I’m Only A Defense Against The Dark Arts Professor

Chapter 108: Strange Flamel

Chapter 108: Strange Flamel

Sherlock looked at Flamel, who was surrounded by a group of wizards, at the building in the yard, and recalled the scene where Flamel had just come out. It was as if he had come from the backyard, not from inside the house.

It was just an insignificant little detail, but Sherlock paid attention to it.

“We should go too.” Seeing Flamel talking to the guests, Fleur called Sherlock and Harry.

“Sorry everyone, I went to Lyon the other day, and I just came back today. Sorry for causing all of you to be staying in Paris for so long.” Flamel seemed to be rather mild-mannered, and after seeing the guests, he apologized.

“Because of this, I made you all come to my house in one day, and I can’t serve you all at once in the house, so I can only meet you outside the house. However, I am also clear about your purpose, and there is still something to be discussed. Come to the back of the yard; there is an open space there.”

They followed Flamel to the back of the yard. When Sherlock walked next to Flamel’s house, he observed his garden. In his house, there is obviously a large back garden, which is definitely more than enough to serve the dozen or so wizards here.

For some reason, he did not choose this back garden but one outside the home. As Flamel said, there is a large open space at the back of his yard, very remote, where no Muggles pass by, and a dense forest not far away.

There are many seats and small round tables on the lawn, and some desserts and tea cups are on them. It looks like a tea party was prepared. The guests sat down on chairs around the table, and Flamel received letters of introduction from everyone.

He stood in the middle and said in a circle, “The long life has made me tired of being alive, and death is something everyone must experience.”

“I figured this out a year ago. After consulting with my wife, we decided to destroy the Sorcerer’s Stone. I plan to prepare for my own death and prevent the Sorcerer’s Stone from falling to someone with bad intentions.”

“But the Sorcerer’s Stone is the most wonderful work of my life. Even if it is destroyed, the fragments left behind still have magical powers beyond imagination.”

“I plan to send these fragments out to the new generation in the wizarding world as the last thing to leave this wonderful world before dying.”

The guests applauded. Sherlock also admired his motivation to give up immortality. Riddle, who even dismembered his own soul for immortality. At the same time, this old man doesn’t want it.

He took out a small blood-red crystal from his pocket, allowing everyone to see its dazzling color under the reflection of sunlight.

“A fragment of the Sorcerer’s Stone, the magic it retains can still make it a powerful alchemy item. As for the use of this item, you can explore it yourself after you get it.” Flamel took the shard of the Sorcerer’s Stone back into his pocket.

At this time, Sherlock seemed to see a familiar sign on the arm where Flamel put down the hand briefly exposed, and he was stunned for a moment.

Flamel continued, “But it’s too simple and boring to give you the fragments directly. So, I want to hold a small game with you.”

“There are twenty-three fragments of the Sorcerer’s Stone, and there are seventeen of you here. I hid all the fragments in that forest.” He pointed to the forest not far away.

“You can go there to find them. No matter how many pieces you can find, all will belong to you.”

At this time, someone couldn’t help but ask a question, “What if none of them are found?”

“I can only say sorry for you. As it depends on your own effort whether you can find it or not.” Flamel said, “In the process of searching for the Stone fragments, for the sake of fairness, neither of you can use magic. Before entering the woods, you can temporarily leave your wand with me.”

After hearing this, the visitors below began to whisper.

“Seventeen people, looking for twenty-three fragments. The probability that everyone can find one is quite high.” Fleur said eagerly.

Sherlock frowned, “Why does it need to be played like this? What should we do if there is a problem while searching for the fragments?”

“A problem?” Harry asked in confusion.

“If you find two fragments but someone else didn’t find one, don’t you think they will go after you later? About getting one later, whether with force or not?”

Fleur and Harry were silent when they heard Sherlock’s words. They circled around, and others were discussing who would enter the woods and find the fragments.

Fleur said hesitantly, “Everyone seems to be fine, so they wouldn’t do such a thing.”

Sherlock didn’t hear Fleur’s words. He was looking at Flamel with a thoughtful expression. He always felt that what he said did not match the words he had said earlier. What made him even more suspicious was the sign he had seen on other people he met within two days.

Just when he felt that something was wrong, this game of finding the fragments of the Sorcerer’s Stone had already begun.

A wizard couldn’t wait to stand up from his chair, leave his wand, and enter the woods. Almost all of the guests joined in, leaving their wands in Flamel’s hand and walking into the woods. The only people sitting on were Sherlock’s group.

Fleur couldn’t wait any longer, “Aren’t you going to participate? Isn’t the purpose of coming to France to get the fragment from him?”

Harry looked up at Sherlock, but Sherlock shook his head, “I came to visit Flamel. The main purpose of my trip here is to relax my mind. As for the fragments.” Sherlock smiled, “I’m not very interested in that thing. Even if the whole Sorcerer’s Stone is there, I wouldn’t care. If you want, you can just go in.”

Fleur stood up from her chair, “I’ll go then, and if I can find two, I’ll give you a piece.”

Sherlock raised an eyebrow, “Thank you for your generosity.”

Fleur walked over to Flamel, handed over her wand, and walked into the woods. Now, there were only Sherlock, Harry, and Flamel. Flamel noticed them, walked over to them, and asked.

“Aren’t you going to go in and try?”

Sherlock waved his hand. “I’m traveling with my students this time. I’m lucky to be able to see you here with my own eyes. Anyone who is more suitable than me can get the fragments.”

Flamel looked at Sherlock and Harry’s faces, recalling the letter of recommendation they gave him before they sat down.

“You are people from England, as recommended by Dumbledore.”

Sherlock narrowed his eyes slightly, “Yes, sir, I am Sherlock Forrest, Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts, and this is my student, Harry Potter.”

“Harry Potter?” After hearing the name, Flamel suddenly showed a surprised expression and turned his eyes to Harry.

“It really surprises me to see you here.” After learning of Harry’s identity, he was interested in Harry’s wand in his pocket.

“Is this your wand?”

Harry took out his wand in a daze and showed it to Flamel, “Yes, I got it at Ollivanders.”

Flamel took Harry’s wand from his hands, stroking the body of the wand gently with both hands., “About eleven inches. This wood is chosen by those who like dangerous and noble tasks, and you are just right for it.”

He waved Harry’s wand. A beautiful orchid blooms at the tip of the wand.

“Ah, the core of the wand is a phoenix tail feather. It doesn’t match well with the wood, but as long as it is crafted well, it is a magic wand that is amazing.”

Flamel expressed great admiration for Harry’s wand and then returned it to Harry’s hands. Sherlock had been watching him silently. He saw a trace of greed that was suppressed in his pupils, and his movement when he gave Harry’s wand seemed a little reluctant.

“Excuse me. You can stay here for a while. It is estimated that they will return with the fragments in a moment.” He nodded to Sherlock and Harry and walked into his yard holding the box full of wands.

After his figure disappeared around the corner, Sherlock’s eyes gradually turned cold, and he stood up from the chair.

“Go back to the car and wait,” he said flatly. “Remember, if you see me, ask me where the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets is. If I can’t answer, attack me directly with a spell.”

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