I Reincarnated as a Legendary Surgeon

Chapter 27

Episode 27. Medical skills on a different level (2)

Dr. Bong and Dr. Seok looked at the patients that Hwabu had treated while looking at their backs.

Although the wounds were not visible because they were wrapped in bandages, how the fireman treated them was very vivid in my mind.

After Congressman Bong checked the pulse, Congressman Seok followed suit and took another pulse for the same patient.

Senator Bong opened his mouth.

“How does Senator Seok look?”

“It looks like it’s coming back to life. How do you see it?”

“As far as I can see, it is.”

“Awesome. They were almost dead.”

“It’s really amazing. They were patients I couldn’t even touch. It’s a medicine that brings patients who are already dead back to life! I can’t believe it even though I’ve seen it myself.”

“Didn’t you say that you saw a chemist treating a gibang warrior in the past?”

“Oh that’s it. I saw. But you can’t compare to these people.”

“Well, it’s just a cut on the face, so if it doesn’t work out, I can completely block the flow of blood with saliva and make it mute or deaf.”

“It is. Of course, the chemist also fixed that warrior at once.”

“yes. Ah, talking about acupuncture reminds me of that. I saw earlier that a fireman put acupuncture points around here.”

Seok pointed to the patient’s groin.

“Yes, I saw it too.”

“What kind of effect would it have if I put acupuncture in a place like this?”

“yes? Oh, I’m not sure about that either.”

“huh? You don’t know?”

The absurdity in Senator Seok’s eyes was young.

Since the fireman put his acupuncture needles in a place he did not know, he naturally thought that Congressman Bong knew.

“Yes, it’s not the position I taught you, and it’s not even in the acupuncture book I gave you.”

“Then you put your spit on! It could be dangerous, so why didn’t you dry it?”

“No matter where the chemist placed his acupuncture needles, this patient could not live without the chemist. I can’t stop it just because it’s an acupuncture spot I don’t know. And as you can see the effect.”

Representative Bong pointed at the patient and shrugged.

“Then, it’s an acupuncture point that only a painter knows. How can a painter know acupuncture points that we don’t know?”

“You said you read a lot of medical books while studying abroad in Xuzhou, so it might be what you saw then.”

“So many acupuncture points we don’t know about?”

does that make sense?

“There’s nothing else you can guess.”

“That’s true, but…”

“And I don’t think I’ve read a lot of medical books either.”

When Congressman Bong pointed out the stitches on the patient, Congressman Seok made a face of approval.

“I guess so. I don’t know which medical books contain new techniques for stitching the intestines or blood vessels, but even if you’ve read ten thousand medical books, can you sew them so skillfully? Even a female maid would have to make dozens of blankets to become good at sewing. I don’t know, but I don’t know if Confucius has sewed dozens or even hundreds of times.”

“I think so too, but I can’t imagine where I would have had that experience when I was only 15 years old.”

“It’s an unfamiliar medical technique that neither you nor I have ever seen or heard of before… Where the hell did you come from and what did you do at such a young age?”

Rep. Bong also couldn’t answer Rep. Seok’s question, and made some guesses, but nothing was worth mentioning.

“Last time ago, after that patient’s surgery, I wondered if he was answering my questions well, but he suddenly avoided me, saying he was tired. After all, there is no way to know unless Confucius directly tells you.”

“Whoa~ If I were young, I would want to go under his pupil.”

“I’m going crazy too. His medical skills are unmatched by his age.”


Then one of the patients was seen moving a finger.

Both congressmen are talking, but since they were examining the patient, they saw it almost simultaneously.

“Looks like he’s trying to come to his senses now.”

“Iknow, right.”

“I’ll have to call a fireman.”

“He said he was tired and went to the military camp, but wouldn’t it be better to just let him sleep?”

“Oh, yes. Since he saved as many as five people who were about to die, the consumption of his heart must have been amazing. We’d better see.”


* * *

‘Am I alive?’

The conversation between Rep. Bong and Rep. Seok was heard by the surviving patients.

However, although they could hear, they were unable to respond.

And the voices of the two legislators were not clearly audible, but in a hazy state, as if they hadn’t woken up.

At first, I couldn’t understand what the two lawmakers were saying, but as I gradually came to my senses, what I had just heard and what I was saying now came together.

‘He said he saved a person who had no choice but to die… It seems he’s talking about me.’

The circumstances before losing consciousness came to mind.

After examining his wounds, he tasted the despair of the world collapsing when his fellow soldiers clicked their tongues and led him to the place where critically ill patients were gathered.

Since he had already sent his comrades to the underworld like that, he couldn’t help but want to know what the situation was like.

you die like this

I was born just to die like this.

The terrible feeling of waiting for death to approach every moment in excruciating pain without doing anything was something you would never know unless you experienced it yourself.

But by the way, I couldn’t see who it was, but people who were supposed to be members of the council were saying that they were reviving.

In fact, the senses of the body were revived and the pain was felt.

You will feel the pain as you live.

‘Did someone named Hwa Gongja save me? Listening to the doctors, it seems that she is a nobleman with great medical skills.’

The first thing I heard was my gratitude to the painter.

I was so grateful that I would have done it even if I was told to live as a slave. And the next thing that comes to mind is family.

A wife like a bear and a daughter like a rabbit.

to be able to see them again.

From now on, I will give you all the love that I have not been able to do until now.

‘When I can move, the first thing I’ll do is go to the chemist and say hello.’

His thigh was cut in half, so even if he survived, he would be crippled. But what about then? They said that this world was good even if they lived in dog poop.

* * *

“Oh, I think I’m lost…”

The painter looked around with a puzzled expression.

I thought that if I left the military camp and went down the mountain road, I would come to a village.

I had a memory of passing through a village of about 20 households while riding a horse behind Congressman Bong.

It was about 10 minutes on horseback, so if you walk quickly, you should be able to see the village within 30 minutes.

However, the surroundings were still full of dense trees and bushes.

‘I wouldn’t be lost like this if only the lamp hadn’t gone out when I fell. shit.’

I tried to light the lamp again with the flint, but I couldn’t light it because I wasn’t used to it. The fireman contemplated whether to continue down as it was or to turn back the way he had come and return to the military camp.

“Eh, I came down proudly, but to think I have to go up again… But it’s better than being homeless, so I’ll just go back and sleep and go home tomorrow.”

The fireman started climbing the mountain path again.


I heard a wolf cry from afar, and I heard an unknown bird cry close by.

‘Damn what’s so creepy!’

The painter swallowed the dry saliva.

After the lights went out, the forest was pitch black.

Even in a modern mountain, wandering alone like this would be scary, but this is a place where wild animals such as tigers, bears, wolves, and even bandits live.

Even the sound of a rustling nearby made my fur stand up.

‘If I knew it would be like this, I would just sleep in the barracks.’

Extreme regret came over me, but it was already too late.

I couldn’t see very well, so it was difficult to stumble and I was confused about the direction I was going in.


Climbing the mountain for a while, I heard the sound of stepping on the fallen leaves from afar.

The fireman stopped walking.


As I lay down still and listened, the sound of stepping on the fallen leaves got closer and closer.

‘I think this is a big beast… Oops! Come to think of it, my clothes are stained with the blood of patients!’

When he thought that a beast might have smelled the blood, his downy hair stood up.

‘Are you a bear? maybe a tiger? I’m going crazy.’

I briefly thought about running away, but it seemed that no matter how fast I was, I wouldn’t be faster than a beast.

‘It could be that he’s approaching so cautiously because he smelled blood but didn’t find me.’

The fireman hurriedly took off his coat.

Then, quietly and silently, he drew his sword, moved away from his robe, and lay flat in the bushes.


Power went into the hand holding the sword.

‘I don’t know what kind of beast it is, but I have to stab its neck with a single knife. If I fail, I might die.’

Even a dog raised at home gets scared when it pretends to be crazy and rushes at it. What more can a wild beast do? As if the painter was simulating in his head, he was practicing stabbing the beast’s neck, but the rustling stopped for a moment.


I swallowed dry saliva.

‘Did he find out that I was hiding and waiting?’


Then I heard the cry of an owl in the distance.


And from the black shadow that was coming this way, I heard the cry of an owl as if in response.

‘uh? What is it?’

The painter felt a strange sense of heterogeneity even in a state of tension.

‘This is definitely a bird call.’

The black shadow was clearly a beast that crawled on the ground.

Such animals naturally growl or growl, but they do not cry like birds.

I was confused, but I had no intention of moving, so the fireman waited quietly. Then, in the distance, another owl-like sound was heard.


And the sound echoed sequentially throughout the forest.

‘Oh fuck what’s up all of a sudden? Why do they appear so many times?’

A rustle…

As the black shadow moved again, there was the sound of stepping on the leaves. However, the black shadow did not come to the direction where the fireman was hiding, but just passed the front about 10 meters away.

Although the forest is thick, there are often moonlit sections. For a moment, the fireman saw it clearly.

‘omg! person!’

In an instant, the fireman breathed in vain.

The one who moved cautiously through the forest was clearly a man walking on two legs.

‘Are you sure he’s a bandit?’

The one walking with a sword at his waist and crouching, looking around, was by no means a soldier.


I had goosebumps all over my body.

I don’t know for what purpose the bandits are moving so secretly, but if they had been discovered a moment ago, they would surely have died.

The bandit moved farther and farther out of sight, leaving only the rustle of stepping on fallen leaves.

‘Where are we going on this dark night?’

As the sound went further, the fear disappeared, but instead, curiosity began to grow.

‘Is there a bandit’s lair nearby? Shit, but the bandit’s lair isn’t over there…’

If there was a bandit’s lair, I had to go in the opposite direction unconditionally.

But the fireman stopped for a moment.

‘The other side is definitely on the side of the barracks… There’s no way the bandit’s lair is in the same direction. Could it be that they are trying to ambush the military camp?’

It seemed like a crazy idea, but it didn’t seem wrong.

Even though he wandered in the woods, he went down and then came up, so even if the road turns, it is clear that the military tent is in the other direction.

‘Soldiers are dangerous. In addition, there are several members of the military in the military camp!’

If the bandits ambushed and many soldiers die, the people of the nearby mountain village will be in danger.

‘I have to inform them of their surprise attack somehow…..’

The fireman put on his coat again and walked cautiously toward the place where the bandits had disappeared.



As I was walking, I stepped on fallen leaves and was startled by the sound.

‘I bet he didn’t listen?’

Seeing that he couldn’t hear the sound of the person stepping on the fallen leaves, it seemed that the other person wouldn’t be able to hear the sound he stepped on, but he couldn’t help feeling nervous.

‘Let’s move as stealthily as possible.’

I strained my eyes and tried to step on stones or bushes without leaves.

After moving like that for a while, the sound of stepping on the leaves suddenly started coming closer again.

‘uh? Why are you coming back? Could it be that you noticed that I was following you? my shit I knew it would be like this. I should have just quietly hidden, but what kind of hero are you playing!’

The fireman quickly fell down and hid behind a large tree.


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