I Spread The Pokemon All Over The World

Chapter 42: It is strongly recommended to expel Druddigon from the dragon status

Chapter 42: It is strongly recommended to expel Druddigon from the dragon status

"Huh? Brother, you're not afraid that Dad will trouble you."

Seeing that her stinky brother was actually moved, Ruan Xinyi was amazed and laughed with a smile.

"Sister, you are not afraid, I will be counseled?" Ruan Youxiu pouted.

Ruan Xinyi kept clicking her tongue, and she was ready to breathe.

"Mr. Process should have already understood."

But Gu Xin doesn't care about this. Seeing that this handsome guy is also going to buy Pokmon, he is too happy.

Handing the store manager Pokdex to Ruan Youxiu, Gu Xin said with a smile.

"Of course, I want to smoke the best!"

Ruan Youxiu threw the Rookie Trainer manual to Ruan Xinyi, rubbed her hands and took over the store manager Pokdex, speaking nervously.

He had read all the Trainer manuals just now, and had a general understanding of Pokmon, but after all, he didn't have his own Pokmon, which made him very itchy.

"By the way, store manager, which Attribute is the most powerful?"

Ruan Youxiu thought about it for a while, and asked Gu Xin curiously.

"It must be grass!"

"Da pinch da pinch~"

Ruan Xinyi hugged Bulbasaur and said as a matter of course, Bulbasaur also called out very cooperatively.

Ruan Youxiu glanced at Ruan Xinyi and Bulbasaur with contempt, how did you say this?

"There is no absolute difference between Attributes. If you read the Rookie manual, you should also know this, because Attributes have a relationship of mutual restraint."

After thinking about it, Gu Xin replied, Pokmon Attributes are actually very mysterious, because they have a restraint chain.

The simplest example is the Attribute of Yu Sanjia, fire can control grass, grass can control water, and water can restrain fire, that's it.

Therefore, there is no absolutely invincible Attribute, even if it is as strong as the dragon type, it is also completely defeated by the Fairy type.

Because the dragon-type trick is ineffective for the Fairy-type, just like the intractable psychic Ghost-type, which is also restrained by the dark-type.

Even super powers are also ineffective against dark.

"But if we talk about the attributes that are more difficult to deal with, Ghost, Poison, and psychic are definitely the three iconic attributes. As for the Dragon..."

"Dragon-type can be said to be a standard powerful attribute, because dragon-type Pokmon are born with extremely powerful physique, and each dragon-type Pokmon is not only strong in attributes, but compared to other Pokmon, dragon-type Pokmon's strong physique is also a natural advantage. "

After hesitating for a while, Gu Xin explained it.

Needless to say, Ghost is supernatural, these two Attributes are definitely the top two of all Attributes.

And Poison Type is mainly trouble. In the hands of Trainer who is good at using poison, Poison Type can really make you want to die.

Not to mention the Dragon Attribute, it is not unreasonable that the Dragon Attribute is powerful, and the number of Dragon Attribute Pokmon is extremely rare.

So as long as you check Pokdex, you will find that, except for Druddigon, there is no dragon in its final form whose Species Strength is lower than 500!

Yes, it is precisely because of this that Druddigon is called the shame of the dragon by Pokmon fans, although Druddigon's Species Strength is not strictly low in ordinary Pokmon, and it is definitely a qualified level.

But it does pull down the average Dragon Pokmon.

Well, it is highly recommended to expel Druddigon from the dragon!

"Of course, these are all one-sided understandings. Whether Pokmon is strong or not depends on the Breeder of Trainer, and if Pokmon is fighting, the role of Trainer also affects too much."

Gu Xin added another sentence.

"I understand."

Ruan Youxiu thoughtfully wrote down the four attributes Gu Xin just mentioned.

Poison, Ghost, Super, Dragon!

Taking a deep breath, Ruan Youxiu solemnly clicked on 'go'.

Come on a dragon! Come on a dragon!

Ruan Youxiu stared at the black shadows that were constantly turning on the Pokdex screen, and kept praying to the Goddess of Luck, the Goddess of Fortune, the Yellow Emperor, the Yellow Emperor of the Sanqing Nuwa, in her heart.

Ruan Xinyi leaned over her head very curiously, and she was also curious about what Pokmon her stinky brother could draw.

After a while, the shadows on Pokdex gradually stopped.

"Boss, what is this?"

Ruan Youxiu was startled after seeing the Pokmon on Pokdex.

"Let me see, oh~ guest, your luck is also good, this is Elekid."

Gu Xin glanced at it and then raised his eyebrows, to be honest, the Pokmon of these guys are pretty good.

"Elekid? Electric?"

Ruan Youxiu repeated the name, and naturally thought of the electrical department.

"Yes, Elekid is a very standard Electric Pokmon, and the strength is also very good in Electric."

Gu Xin said with a smile, Elekid is indeed very good in electric Pokmon alone, and the final evolutionary Electivire is definitely not low in strength.

"It looks a little weird, not ugly."

Ruan Xinyi lightly pinched Bulbasaur's little cheek, carefully looked at Elekid's appearance and commented.

It's not ugly, but it's not pretty either.

"How do you say the guests? Should I re-draw or just decide? Elekid is still pretty good for my personal suggestion."

Gu Xin looked at Ruan Youxiu with a tangled face, and persuaded him more politely.

Elekid is definitely not bad among all Pokmons. He probably understands that Ruan Youxiu may want to smoke those attributes he just said.

But how can it be so simple? What's more, even if you get it, it's not necessarily as good as Elekid.

Not to mention that there's a good chance you'll get another one.

Of course, he is a seller, and Ruan Youxiu is a guest. The choice is still in Ruan Youxiu's hands, and it is up to him to decide.

"Just Elekid, boss."

After hearing this, Ruan Youxiu struggled for a while, and finally made a decision.

This is my first time!

Ruan Youxiu looked at Elekid in the picture and was quite satisfied. After all, it was the first time she had drawn out the little guy!

It's fate!

"Very wise choice." Gu Xin nodded.

He still prefers a more rational guest like Ruan Youxiu, um, although he prefers to take advantage of others.

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