If I Don’t Die, I’ll Truly Be Invincible

Chapter 55

Chapter 55: He Can Still Laugh?

Ye Ning exerted so much force that he lost the dignity typically expected of a scholar.

However, to the members of the Supervision Institute, his actions were nothing short of a soul-shaking event.

The battle had begun!

They were instantly alert, their hearts racing.

They hadn’t anticipated that Ye Ning would commence with such a brutal, barbaric, and unrelenting approach.

This guaranteed that the Mighty Marquis’s estate would not take this lying down, especially given the Marquis’s arrogant and vengeful nature.

Who knew what he might do?

“Arrest someone? Arrest who? How dare he come to the Mighty Marquis’s mansion to make arrests!” Ji Mingyue raged.

She had gone to great lengths to put Ye Ning in the Supervision Institute, but he still refused to be quiet.

Not only that, he was now targeting the Mighty Marquis’s estate!

Did he even know what he was doing?

The emperor’s fury prompted Liu Jin to immediately kneel, though he noticed that beneath the anger, Ji Mingyue’s eyes were filled with worry.

“Is this real? The Supervision Institute is here to arrest someone at the Mighty Marquis’s mansion!”

“What crime could anyone in the Mighty Marquis’s household have committed?”

“Are you kidding? The real question should be what crime haven’t they committed?”

“That’s not the point. The point is where did the Supervision Institute get the nerve to confront the Mighty Marquis?”

“Exactly. Do they think they’re still the powerful Supervision Institute from the founding emperor’s time?”

“Like ants trying to shake a tree, utterly ignorant of their insignificance.”

The onlookers whispered among themselves.

They had followed along, curious to see what the Supervision Institute was up to, but now they were witnessing an unprecedented drama.

The Supervision Institute, usually dormant, was now challenging the powerful Mighty Marquis’s estate directly!

No one had faith in the Supervision Institute’s chances.

The Mighty Marquis’s estate had long dominated the capital, whereas the Supervision Institute was but a relic of the past.

“This official from the Supervision Institute is too rash. By kicking the door of the Mighty Marquis’s mansion, he’s tearing apart any pretense of civility.”

Many shook their heads, convinced Ye Ning was doomed.

His actions left no room for retreat.

To Ye Ning, however, there was nothing wrong with his actions.

Firstly, if the Mighty Marquis’s estate was angered, that was perfect—he hoped they would kill him quickly.

He was desperate to die, so why leave any room for escape?

Secondly, law enforcers needed to project authority. How could they speak kindly to criminals? Cai Xianggao’s manner looked more like a social call than an arrest.

However, the consequences of Ye Ning’s actions were enormous.

The Mighty Marquis’s household was undeniably infuriated.

The servant who had opened the door was so startled by Ye Ning’s kick that he fell back onto the ground.

Quickly recovering, he pointed at Ye Ning and shouted, “Just you wait! Just you wait!”

He was furious.

As a servant of the Mighty Marquis’s estate, he was used to being treated with respect by visitors who often offered bribes for entrance.

No one had ever kicked down the door like Ye Ning did.

The servant scurried inside, and soon the sound of chaotic footsteps echoed out.

Over a hundred robust servants poured out of the mansion, each armed with various weapons—long knives, short swords, pikes, and hammers.

Even more astonishingly, Ye Ning saw about twenty servants holding crossbows as tall as a man!

“Great Yellow Crossbows!” Cai Xianggao gasped.

These were military weapons, strictly forbidden for civilian use.

The Mighty Marquis’s estate had not only hidden these deadly weapons but was openly displaying them.

Did they have any respect for the law?

Watching through the mirror, Ji Mingyue’s face turned pale.

Her slender fingers clenched tightly.

Since she wasn’t truly a foolish ruler, she could see that the servants of the Mighty Marquis’s estate were elite warriors, armed to the teeth.

If they donned armor, their combat effectiveness would rival that of the imperial guards.

Why did a mere marquis need such a formidable private force and illegal military-grade weapons?

“Traitors and rebels!” Ji Mingyue fumed.

The Great Yellow Crossbows were drawn, emitting a chilling sound.

Surrounded by so many weapons, Ye Ning laughed—more brilliantly than ever.

It was coming!

He could finally feel the imminent threat of death he had longed for!

“He can still laugh?” The members of the Supervision Institute, the onlookers, and even Ji Mingyue were stunned by Ye Ning’s smile.

Facing such danger, a single slip of a crossbow could end his life, yet he smiled brightly. Such fearlessness was a rare sight.

Wei Wentong clutched his chest, feeling his heart pounding.

Niu Jinxi’s heavy breathing matched the sound of his knuckles cracking as he clenched his fists. He hadn’t felt this surge of adrenaline since leaving the border army.

“This man truly wants to die…” the old man muttered.

His fingers pressed firmly against a black box, which seemed to pulse with a life of its own.

Ye Ning’s smile also shocked the men from the Mighty Marquis’s estate.

Their steward’s expression changed slightly.

He wasn’t foolish.

While the Mighty Marquis’s estate was arrogant, there were still powers in the capital they wouldn’t dare provoke, like those backed by the immortal sects.

Ye Ning had kicked down the door and now faced this dangerous situation without fear, even smiling.

This confidence suggested he had strong backing.

“Who is this man?” The steward decided to investigate further.

He signaled for the crossbowmen to lower their weapons and stepped forward, asking, “Who are you, sir?”

Ye Ning didn’t answer directly but looked at him with interest. “Are you the steward of the Mighty Marquis’s estate?”

The steward was taken aback but nodded. “I am.”

Ye Ning clapped his hands. “Perfect. I am a censor from the Supervision Institute. I am here for you. You’ve been exposed. Surrender and come with us!”

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