I Reincarnated as a Shinai

Chapter 8: Help!

Chapter 8: Help!

Diether made sure that he was not noticed by the enemies or perhaps assassins that were targeting the carriage.

It didn't take long before the event that he wanted to avoid happened.

One of the horses was hit by a javelin thrown by the pursuers.


The carriage stumbled and crashed as the coachman was thrown away to his death.

Half of his body was squashed by the uncontrolled carriage.

It was a gruesome view that Diether even wanted to vomit.

The stench of blood coming from the man and horses wafted throughout the forest and this worried him a bit. It may attract the Evil Beast that was supposedly roaming around this area only at night.

"I should leave now..."

"Wait, don't move yet!"


Diether felt worried since an Evil Beast might wander through this place due to the scent of blood. He wasn't sure whether the summoned Arcana was aware of it.

But he couldn't just disobey the powerful and sentient Arcana since he felt that it knows the best.

As he didn't hear any explanation from his master, he stopped asking and observed the surroundings.

Soon, he realizes that his master was truly impressive.

"There's a lot of them..."

Diether was shocked to see that there weren't just five assassins but there were two dozen of them.

A few of them were behind tailing the vanguard who downed the carriage and some even came from the road ahead!

It means that whoever was the person inside, they were screwed from the very beginning. Their death was certain as the assassins had thoroughly prepared for their operation.

Diether calmed down and even suppressed his breathing to ensure that he will not be noticed by the nearby reinforcements.

'Hoo~ So you're even capable of that...Very impressive for a young kid.'

Reiji couldn't help but praise the young man. Deep inside, he was worried about being involved in this scene so he was glad that the kid has his own means of surviving.

Then, they heard a banging sound inside the fallen carriage...


A part of the wooden carriage was thrown away, as they saw three people walking out. One was a young girl wearing luxurious clothing at around the age of 10, another one was a young female knight holding two short swords. She was probably just around 18 to 20 years old.

Diether recognized that she was a knight due to her light armor and the crest on her chest.

The last was an injured man holding a broadsword. His torso, left arms, and the right eye was even bandaged and a trace of blood can be seen. It means that the injuries were just recently and the assassins may even be the ones that caused this.

There were 25 enemies and there were only three of them. There was no way to win this, is what Diether thought until the injured middle-aged man burst with powerful might and sliced the assassins in front...

"Is that an Arcana?!" He asked in surprise.

The broadsword was now shining with light as the assassins back away.

"Uncle Graham..."

The young girl called after seeing her beloved uncle pushing himself even with serious injuries...

Diether then heard the assassins chuckling even though 5 of their colleague died at the powerful slash.

"Silver Swordmaster Graham... Don't exert yourself too much or the poison will spread, you know?"

One assassin said gloatingly while waiting for a chance to strike.

Although the middle-aged man was already weakened by the poison and was already injured by several stabs on his body before, they had to ensure that he won't have a chance to explode himself in desperation.

The explosion of the Spiritual Energy would cover more than a hundred meters of radius since the man wasn't a simple Arcanist but a titled Swordsman as well.

Not even half of the might of the Swordmaster was shown but this already stopped the assassins from doing any rash actions.

Soon, they resorted to aiming their javelins and throwing knives at the two ladies hiding at the side of the almost inverted carriage.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

Luckily, the female knight was also a capable swordmaster and Arcanist as she brought out her Arcana and deflected all the thrown projectiles. But this action obviously consumed a lot of her energy. After all, she wasn't just protecting herself but she also had to consider the little girl behind her.

"Y-you! What more do you want! Fight with me! Let the two walk away here and I will cooperate with you!" The injured middle-aged man shouted to get their attention.

But his shouts were just ignored as they targeted the ladies.

He can only use everything to launch an attack!



Diether had seen everything. He saw how the assassins die after the middle-aged man pointed his swords to them. He used unimaginable speed that damages even his own body just to kill an assassin.

Unfortunately, this didn't last long before the man could no longer suppress the injuries accumulating in his body.

At the very least there were only six assassins left before he breathed his last air.

He was a proud Silver Swordmaster indeed!

A person that can normally be assigned as Army General in small kingdoms. This title wasn't just for show!

Diether was unsure whether who was right or wrong between the two. This is one of the reasons why he didn't want to get involved in this. Who knows? Maybe the three were truly the bad guys here.

He just couldn't imagine that these ladies will perish here.

"S-someone, please... help us..." The young girl was starting to sob as she saw her elder sister accumulating injuries from the throwing knives. Even if the assassins were not using an Arcana, their number was just too much.

"Help!" She could only try her best while the assassins remain unperturbed.

Diether remembers himself for being weak as he was unable to protect even his own body. He remembers his sister who was similar to the female knight protecting the small kid at all costs.

Soon, he decided...


"Mhmm... I know, get ready..."

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