly see Stane's guilt, Tony's mind instinctively made up excuses—clinging to the idea that there had to be some explanation. 

Tony's voice softened slightly, almost pleading. "Obi, what is this? Talk to me. Did the Decepticons kidnap you?"

Stane, sensing an opportunity, straightened slightly, trying to regain his composure. "Tony, I didn't have a choice. They—these robots—they appeared out of nowhere and threatened me." His eyes darted nervously toward Tony, hoping he bought into his lies.

But Peter remained silent, watching with an air of quiet suspicion. He knew better. Stane was playing the victim, but his guilt was all but written on his face. The longer Stane talked, the more Tony's doubt began to creep in.

"What were you doing here?" Tony pressed, his suspicion growing with each passing second.

Stane opened his mouth to respond, but before he could answer, a sharp whirring sound filled the air. The armless Decepticon, Unit 127, had recovered enough to take aim. His remaining arm transformed into a plasma cannon, which began to hum with energy as it charged up.

Peter noticed it immediately. His senses flared with the warning, but Tony, engrossed in his conversation with Stane, didn't notice the danger looming over him.


In a split second, the Decepticon fired a massive ball of plasma directly at Tony.

Acting on pure instinct, Peter thrust out his free hand—his other still gripping his lightsaber—telekinetically swatting the plasma blast away from Tony. The energy ball veered off course, reversing and smashing into Unit 127's leg instead.


The explosion tore through the Decepticon's limb, sending him crashing to the ground with a thunderous impact. His metal frame groaned as he fell, his optics flickering with pain and confusion.

As the dust settled from the blast, Peter turned to Tony, who was now fully aware of what had just happened. "You good?" Peter asked, his voice steady despite the chaos.

Tony nodded, shaking off the shock. "Yeah… yeah, thanks for that."

But before either of them could say more, the sound of engines filled the air as the Jedi ships overhead began to descend. The ships landed in quick succession, and soon, the area around Peter and Tony was flooded with reinforcements.

Windu led the Jedi, their robes flowing as they disembarked from the ships. Peter's crew—Groot, Cosmo, Howard, Rocket, Teefs, Lylla, and Floor—joined them, immediately readying themselves for battle, weapons in hand. 

Peggy and Steve stepped out, followed by an armed team of Shield agents and the Black Widows, who now worked under Peggy's leadership. Even Wanda and Pietro Maximoff were present, their powers crackling around them as they prepared for whatever lay ahead.

The only ones missing were the mutants—the Brotherhood and X-Men—but Peter knew they would arrive soon. They had been notified, but unfortunately, they hadn't been in the Red Room at the time.

As the group gathered, Pietro's eyes lit up with excitement. Without a word, he vanished in a blur of motion, his super speed carrying him straight to the fallen Decepticon.

Pietro zipped around the massive machine, poking and prodding at its severed limbs. "Eww, that doesn't look good…" 

The Decepticon roared in frustration, swatting at him with his remaining hand, but Pietro easily dodged the attacks, appearing on the other side of the Decepticon in an instant.

"Maybe we should call a doctor for you? Or maybe a mechanic?" Pietro taunted, darting in and out, messing with the Decepticon even more. 

"Ugh…" Unit 127 groaned, his optics flashing with fury as he tried, and failed, to catch the speedy mutant.

Peter watched the scene unfold, a mix of amusement and exasperation on his face. Finally, after a few moments, he shook his head and started walking toward the Decepticon.

"Enough," Peter muttered under his breath. 

Without hesitation, Peter plunged the blade deep into the Decepticon's chest, the black energy blade cutting through metal and circuitry as it pierced the Spark inside. The Decepticon let out one last, pitiful groan before collapsing completely, its lifeless body crumpling to the ground.

Pietro appeared beside Peter, his usual cocky grin in place. "Come on, I was just having a little fun," he said, though there was no malice in his voice.

Peter rolled his eyes, retracting his lightsaber. "Fun's over, for now."

"Awww…" Pietro groaned like a child. 

"Oh, relax. There will be more Decepticons to play with soon," Peter said. 

Pietro grinned, clearly enjoying the excitement. "Hehe, I can't wait…"

Before they could move on, Tony suddenly stepped forward, his gaze fixed on Stane. There was a flicker of something darker in Tony's expression—suspicion, dawning realization, and anger. 

"Obi," Tony said, his voice tight, "why are you really here?"

Stane's eyes widened, and he stuttered. "I—Tony, I already told you, I was—"

"No," Tony interrupted, his voice colder now. "None of this adds up. You're here with the Decepticons, right after they robbed Stark Industries and stole my father's arc reactor." His eyes narrowed. "You came to see me after it happened and didn't say a word... It was you, wasn't it? You're working with them."

Peter watched as Tony pieced it all together, knowing this was the moment where Tony's doubts would finally crystallize. Stane's guilty expression said it all.

"You've been a traitor all along, haven't you?" Tony's voice sharpened as the realization hit, connecting the dots in his mind. "You've been selling Stark Industries weapons behind my back. Sokovia—" he paused, his eyes flicking toward Wanda and Pietro. "Stark Industries doesn't sell to anyone but the U.S., and the U.S. never deployed soldiers in Sokovia. When you told me what happened to you, I realized that someone in my company has been selling under the table. 

Tony turned back to Stane, a look of betrayal and hurt etched on his face. "But I never thought it would be you, Obi."

Wanda and Pietro went silent, their expressions darkening as Tony's words hit them. They had hated him for the destruction of their home in Sokovia, for the death of their family, believing Tony to be responsible. But now, hearing him lay it all out, they began to realize that while Tony bore some responsibility—after all, it was his company's weapons—it wasn't him who had sold them. 

It was Stane!

Stane's eyes darted between Tony, Wanda, and Pietro, his nervousness increasing by the second. He tried to maintain his composure, but Tony's accusations had rattled him. "Tony, listen, I can explain—"

"No!" Tony's voice rose, filled with fury. "You were like family to me. I trusted you. My dad trusted you. And you've been betraying us this whole time."

Peter watched, his arms crossed, sighing inwardly. While it was great that all of this was coming to light, now wasn't the time to deal with it. They had more pressing matters…

Realizing his excuses were falling flat, Stane dropped the facade. "Tony, you don't get it! I built Stark Industries! I did all the work! Your father—Howard—he sat back while I slaved away, and you—you're just a spoiled brat! Sure, you and your father made some weapons, but it was my work that made Stark Industries what it is today! And what do I get for it? Nothing! It's your family name on the building, your legacy, not mine!"

Stane's voice grew louder, more unhinged as he ranted. "I had to act as your father's assistant, and then your babysitter! Do you know how much I resented that? I deserve the credit! Not Howard! And certainly not you!"

Tony's hands clenched into fists, his fury barely contained as Stane's true feelings spilled out.

Wanda and Pietro, already furious, seemed on the verge of attacking. Wanda's fingers sparked with crimson energy, and Pietro tensed, ready to use his speed to take Stane down.

Peter had had enough.

He strode forward, ignoring Stane's frantic gaze, and without a word, slapped him across the face with enough force to knock him unconscious. 


Stane crumpled to the ground, completely out cold. Peter sighed, grabbing the back of Stane's shirt and dragging him over to Peggy and her agents.

"Restrain him and leave a few agents to guard him until we're done with the Decepticons," Peter instructed the agents.

As two Shield agents came forward to take Stane away, Peter could feel the rising frustration from Tony, Wanda, and Pietro. They all began to complain at once—Tony furious about the betrayal, Pietro and Wanda eager to take their revenge on Stane.

But Peter wasn't in the mood for any more distractions.

He turned toward them, his eyes narrowing. He couldn't use the Dark Side of the Force, not with the Jedi around, but he didn't need it. Reaching out with the Force, Peter subtly increased the gravity around Tony, Wanda, and Pietro.

Wanda and Pietro collapsed to the ground, the weight of the increased gravity pinning them in place. Tony, with his armor's assistance, managed to drop to one knee, but even he struggled against the invisible force pressing down on him.

Peter's voice was calm, but there was an edge to it. "We're here to complete a mission," he said firmly. "When the mission is over, we'll deal with Stane and unravel all of his crimes and betrayals. But until then, I need you three to fall in line, or leave."

Wanda and Pietro struggled to get up, but the gravity was too much. Tony, gritting his teeth, managed to raise his head, but even he couldn't fully resist the force pressing him down.

"You're wasting my time," Peter said, his voice cold. "We have killer robots to deal with. So focus up, or go home"

With that, Peter released the gravity hold on them. Tony, Wanda, and Pietro slowly regained their footing, their anger still simmering but tempered by Peter's warning.

"We've got work to do," Peter said, turning his attention back to the task at hand. "Let's move." He ordered as everyone followed, including Tony and the Twins, stepping through the busted open bunker door of Sector 7.


Meanwhile, inside Sector 7, Megatron paced back and forth, his massive metal feet creating a low, ominous thud with each step. His patience, already thin, was beginning to wear even further. Unit 127 should have returned by now, dragging that sniveling human Stane behind him. But there had been no sign of him. No report. Nothing.

He cast a sidelong glance at his subordinates. Starscream stood off to the side, his usual smug expression gone, replaced by a tense, wary look. The other Decepticons shuffled uneasily under Megatron's gaze, all too aware of his growing irritation.

"What's taking so long?" Megatron growled, his voice a deep, rumbling snarl that sent shivers through the room. 

None of his followers dared to answer, the room falling into an oppressive silence. Starscream's optics darted nervously from side to side, clearly waiting for Megatron's ire to erupt.

"Starscream," Megatron barked, his patience at its limit, "send someone to find out what's happening."

Just as Starscream opened his mouth to issue an order, a new sound echoed through the chamber—a distant but unmistakable sound of battle. The rapid-fire blasts of plasma weapons, the boom of explosions, and, more chillingly, the screams of Decepticons dying in battle.

Megatron's optics narrowed as his sharp sensors picked up the unmistakable sounds of combat. "What… is going on out there?"

Starscream turned sharply toward one of the smaller Decepticons, a specialist in interfacing with technology. "You," he snapped, pointing to the tech Decepticon, "find out what's happening. Now!"

The smaller Decepticon immediately rushed to the nearest console. Its spindly, metallic form scurried across the floor, and with a mechanical whirr, it extended a long, pointed hand toward the interface. The tip of its hand transformed into a sharp data spike, and it plunged the spike into the computer terminal.

Sparks flew for a moment, and the monitors around the room flickered to life, displaying various live camera feeds from around the facility.

Megatron's optics locked onto the screens, his immense form looming over the monitors as they displayed the unfolding chaos throughout the bunker. His soldiers—his mighty Decepticon warriors—were being slaughtered, one after another.

The feeds showed Peter and his group storming through the halls of Sector 7, cutting down Decepticons with frightening efficiency. 

Peter, at the head of the group, wielded a weapon Megatron had never seen before—an energy blade that hummed with deadly power. But it wasn't just the weapon that shocked Megatron. It was the way Peter fought—using some kind of strange, invisible force to throw Decepticons aside like ragdolls, to disarm them, to crush them with seemingly no effort.

"What… what is this?" Megatron muttered, his optics wide with disbelief. "What power does this human possess?"

On the screens, the scene only grew more disturbing. The Jedi accompanying Peter moved with similar agility and power, their own energy blades slicing through Decepticons with precision. 

And then there were two others—a man and a woman. The man moved with blinding speed, too fast for the cameras to track properly, while the woman's hands crackled with strange red energy that Megatron couldn't comprehend.

Starscream's optics flickered nervously as he watched the carnage. "It's the humans… right?" He asked, unsure if they were truly human. 

Megatron's metal fists clenched, his rage boiling beneath the surface. He had never seen anything like this—humans wielding powers that rivaled, if not exceeded, those of the Decepticons.

"How are they doing this?" Megatron demanded, his voice a furious roar that made the entire room tremble. "They're just humans!"

Starscream took a cautious step back, but even he couldn't tear his optics away from the screens. "I don't know, Lord Megatron," he answered, his voice filled with uncertainty. "But they're making their way here. We must prepare."

Megatron's optics narrowed, his fury bubbling over. He had never feared humans—never considered them a true threat. But this… this was something different. Something dangerous.

The man leading the attack, Peter, was unlike any human he had ever encountered. And he wasn't alone.

Megatron's mind raced, trying to comprehend the threat before him. He had seen many battles, fought countless enemies, but never had he faced humans with such power—humans capable of standing against the might of the Decepticons.

"Prepare the defenses," Megatron growled, his voice laced with deadly intent. "If these humans want to face us, then let them come. I'll crush them myself!"

A/N: 2700 words :)🚨🚨

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