I Was a Sword When I Reincarnated

Chapter 306 – Arrow of Godspeed

Chapter 306 – Arrow of Godspeed?

Translator: Makisima

Proofreader: Hylidahlia

By ranking up again, I got another 75 Self Evolution Points. Now, the top priority was to annihilate Magic Beasts.

“Tch… Any more than this, and it’s going to be difficult to maintain the current transformation!”

However, with one last blow, it should be finished.


Through the thread-like braids, I released about 50 Stun Bolts at the same time. The result was that even the Magic Beasts which were not pierced by the thread were all paralyzed and fell down on the spot.

Ekato Keravnos, and the steel thread attack coupled with the wide-ranging Stun Bolts—this series of attacks killed nearly 1000 Magic Beasts, and 1000 more were incapacitated.

“Somehow it worked out”

(Shishou, is everything okay?)


I felt like all my power was draining away. It was similar to a sense of emptiness or malaise which I had not experienced since I was reincarnated as a sword.

Was it backlash caused by exceeding my limits due to multiple activations of skills and magic? It may be the result of relying on Simultaneous Processing too much. If that’s true, I think I need to investigate Simultaneous Processing further…

“But now is not the right time to do that. I will apply everything available and try to transcend my limits. “

Otherwise, Fran would try to do everything by herself.




Around Fran, all Magic Beasts had been eliminated and creating a clearing. However, the remaining Magic Beasts just roared out of fear and did not try to charge. Moreover, the beasts withing Fran’s field of vision even retreated slightly.

The remaining Magic Beasts were out of range, so it’s hard for me to launch an attack from here. Was a second magic attack necessary?

As I was preparing for another attack, the voice of Valkyrie resounded. She amplified her voice by wind magic so that the sound soared across the whole battlefield.

“Wonderful, you managed to surprise me. .”

Even though this many Magic Beasts had been destroyed in a single shot, Valkyrie was still at ease. Was it because Evil Beings only suffered a small loss? However, it seems that she was not as angry at us as I had expected. Her anger seemed not to be against Fran, but against the beasts who were her allies.

“Fucking idiots! I’m so disappointed in you! Despite being the vanguard, and the subordinates of master Murellia, you are all shameful cowards!”

All the Magic Beasts were mortified by the words of the unrelenting Valkyrie, hanging down their heads.

“I have given up on all of you! At least have the dignity to die by the enemy’s sword; you will be doing Master Murellia a favor!”

It’s shocking that Valkyrie would say such words to her subordinates. However, the Magic Beasts were not depressed, but instead roared with eagerness. It seemed that they were responding to Murelia’s name. The atmosphere instantly changed in response to Valkyrie’s scolding.

Full of rage towards Fran, the Magic Beasts prepared to face their certain death.




All of the Magic Beasts charged at us together. Using magic, I attacked the front line, but it did nothing to slow them down. Since their lives were already forfeited , it seemed to be difficult to stop their assault.

They quickly closed the distance, and before long that the Magic Beasts had us hemmed in once more. Were they really trying to suppress Fran on their own? What was the point of charging us so recklessly?

Using Teleportation and Aerial Jump, we darted around beheading the Magic Beasts. If they were our only enemies, the situation would be completely under control by now…

At the same time, however, the Evil Beings bent their bows, and made their arrows rain down upon us. They deserve their reputation as a high tier race; the arrow storm they released was extremely powerful. Moreover, the Magic Beasts, as Evil Beings’ allies, also continued to attack Fran. It seems that the Magic Beasts were to serve as the cover for Evil Beings’ attack.


‘The Barrier must not be breached — FRAN!!’


As we navigated through the arrow storm from Evil Beings, while slashing our way through the Magic Beasts, the torso of a Magic Beast that was charging, suddenly flew toward Fran’s left shoulder and exploded with a crackling.



At that instant, I used my Telekinesis Power to grab Fran’s severed left arm, and took her out the siege using Teleportation.

“Fran, I’ll heal it now!”

(What, happened?) — Fran

“It’s Valkyrie’s arrow!”

Using Magic Beasts as a shield, Valkyrie released her arrow, in a straight line rather than an arch. Its speed even didn’t slow down for a little, even though it had gone through almost 10 Magic Beasts’ body in its way. It was so fast we barely had time to react.

However, because Fran shifted the hit-points at the last instant, the arrow that was aimed at her heart hit her shoulder. Gosh, how many narrow escapes have I had today alone!

“Nice reaction!”

‘… Nonetheless, it’s somewhat…?’

Fran’s instinct was extraordinary indeed, but it was a ridiculous attack. If Valkyrie had been closer, or if she released this Arrow of Godspeed continuously, then Fran would have been covered in wounds rather than just this one.

While using Dimension Shift and Teleportation in a small range so as not to be targeted by Valkyrie, I made a suggestion to Fran:

“Fran, let’s improve our sensory skills. If we do not increase our reaction speed, you will be killed before we can do anything about it. “

‘En. Entrust!’

“I can make the decision?”

‘Shishou knows best’

Well, while continuously using MP to maintain Dimension Shift, there really was no margin for us to talk too much. I quickly selected the skills and spent magic points on them.

Spending 16 magic points on Crisis Detection improved it to LvMax, and gave us the Detection Enhancement skill as well. Spending another 12 magic points on Vigilance also improved it to LvMax. Both of these skills were used to detect approaching danger.

It was still far from enough though. I used 18 more points on Reaction Speed Increase, which was obtained recently from Crimson Wolf, and improved it to Lv1. Although the remaining points were reduced to 29, I was able to get the skills I expected before.

Supreme Reaction is a skill that manifests when Fran uses Brilliant Lightning Rush. In order to stand a chance against Valkyrie’s Arrow of Godspeed both the improved Detection and Supreme Reaction are necessary.

“I can see the arrow!”

At that very moment, by using Telekinesis, I succeeded in blocking Valkyrie’s arrow. I had to focus more, but now it’s better than before when I even couldn’t see the Arrow of Godspeed.

As thus, it finally felt like I was standing on the starting line.

“Now we can fight back… !”


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