I Reject Quests

Chapter 1: Earth

Chapter 1: Earth

Rewen felt a sudden headache as he looked at the blue-coloured transparent lights.

Although he was extremely confused, he regained his calm a few seconds later. Looking at the options [Accept] and [Decline], he pressed his finger forward to [Accept] with some hesitation.


Host: Rewen Klofar

Bloodline: Human (100%)

Age: 18

Strength: 5

Agility: 5

Endurance: 5

Dexterity: 5

HP: 50/50

MP: 0

Skills: [None]


[Ding! You have received Lvl 1 Beginner's Gift Pack! Would you like to open?]

[Yes] [No]

Giving a casual glance at the unfamiliar dark place, Rewen decided to not think much. Yes.

[Ding! You have received the 'Freestyle Knights Combat Manual! Would you like to learn it right now?]

[Yes] [No]

'Sure. Whatever, I guess.'

[Ding! You have learned the Freestyle Knights Combat Technique!]

[Skills: [Freestyle Knights Combat] (Initial Stage)]

"Now then, where the hell am I?"

Looking around, he found himself in a dark alley giving off a nasty smell. Getting up, he found an unfamiliar dustbin. Out of curiosity, he looked into it. Weirdly, he found some 200 Credits notes. "Wait, why can I read the language? And why do I know that they are credits?"

Rewen checked his memories and found unfamiliar things. "I seem to have lived on a different planet." He had many questions in his mind but for now, he decided to not think too much.

Absent-mindedly pondering about the recent events, he walked out of the alley. Out of his expectations, the streets were rather filled with crowds. He looked at the dark sky, then looked at his wristwatch.

"11:24 pm."

Noticing his watch, he glanced at his clothes. He was in a casual outfit. Reaching out to his pockets, he found his wallet.

Rewen heaved a sigh of relief seeing that he had more than enough to stay at a hotel for the night.

"Who am I whose body is this?" Even though he knew he won't find the answer, he still spoke his honest thoughts aloud.

In a daze, he suddenly found himself looking at a mirror. "Red hair, average face, fairly tall. Isn't this my own body?"

All of a sudden, a gush of memories entered his brain. He staggered backward a few steps colliding on the wall of a tall building. After a while, he eventually calmed himself down.

The planet he is on right now is called Earth. It had thirteen continents. Governed by Thirteen Celestials from respective continents. The continent he lived on is called the Yellow Continent, which instantly rendered Rewen speechless.

Couldn't the Continent Founder try a bit harder to give a more appropriate name?

What made him even more speechless was the fact that every continent had exactly seven empires, each of them having a "Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Thunder, Light, Darkness" empires in thirteen continents. Hopefully, the name of the kingdoms under the empires was 'unique'.

"My Eastern Dream Kingdom should be the third strongest kingdom out of eighteen kingdoms under Earth Empire." He muttered with exhaustion apparent in his voice. "For now, let's go to the nearby hotel to stay the night."

According to his memories, Rewen lived with two of his cousins in the neighboring town, Travil. He had come here to meet his mostly absent father. He had a usual chat with his father before leaving. On his way, he decided to check out the town's library. Unknowingly, he spent a long time in the library and headed to a familiar nearby hotel in this town. He then decided to take a shortcut through this dark alley until he suddenly collapsed.

*Ding! Ding!*

He picked up his phone in a natural manner. He didn't feel unfamiliar in this world. After all, he can be considered as a person from this world with the memories of the predecessor. For some reason, he didn't feel that he was in a foreign body.


"Are you going to come back?" A male voice sounded.

"No. It's too late. Book a 4 am bus ticket and arrange my files and uniform."

"You're going to the academy tomorrow?"

The person on the other side of the phone sounded bewildered.

"Do you think I'm scared of their antics?"

The other person didn't reply for a while before letting out a sigh. "Alright. Remember to get up early."

"Got it."

Concluding the conversation, he shook his head with a helpless smile.

"Ahh.Ahh H-help me."

Just as he was about to start walking, the sound of heavy breathing of a woman entered his ears. He turned around to see a ragged-haired young woman coming towards him. Her eyes were red.

Instinctively, he took a step back.

"How can I help you? Did someone assault you? Let me call the cops."

The young woman shook her head. "Ap-aphrodisiac.I" Without even completing her sentence, she jumped into him. Out of reflex, he dodged.

"Wait for a second, Miss. I believe we can talk it over" Before he could finish his sentence, a sudden jolt of pain erupted in his brain.

[Due to certain circumstances, the Host has been rewarded the 'Male God System'. Would you like to accept it?]

[Yes] [No]

'Male God, my ass! Give me something useful. My chastity is in danger.'

[Replying to the Host, the reward cannot be refused.]

'Then why bother asking?'

['Male God System' successfully linked with Host.]

[Ding! A sudden quest has appeared.]

Quest: Damsel in distress

Quest Grade: E+

Details: The Host has come across one of the twelve Fallen Devils in her vulnerable state. Mating with her would give the Host immense benefits in both personal power and authority. There is even a chance that the Host ends up becoming a Revered Guardian of her.

Rewards: Authority - At least a Marquis. Personal Power - Rank 1 Magus within a week. Immediate rewards - 10 Rank 1 unknown-grade Skills and a Rank 0 Magic Artifact.

Failure: Unknown


[Would you like to accept the quest?]

[Yes] [No]


His voice was calm and carried no hesitation.

As soon as he rejected the quest, he gave the red-eyed woman a sympathetic look and fled.

Approximately half an hour later. Sundown Hotel.

Taking a shower, he directly laid down in the bed.

"From tomorrow onwards, I have to attend the Eastern Dream Academy" Muttering unconsciously, his eyes became slightly moist thinking of his mother. "I hope she doesn't do anything foolish."

With a heavy heart, he fell asleep.

The next morning, he got up five minutes till 4 and left the hotel hastily. Fortunately, he didn't miss the bus.

Travil Town. Klofar Residence.

He ringed the bell once. Ten seconds later, he heard the sound of footsteps.

The main door opened, a suave young man appearing in front of him.

"Oh, you're back?"

"Yeah. What are you doing getting up so early?"

"Did you want to continuously ring the doorbells while I sleep? When did you develop such a kink?"

"Eh it was a weird question right. What about Denny?"

"She is not feeling well."

"Can Rank 1 Mages even get sick?"

"It's not exactly uncommon."

"...And that too, on the first day of the semester."


"I never thought that Sister too would be involved in their schemes. I know, you won't reveal it but how about giving me some clues?"

His elder cousin, Cal, stared at him for a long time, then sighed. "Be careful around Bianca."

'Crap, I forgot to stay in sync with the previous Rewen's character.'

"As expected. It's my elder brother that treats me the best!" Laughing foolishly, he replied while cringing inwardly. 

Cal slightly nodded his head maintaining an indifferent expression. "Go and have your breakfast. I have some work to do."

Cal worked in Crafting Factory as a Crafting Apprentice. His monthly wage was average. It was, in fact, more than enough to live comfortably with the two of us. However, that all changed when his sister, Denny, was tested to have some special magic resonance and was admitted to one of the divisions of Eastern Dream Academy, the kingdom's top Magic Superinstitute. The annual fees the academy asked were exorbitant due to which, Rewen and his cousins had to face a couple of financial problems.

Not to mention, he still had to pay my tuition fees. Although he isn't in the Special Classes like Denny, the fees are still expensive. Rewen couldn't help but feel pitiful towards this cousin of his.

His thoughts then drifted towards the previous owner of his body.

The Rewen in my memories was timid and foolish. Aside from that, he was also quite selfish and had a bad temper hidden but he suppressed it. Frankly speaking, he wasn't that bad of a guy. It's just that his luck was a bit too bad. 

His predecessor had an extremely bad mental condition for which he had suffered for the past two years. He shook his head trying not to focus on some matters.

Taking a shower, he went to have breakfast. Due to running low on cash, he didn't eat anything the previous night. Now, seeing the fresh food, his mood instantly soared.

[Beep! Bloodline system activated! Sorry for the delay!]

Within a fraction of seconds, his mood went on the negative.

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