I was a Nerfed Hero in Another World

Chapter 170: The End Battle (2)

Chapter 170: The End Battle (2)

Besides battling against King Arthur, he also had someone by his side. A knight emerged at King Arthur's flank and retracted his blade. It was Sir Geraint, a knight from the roundtable. If I had to guess Sir Geraint, he may be a friend that King Arthur trusted.

"I shall lend you my strength and battle for your cause, my friend..Am I allowed to join your battle, King Arthur?" Sir Geraint asked, while giving his body enhancement spells.

"You may, Sir Geraint. But leave Arthur and Merleen to me. You could attack that monster over there with that hideous fur."

Sir Geraint had a peculiar beard growing on his face, which described his ancient age. His armoured plate slowed his movements down, but enough to protect his skin. I even doubted that my Clarent would deal damage against that. 

"What are you planning to do after this, King Arthur? Now that you've killed Abaddon, you've achieved the right to rule this kingdom..Even though the demons hate you, you would be their ruler," I confessed.

King Arthur grunted and replied, "I am not planning to govern this kingdom.I am cleansing this world from evil, specifically the demons."

"Are you out of your mind!" I interposed, and raised my voice. "There's no point killing the demons when they're already dying from the famine! Give them a rest, will you? You already took away their leader! You could, at least, give the demons a little break from your superiority!"

"That's the probel, Arthur.You are too kind. These demons are also monsters who killed humans. It's because they do not look like us-a normal human being, blessed with an appropriate body."

"You are no human, King Arthur.You are a monster," I retorted.

"Fine.If that's what you see me, I don't care. After all of this, those people will thank me for killing these demons. When I accomplish my task, I will rest inside my citadel and admire my work," King Arthur continued. "While the war is happening, I will hunt for the Holy Grail. Abaddon gave me the coordinates to look for the chalice. But it appears that I need to crack a code unbeknownst to my knowledge.Maybe if you know the answers more than me, since you came from a different world.

King Arthur had a loose screw in his head as he narrated his goals. He thought that every demon had a chaotic mindset just because they weren't humans. Some demons had a kind heart. And Lilith demonstrated that kindness, trying to prevent the war from occurring.

King Arthur also mentioned the holy grail he needed to seize as the war continued. The holy grail would grant any food to those who found the chalice. It would also give an unlimited amount of mana to the user, which was a legendary class item of magique. 

I wanted to know more about the Holy Grail, but our safety was more important. If we wanted to live for another day, escaping this place would be our best bet. However, this event would be our last chance stopping King Arthur from doing what he wanted.

But, alas, King Arthur stood on our way. It was up to the three of us to battle against King Arthur and Sir Geraint. 

"We need to bring down King Arthur no matter what.I know this is a tough task to finish but we won't have any chance if we run away. It's now or never," I announced, while glancing at my two allies.

Merleen and Fenrir gave me a nod after hearing my words. Although we were not equipped to fight right now, we would do our best to stop King Arthur. Abaddon could have wore him out before we had reached this place. That exhaustion would be our chance to turn the tables around against King Arthur.

"Arthur, give me your orders."

"My mana is depleting. But I can still fight, Arthur!"

Merleen and Fenrir remarked as the two women rose from the floor. Their eyes glared at Sir Geraint, which sparked an idea inside my head.

"Fenrir and Merleen, you two take the knight. I'll take king ARthur.

Fortunately, I didn't have to deal with that. Fenrir and Merleen would be the ones taking Sir Geraint, while I fight King Arthur. It was three against two.How bad could it be?

After hearing my orders, Fenrir and Merleen widened their eyes in disbelief. Those two women looked at me with a worried face, while preparing their weapons. 

"Our fight against King Arthur didn't go as well as the three of us fought him.What would even happen if Arthur would fight that king alone?" Those were the faces carved on the women's faces as they gawked in my direction.

However, Fenrir and Merleen couldn't do anything about my words. It was the most logical plan we could do before the situation could go out of hand. And the only thing we needed to do was stop King Arthur from wrecking the demonic kingdom. Because, if he did, an all out war would happen.

"Trust me, okay?" 

Fenrir reluctantly agreed to my words upon hearing my statement. Since it had come to this, the three of us faced off against King Arthur and Sir Geraint. 

"Let us take this fight outside, shall we? King Arthur has graced us with a forefield, enough to fend off any uninvited creatures. Only humans could enter this realm. And since you're part human, you are technically allowed in the bubble," Sir Geraint said, as he launched himself to the roof. "If you won't follow me, I will attack you three, specifically Arthur."

That knight wished to leave King Arthur and me alone in a battle. Sir Geraint understood our game plan and went along with it. He had a brimming confidence and accepted my battle, which made the two women fidget their hands. But their worries wouldn't do anything, as Fenrir and Merleen leapt from the ground.

Two holes burst from the ceiling, leaving King Arthur and me behind. It was what Sir Geraint and King Arthur had mentioned. My system described the invisible wall covering us as a barrier of some sort. Despite appraising the shield, my system didn't detect any names from it. It only knew that it was an indestructible shield that blocked any creature besides humans.

"Perfect. There's nobody else bothering our fight.We can contend at our heart's desire without destroying any buildings. You won't even harm other demons in the city. It's fair play, Arthur; just like what you've wanted," King Arthur said, while inviting me for the first attack.

King Arthur and I had our swords in our hands, which were also Excaliburs. It was the strongest blade in Magique, where it could penetrate anything. However, there was still a difference between King Arthur's sword and mine.

My blade refused to give me the power I once had, while King Arthur had overwhelming strength. With raw power alone, King Arthur had the upper hand. But if I could compare our spells, I had that advantage.

Despite obtaining such a powerful sword, King Arthur couldn't use dark or light magic. That sword could only cut through physical and elemental matter, not the overpowered attributes. It was a window that I had to win this match. And if I lose, I would lose everything in a blink of an eye.

"I know you have a dark magic inside of you, Arthur. If I were you, I would use it immediately. I know most of your powers, because I've seen them. I have also watched you fight monsters when I stayed inside your body," King Arthur suggested, while chuckling to himself. "I may not have any of those unique abilities, but I have some spells of my own."

"If you're generous enough, can you spare me a minute?" I asked.

I needed to take whatever I could against King Arthur, even if it meant groveling on the ground. Much to my surprise, King Arthur sat on the throne and waved his hand.

"Of course, Arthur.Take all the time you need to fight me. I will reward you with a handsome offer.Just pray that's all you need to do to fight me.""

I took the bluff and called it my opportunity. Since King Arthur gave me his permission, I harnessed the arcane in this environment. This spell would take me approximately a minute to accomplish. Thankfully, with King Arthur's words, I could amplify my strength against him.

While that happened, King Arthur watched the obsidian lights flickering around us. It only meant that I activated my spell, which I would eventually absorb.

After a minute, my system announced that I had imbued Clarent with my dark magic. This dark matter would be the strongest weapon that would go against King Arthur. The fight would only depend on my experience in close-combat. All those battles I had would test me for this fight for our lives.

"I'm ready." With my word, the battle began. 

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