I was a Nerfed Hero in Another World

Chapter 175: The End Battle (6)

Chapter 175: The End Battle (6)

Despite my changes, I still remained in my humanoid shape. Like the demons near the city, I didn't grow horns or turn my skin on a scale. My body never extended into a monster, despite the power coursing through my veins. I was still my usual self, with the power enhancing my body.

The only change I received was a boost for my personality. This anger swollen inside of me had turned into a volcano of rage. And my target stood in front of me, despite the wounds covering the man's body.

"You made a contract with a demon.And now, you've become one! I have no other choice but to kill you know.Arthur" the king said, as he readied his sword.

But I gave out a chortle, with my eyes mocking King Arthur's figure. "Really? You're saying that to me even though you're wounded? Check your status, King Arthur, before talking. Let's see who can kill each other first, hm?"

Without a moment to spare, I launched myself towards the knight and swung my Clarent. King Arthur blocked it using his Excalibur, which also gave a faint glow. My system read the radiance as King Arthur's additional power he placed on his sword. 

However, even with that raw strength, my enhanced arcane still pressed on his skin. I aimed for his heart, but his sword shoved it to the side. 

"And here I thought you're going to kill me. You're all talk, but no bite, King Artyhur. You've been bullying me because you're stronger. But right now, I'm the one who has the powers."

After saying my fill, I impaled King Arthur's body with my sword. Clarent pierced through King Arthur's skin, eventually creating a cut. But I didn't  kill or hit the knight's vital organs. Thanks to his last straw, he avoided my blade and directed it to his side.

King Arthur finally found an opening and pushed himself backwards. My blade ripped through his skin and opened it like peeling a banana. However, that damned man still preserved his life. Even though I had cut his side, he remained healthyfor now.

I had not used any spells in my arsenal in this fight. Seeing King Arthur squirming soul was the only wish I had for this day. And that event had finally come before my eyes, with the cornered king.

"I've been itching to kill you, you bastard! You have nowhere else to run, King Arthur. Show's over!" I shouted, while preparing one spell from my system.

The screen told me that it was a blast powerful enough to destroy a city. I didn't care about the aftermath of my actions, even though we were in the demonic kingdom. I also prepared a defensive spell that could protect Merleen's figure. She also sat behind me, which was the safest place I could safeguard her from the explosion.

King Arthur knew what would come in his direction. After witnessing the power inside of me, the king waved his hand and conjured a magic circle of his own. Those runes written on the circular spell looked familiar in my eyes. But before I knew it, I reached out my hand and projected my detonation against King Arthur.

"I know I can't beat right now.But I will come for you soon."

Those were the last words escaped from King Arthur's mouth as he activated his magic circle. That spell served as a portal, which the knight escaped from my attack. 

King Arthur summoned two teleportation spells; one for my attack, while the other for himself. He must have known that my attack would follow him around, which made King Arthur readied another ability.

Even with my superb powers, I couldn't stop King Arthur's magical ability. Within a few seconds, my attack vanished before me. I didn't know where my projectiles had gone, since it happened in the blink of an eye. While that happened, King Arthur jumped inside the portal and disappeared from my sight.

After a moment, the only thing remained on the battlefield was Merleen and me. The demons had already fled from the scene, despite their tough nature. Those creatures escaped after hearing Abaddon's death by this human. And when that ambush happened, the demons took their chance and left the premises.

There were stray monsters in our vicinity, but none of them wanted to fight us. Instead of growling in our direction, those rabid creatures whimpered at my sight. It only meant that these animals noticed my overwhelming arcane flowing through my body. 

"With this power, I can destroy Albion. And if those demons stand in my way, I will kill them too."

War had broken out as soon as King Arthur knocked on the demon's front door. King Arthur had also killed Abaddon, who was the current demonic leader. As soon as the demons lost their crown, they would hire another for them to rule. The strongest demon would be their next leader, which would lead to chaos in the end. 

The only thing stopping this war was my brute force. Eliminating all the threats could end this nightmare, leaving only the innocent aside. Dictatoring everyone in this world sounded like praise inside my ears. And, before I knew it, nobody could stop me.not even my teammates.

"But my priority is King Arthur.He killed Fenrir," I uttered, and crushed the magic circle I created a while ago.

That knight slew my friend in front of me without giving her mercy. Fenrir also gave her life to Merleen, which I would be forever grateful for. The quote remained inside my head, which wreaked havoc through my thoats.

'An eye for an eye, a life for a life,' I thought, while clenching my fist.

The only thing that would satisfy my hunger was my bloody revenge. Taking King Arthur's head would be my utmost goal..Ending the war to its fruition would be my second priority.

But before anything else, I needed to heal Merleen's wounds. I had also learned a spell that could increase one's regeneration, which was also a part of my arsenal. It wouldn't take any arcane from me, considering I had an ocean of mana left. 

I turned my head towards Merleeen, struggling to breath. She still had a protective barrier surrounding her. But the girl needed assistance more than ever right now. 

Merleen had a myriad of wounds covering her body, including her head. My eyes widened when the thought came inside of me, which made me sweat a river. Fortunately, my system's appraisal claimed Merleen's safety. But if I would leave her aside, Merleen might lose her life because of blood loss.

"Hang on, Merleen. This spell will heal you.I need you to grit your teeth and wait for the ability to finish. I don't know how painful this spell could be, but bear with it, okay?"

Every spell inside Magique also had a side effect. Some players had mentioned that NPCs had explained their thoughts about the medicine in this world. Those herbs and potions would treat their wounds, but it came with a price. An excruciating pain would follow afterwards, leaving the NPCs dehydrated and weakened for a short time.

I was not a healer to begin with, so I didn't know how this shit works. I had never used a potion throughout my gameplay in Magique, which made it more difficult for me to analyse. 

But I brushed those thoughts aside and prayed for the best, hoping this spell would heal Merleen. Thankfully, when I activated my magicl, the ability covered Merleen's skin. Those runes went inside the little mage's body and amplified her healing process.

It took Merleen around a few minutes before the healing spell could kick in. And when it finally did, Merleen groaned in pain. Beads of salty sweat drenched her body, telling me about Merleen fighting over the pain. 

After a few more minutes, the pain subsided. My system notified me that the spell worked and healed most of Merleen's health points. It didn't go to full, but it was enough to keep her alive. I didn't know if the ability made Merleen unconscious, but the girl needed some rest. It was best for her to sleep for the time being instead of joining me to battle. Since the system announced her safety, it was time for me to leave. 

I also summoned a magic transportation circle beneath Merleen's body. These runes would send her towards our teammates, waiting for her arrival. 

However, as soon as I rested Merleen on the side, a hand grabbed my behind. Merleen's weak voice had also echoed behind me, calling out for my attention. I swivelled at my rear and met Merleen's worried eyes. 

"Arthur.take me with you..." Merleen asked.

I shook my head and replied, "I can't, Merleen. You're wounded. You need to rest for now. AndI don't want to lose you.not anymore."

"Arthur." Merleen pleaded, and grasped me tighter. "I want to come with you. I want to be with you!" 

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