I’m an Ordinary Returning Student at the Academy

Chapter 100

Chapter 100

[Translator – Angel Dust]

[Proofreader – Prototype]

Chapter 100

Lefia, the Fifth Princess of the Lasker Kingdom, had come to the Empire for study… or perhaps exile.

There must have been some unpleasant events back home. Lefia couldn’t have avoided the tension and fear that came with them.

While a few showed sympathy, most people took a neutral stance on Lefia’s sidelining of the Second Princess, saying it was only natural. They even went so far as to say that all direct descendants except the Second Princess should disappear for the sake of the kingdom’s stability.

Therefore, Lefia felt somewhat relieved by her departure to the Empire. At least she wouldn’t have to hear such harsh words or see such cold stares.

“Could you tell us a little more about that, junior?”

But it seemed she was wrong. Something ominous was in the air.

The blonde woman was one thing, but the silver-haired elf and the red-haired woman beside her were truly frightening. They stared at Lefia as if shooting beams of light from their eyes.

“U-Um… What are you talking about…?”

“Don’t play dumb. We heard all about it. You were embraced by Karl, Lefia.”

Karl? Ah, perhaps they meant Karl Adelheit, the young lord of the County of Friedrich. Lefia quickly thought back.

Even though she had been exiled by the Second Princess, she wasn’t completely clueless. She wouldn’t have survived the fierce royal power struggle if she were.

“If you’re talking about Young Lord Karl Adelheit, he did help me for a brief moment when I almost had an accident earlier.””

She put a little more emphasis on the word ‘brief.’ She wanted to make it clear that it was unintentional, that it wasn’t something she had planned.

It seemed all three women here had some connection to Karl.

Especially the blonde woman in the middle. Selena, was it? She seemed to have a closer relationship with him than the other two. Lefia could sense it.

If she showed any weakness now, if she acted arrogantly, it would be a disaster.

Right now, she wasn’t a Lasker princess but an exchange student at the Imperial Academy. Even if something happened, her home country would likely remain silent unless it was a major issue.

“I was so flustered at the time that I ended up being rude. I didn’t even thank him properly… It seems you three are close to Young Lord Karl Adelheit. Could you perhaps convey my gratitude to him on my behalf?”

You’re close to Karl, but I’m not. So there’s no need to be so wary of me.

Lefia struggled to emphasize that point. The glares from the elf and the red-haired woman were too terrifying to ignore! They looked ready to pounce at any moment!

“Is that so? I see.”

Fortunately for Lefia, Selena seemed more rational than the other two.

She was still wary of Lefia, but it was just wariness, not outright hostility. That was a relief.

Lefia quietly followed the three women, maintaining her composure.

Shouldn’t a princess of a nation be treated better than this? The question briefly crossed her mind, but she quickly suppressed it.

This was actually bearable. She remembered receiving even worse treatment when she left her homeland for the empire.

“How was it?”


“How was it? Karl’s embrace. What did it feel like to be held by him?”

“I’m curious too. Being embraced by Karl.”

“Master’s embrace… Master’s embrace…”


These women were strange. Not scary, but strange!

“Um… I’m not sure what kind of answer you’re looking for…”

“Your honest impression. When Karl appeared at that critical moment and embraced you! How did it feel?”

“Was it like you owned the whole world?! Ah! Should I try falling in front of Karl too?!”

“Master’s embrace… Master’s embrace…”


Lefia needed a new topic of conversation. She had to change the subject.

Deep and brief contemplation, swift and bold action. That was a Lasker proverb. And as a Laskerian, Lefia acted accordingly.

“W-Wait! Before that, we haven’t even properly introduced ourselves yet?”

“Are you talking about self-introductions?”

“Didn’t you hear us introduce ourselves to the administrator earlier?”

“Master’s embrace… Master’s embrace…”

“Y-Yes, but! It’s still proper to introduce ourselves and greet each other directly!”

Thankfully, Selena responded to Lefia’s floundering.

After a moment’s thought, she gracefully performed a noble curtsy and gave the self-introduction Lefia desired.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m Selena Ifrit, from the Marquisate of Nafplion in the empire. I graduated from the academy this spring and will be entering grad school.”

“Oh dear, what a bother to introduce ourselves again… I’m Eloise Loengrand, an exchange student from Hyzens. Soon to be a first-year. Happy now?”

“…I’m Lavrenti. I’m a commoner, so I don’t have a surname. I’m also a first-year, like you.”

“Senior Selena, Eloise, and Lavrenti, it’s nice to meet you. I’m Lefia Arkebel of the Lasker Kingdom! Please take care of me!”

Alright, take a breath. Gauge the situation, then quickly move on to the next topic!

“So, Senior Selena, why are you going to grad school—”

“We’re done with introductions, right? Then again, how was it when you were embraced by Karl? Tell us in detail.”

“Instead of hearing it from her, why don’t we just ask Karl to hug us too? What do you think, Senior Selena?”

“Eloise, please be quiet for a moment. And it’s obvious you’d be the first to run to Karl if I said yes.”

“Hehe, you got me there!”

“…Selena, I think we need to deal with this elf first. Eloise, I mean.”

No, wait a minute. Please. Why are you all acting like this?! How did it feel when I was embraced?!

I don’t know! I don’t even remember clearly! All I remember is that his gaze was so warm! But I can’t even say that because you all look like you’ll kill me!!

[PR/N: Lmao… T_T]

* * *


What’s with this strange sense of foreboding creeping up on me? I don’t understand.

I think the first thing I’ll do when I get back to the academy is find those four and make them confess to whatever trouble they’ve caused.

‘Once I get back, that is.’

I’m busy too. My sister is preparing for her wedding with the crown prince this spring, my future brother-in-law. And I’m busy preparing to inherit the Friedrich County in her stead.

“Don’t feel too pressured, Karl. I won’t hand it over right away. You need to graduate before you can properly prepare.”

“Still, I should learn as much as I can now so I can have an easier time later.”

“That’s true.”

My sister and I have a very good relationship, so the servants and vassals of our family have readily accepted me as the young lord.

It’s usually difficult to gain their support when the heir suddenly changes, but that wasn’t the case for me.

“It’s only natural. What’s important in the world of nobles? Reputation and honor, Karl. And you have an overwhelming amount of both.”

Father chuckled, pointing to the medals proudly displayed in the cabinet.

“Speaking of which, I heard you met the Fifth Princess of Lasker when you went to receive the Highest Order of Merit.”

“To be precise, I didn’t just meet her, I caught her with my body when she fell out of a carriage.”

“And thanks to you, the princess wasn’t injured. Well done. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Land and Infrastructure would have been in quite a predicament otherwise.”

“Those two departments already tried to give me another medal as thanks, but I managed to turn them down.”

Medals. Yes, I can receive more. But please, give me some time between them.

Let’s agree to one medal per month. Don’t try to give me two, let alone three, in a month. My chest can’t handle it!

“I heard she was practically exiled here to study.”

“Yes. The Minister of Foreign Affairs told me it was essentially exile. The Second Princess limited her entourage to less than ten people.”

“Hmm. Even the collateral relative who enrolled last year brought dozens of people. The situation must be quite serious.”

Father clicked his tongue and stroked his chin, muttering, ‘Fifth Princess. Fifth Princess Lefia.’

“She’ll be your junior, right?”


“Look after her at the academy, not too closely, but just enough.”


What was this sudden request? Why would Father say such a thing?

She wasn’t family, a relative, or even an acquaintance. She wasn’t even from the same empire. She was from Lasker!

“Father, why are you suddenly asking me this? I don’t understand.”

In his youth, my father was the ultimate weapon against Lasker. Without exaggeration, he crushed Lasker like Faker dominating the LPL. He’s not exactly fond of Lasker. That’s my father for you.

But now he’s suddenly saying, ‘Look after the princess from Lasker’?

Yet such a person suddenly tells me, ‘Take care of the princess who came from Rasker.’

“Well, you see…”

At my question, Father gave an awkward laugh and continued.

“The Fifth Princess’s mother… her maternal family, that is… they were the ones I fought against on the battlefield. Hmm. To be precise, I crushed them with my own hands.”


“Ah, but I didn’t take their lives. I just made sure they couldn’t even look in the empire’s direction again. Anyway, their family’s power must have dwindled because of that, and it might have played a role in this whole situation. So, I’m asking you to look out for her a little.”

Excuse me, Father? You want me to be nice to the granddaughter of the family you personally crushed?

And you said you ‘crushed’ them, so it doesn’t sound like you went easy on them!

“Father, you realize there’s a slight contradiction in what you’re saying, right?”

“Ahem. I know, son. But think about it. Isn’t she pitiful? She must be going through a lot in a foreign country. And since you saved her, wouldn’t it be easier for you to approach her?”

Easier for me? With you as my father, the monster who crushed Lasker?

I’ll be lucky if this Fifth Princess, Lefia, doesn’t run away screaming at the sight of me!

[TL/N: Ay!! We Finally hit 100 Chaps! 🎉]

[PR/N: Haha.🍷🗿]

[Translator – Angel Dust]

[Proofreader – Prototype]

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