I'm A Wasteland Giant

Chapter 267: 266: Yan Ruyu!

Chapter 267: 266: Yan Ruyu!

Translator: 549690339


Da Zhuang and Qiao Bing were very excited. This was Big Dragon Essence after all. Over all these years, generally only Controllers had the qualifications to have it. Those below Controllers basically had no chance to obtain this essence.

“Of course. You guys are our team members!”

At this time, Long Aotian also laughed heartily said, “It’s just the Big Dragon Essence. Who dares to disrespect me, Long Aotian?!”

Du Gang smiled and continued, “But to get the Big Dragon Essence, we need to win the war first, at least take over the Dragon Pit, and then hold it!”

“That might be a little tricky…”

Although they had just arrived, they had heard about the battle situation between humans and the Demon Clan in the first layer of the Abyss Wild Zone. For all these days, the human race had basically been at a disadvantage, not even capturing a Dragon Pit once.

“People from the third layer of Abyss are coming back!”

At this time, a voice came from outside, then Kong Xu entered.

“Why are you here?!”

Little Hawk King asked in surprise.

“Why can’t I come?”

“Isn’t it that you are learning the most difficult secret technique from your family’s Great Power…”

Kong Xu laughed, “It’s impossible to fully master it, but I did learn some basics. I can say I’ve made a start!”


This time, even Long Aotian was not calm.

Hearing their words, Du Gang asked in confusion, “What technique?”

If it’s just the Supreme Technique, they probably wouldn’t be acting like this.

Kong Xu explained with a smile, “Nothing much, just a special secret technique, a method independent of the four techniques of Heaven, Earth, Mysticism, and Primal Chaos!”

“Too modest!”

At this time, Yao Zijie laughed, “If Kong heart’s Boundless Secret Art is not considered much, then nothing else really is…”

Boundless Secret Art?

Du Gang paused, not understanding what it was.

Yao Zijie knew he didn’t understand and explained, “Boundless Secret Art is a secret technique created by Kong…”

“Secret techniques, unlike other techniques, can be created by anyone, but the power and level of creation vary. However, secret techniques are difficult to create even by genius talents, and each one is extremely valuable…”

Du Gang thought of Jiu Mi, narrowed his eyes, and asked, “So, are secret arts more powerful than Heavenly and Earthly Mystic Techniques?!”

“Not entirely!”

Yao Zijie laughed, “Secret arts also depend on the situation. Some are even more powerful than Heavenly and Earthly Mystic Techniques, but some are not…”

“Compared to what you say is powerful, I would say secret arts are actually more strange and exotic. If using military strategy to explain techniques, while Heaven and Earth represent orthodox strategies, secret arts would be unorthodox ones…”

Du Gang understood. Jiu Mi was a very powerful secret technique, while other secret techniques were more like assists based on different usage points.

Like one of the Jiu Mi, the Jie-Character Secret, it doesn’t directly produce a method of attack, but it can increase the combat power by ten times, an all-round augmentation, and varies according to the strength of the user.

“Secret arts are different from other techniques. Other techniques progress and the power level increases correspondingly, but secret arts usually come in only two stages of achievement.”

“Entering the door is considered a small achievement, with mastery is a grand achievement. In fact, it’s very difficult to have any achievement at all. Secret arts are much more difficult to cultivate than other techniques!”

Everyone immediately looked at Kong Xu enviously. In a situation where none of them know any secret arts, if he alone has learned one, that’s too amazing.

Du Gang didn’t envy them. He himself had already learned the secret arts, and even more so, there’s no reason for him to envy others.

“What do you mean by ‘the people from the third Abyss layer are coming back’?”

Hearing this, Kong Xu laughed, “I arrived a bit earlier than you and went out to find some news. Because the first layer of the Abyss Dragon Pit has been occupied by the Demon Clan for a long time, our Ancient City Abyss Army is getting impatient, so they finally called back the people from the third layer…”

After hearing this, everyone else also got interested, “What is the prowess of the God Spirit Level of the First Tribulation, who can reach the third Abyss layer?”

“Even the weakest God Spirit Level of the Fourth Tribulation would at least master the Mystic Level Art…”

Mystic Level Art, even people without background could exchange it if they had enough Merits within the army.

This was the benefit released by the Abyss Army, giving the chance for the poor to rise.

“And the ceiling of Divine Power technique for Mystic Level Arts is fifty, and the coefficient for God Spirit Level of Fourth Tribulation’s Divine Power technique is 10X. This means that the God Spirit Level of the Fourth Tribulation at the very least possesses 500 Naers of Divine Power technique!!”

Long Aotian didn’t think it was anything at first. But when he heard this, he was dumbfounded, “You mean, the guy coming back from the third Abyss Layer might have control over 500 Naers of Divine Power Technique?!”

How is this possible? Those who can return to the first Abyss Layer must be God Spirit Level of the First Tribulation, otherwise, they wouldn’t be able to get in here.

And he has 500 Divine Powers, but the Divine Power technique can only use 100 Naers. Doesn’t this mean that the other party is more than five times stronger than him?

“All of us are God Spirit Level of the First Tribulation, but someone is five times stronger than us?!”

Everyone present was proud and accomplished, and they felt a little uncomfortable coming to this conclusion.

“It’s not a big deal. Those guys were just born earlier than us…”

Little Hawk King shrugged his shoulders, he wasn’t really bothered. He’d never shied away from anything as he grew up.

Yao Zijie nodded and said, “Yes, we just reached the God Spirit Level not long ago, our futures are still boundless…”

Meanwhile, Kong Xu continued the previous topic, “This time among the people who returned from the third layer, there is one who, as it currently seems, could be the strongest… Well, I wouldn’t know about other places, but within the range of our Ancient City Abyss, he would be the strongest entity among those of the First God Tribulation!”

“The strongest in God Spirit Level of the First Tribulation?!”

This term was very special. Every talented pride of the heavens present found it harsh to their ears and felt a bit unwilling to succumb.


Kong Xu nodded, “the other God Spirit Level of the First Tribulation in the third Abyss Layer were unknown, but this guy named Zhu Qing has indeed soloed a Fourth Tribulation God Spirit Level Demon Clan, and has brought back the bodies of more than one Fourth Tribulation God Spirit Level Demon Clan…”


Everyone was stunned.

They thought that those people were just messing around in the third Abyss Layer, just like how the common people here in the first Abyss Layer lukewarmly settle for the outer areas of the level.

Who would have thought those people had actually killed a Fourth Tribulation God Spirit, and even more than one!

So terrifying!

“Zhu Qing, is he from a poor family or a noble one?”

Long Aotian knew very little about forces outside of Penglai, so he didn’t know who this person was.

Kong Xu laughed, “In the southern part of our South Yue Province, there is a royal family who, strangely enough, originated from beggars…”

“So it’s that family!”

Although the people present had not travelled far, they had heard of the deeds of the Ancestor of the Zhu Family.

“It’s not surprising for members of that family… But why did he come to our place?!”

Everyone was puzzled. Logically speaking, there should be an abyss near the Zhu family’s area. Why did their children run over to the abyss of the ancient city?

Kong Xu chuckled and said, “What else could it be? A hero is having difficulty crossing over the beauty barrier…”

“Beauty? Which one?!”

Hearing this topic, all the men present were moved.

“Have any of you heard of the name Yan Ruyu?!”

Yan Ruyu?

Du Gang was taken aback, unsure of who he was referring to.

There was also a Yan Ruyu in their Earth’s history.

Long Aotian frowned, “Are you referring to the one from the Dream Building?”

“Exactly, the one from the Dream Building…”

Long Aotian scoffed, “I thought some woman had bewitched him, turns out, she’s just a woman of the world…”


Before Long Aotian could finish speaking, Yao Zijie quickly hushed him and then looked around before saying, “Don’t speak recklessly. Yan Ruyu is not that kind of woman…”

“You probably don’t know, but the women of Dream Building are of two kinds: those you can spend the night with and those you can’t…”

“As far as I know, the women of Dream Building are divided into several categories based on different qualifications…”

“For example, ordinary female disciples, basically have to climb up from the bottom step by step, but there are also some disciples with excellent qualifications, who are dignified as Saint Ladies…”

“Saint Lady?”

Du Gang’s mouth twitched a bit, “Can women of such places, even of a high rank, be called Saint Ladies?”

Yao Zijie was helpless. These people were too crude, and he rolled his eyes and explained, “The reason they are referred to like that is rooted in something…”

“The disciples of the Dream Building practice the Mortal World Technique, said to be a dual cultivation technique, and the more experiences one has, the stronger they become…”

“Normally, a Saint Lady cultivates an even more powerful technique. It’s said that their first time can enhance the cultivation of the other party, or you could say that both parties will greatly advance in their cultivation…”

“Are there such benefits?!”

Long Aotian was shocked. So sleeping with women could also increase cultivation?!


Yao Zijie looked eager, “There was once a man, a God Spirit Level who has only survived the First Tribulation. He merged with a Saint Lady, and overnight, he became a True God.”


Little Hawk King gasped, “A God Spirit Level surviving the First Tribulation became a True God overnight? You must be joking?!”

If he didn’t knew that Yao Zijie wasn’t one to lie, he would have suspected that he was being deceitful.

“This is true!”

At this point, Kong Xu nodded, “The man who spent the night with a Saint Lady from the Dream Building eventually became an existence on the Earth List…”

“Are the benefits that big?”

Upon realizing the role of a Saint Lady from the Dream Building, everyone present was tempted.

“So if you want to spend the night with a Saint Lady, what is needed?”


Yao Zijie scoffed, “The way you all speak, you seem to think Yan Ruyu is a lowly woman?”

He was discontent. As someone who frequently played in the Dream Building, he held these women in high regard and did not want others to belittle them.

“I advise you all to keep your mouths shut outside. Don’t talk like that anymore. Yan Ruyu is a Saint Lady and there are many men trying to win her love. That Zhu Qing who returned from the third layer of the abyss is just one of her many suitors…”

When Yao Zijie mentioned this, he suddenly turned his head to look at Little Hawk King and chuckled, “If I remember correctly, the current head of the Ying family is pursuing Yan Ruyu…”


Little Hawk King’s mouth twitched. He indeed knew about this. When he first heard that name, he felt something was amiss. Now it seemed that it was indeed the same person.

Soon, he laughed and said, “Actually, it’s not just our Ying family’s head who is pursuing Yan Ruyu, right? From what I remember, many powerful figures from Penglai Island are also pursuing her, aren’t they?!”

This is indeed the case. Yan Ruyu was not only a Saint Lady of the Dream Building.

One should know, the Dream Building was massive, located all across the continent. While there were not many Saint Ladies in each generation, there were still a dozen of them. Yan Ruyu was just one of them.

But people pursued her, not only because of her role but also because of her background.

Yan Ruyu’s master was the head of the Dream Building in the Southern Wilderness, in charge of all the affairs of the Dream Building in the Southern Wilderness.

This was not a minor position. To be able to lead the affairs of the Dream Building in the Southern Wilderness, her cultivation level had reached the God King Level, not to mention the power she held.

Therefore, obtaining Yan Ruyu would not only bring one cultivation advancements, but also relationships with a king.

Du Gang frowned, “So Yan Ruyu is in our ancient city abyss?”

He found it strange. He’d carefully examined the map. Their South Yue State was located in the corner of the Southern Wilderness and was neither a central place nor a prosperous area. So, what was Yan Ruyu doing here?

Yao Zijie laughed and said, “Indeed, Yan Ruyu is currently staying in the Dream Building here in the caverns of the Ancient City…”

Perhaps worrying about misunderstanding, he took the initiative to explain, “This Dream Building has four floors, the first three are open to the public, and the fourth floor is where Miss Yan Ruyu stays…”

Du Gang squinted and asked, “When did she come?”

Without any hesitation, Yao Zijie replied, “A long time ago. It is said that she came here tens of thousands of years ago…”

Upon hearing this, Du Gang was suspicious again.

Could he be overly worried?


After all, this woman came here tens of thousands of years ago. It couldn’t possibly have been to target him specifically.

He shook his head secretly, laughing at himself. He was paranoid, seeing everyone as a potential threat.

But it was inevitable. After all, being the only successor of the Ancient God, too many people had set their eyes on him!

“Let’s not talk about this, let’s discuss how we can beat the Demon Clan first…”

“What can we do? When Zhu Qing comes, let him lead the team, then it will be alright!”

Little Hawk King didn’t want to think too much, “Since Zhu Qing can unleash a technique with 500 Naer’s divine power, he alone should be able to wipe out the Demon Clan, right?!”

“Do you think the Demon Clan doesn’t have any comparable powerhouses?”

Du Gang shrugged, “Do you think the Demon Clan has been able to fight us for so long and still have the upper hand by relying on those weaklings?!”

He didn’t want to say more and waved to everyone, “Actually, I do have an idea…”

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