I Picked a Mobile From Another World

Chapter 71

Episode 71 [ First Mission (1) ]

Manhattan, New York.

James was standing at the window looking at Central Park.

He was in a completely different mood than he had been a while ago. The gloomy expression disappeared and his face was full of confidence.

The place he was in was also a very luxurious private office.

The building across from the investment company that kicked him out. A high upper floor office overlooking the investment company.

This was the office of the CEO of [STIC], a new investment company that appeared on Wall Street not long ago.

It was a Wall Street where numerous investment companies appeared and disappeared. However, there were not many companies that emerged with billion dollars in capital.

Many people were watching this investment company.

After thinking back to his time in Central Park not long ago, he sat down again and started working.

I was looking for an office like this to screw over my previous company, but I didn’t have time to worry about that right now.

In order to survive in this cutthroat world of Wall Street, there wasn’t even enough time to eat.

While he was concentrating on work, there was someone who interrupted him.

Knock. Knock.

“Dr. Yoon has arrived.”

He stood up with a bright expression upon hearing the secretary’s words. He was the person I was waiting for.

Again and again.

Yoon Hye-rin came in through the door opened by the secretary.

She was dressed in a stylish suit. James almost let out an exclamation without even realizing it. She was such an attractive woman.

Instead of an exclamation, he smiled and shook her hand.

Hyerin’s eyes sparkled and she held his hand.

“Nice to meet you. I was surprised to be introduced to Dr. Hye-rin Yoon. She is the perfect person for our first investment.”

Hyerin responded to his greeting in fluent English.

“STIC was also great. I heard that as soon as it appeared, I took a low price position and made huge profits in less than a month.”

James looked a little bitter at her words.

“Well, if you have any information, this job is like swimming on land. We know that the multinational force will fail, so if we can’t make it, we have to jump into the sea.”

I couldn’t believe the extent of EV’s information power. He made this much with a billion dollars, but I couldn’t imagine how much EV would have made.

After hearing James’ answer, Hyerin did not ask where he got the information. She knew it too.

However, it was surprising that Kyung-hoon was deeply involved with EV.

James led her to the table. Unlike the president’s office in Korea, there was a long conference table in the center of the room.

When she sat down, he made coffee himself. He placed the coffee in front of her and sat across from her.

“When I was working at my previous company and even before that, I always suffered from stomachaches when making investment decisions. In any case, the probability of success was not high and I had no idea how long it would take.”

The coffee was delicious. Hyerin put down her coffee cup and gave James the answer he wanted.

“The results will come out soon. He promised.”

He smiled softly at Hyerin’s words.

“It seemed like that. Maybe that’s why more investment money came in. It’s almost worthless to have worked so hard to make money.” At

that moment, the two people remembered different sides of the same person.

next day. Articles poured into American daily newspapers.

[Dr. Hyerin Yoon. Company founded in the United States. [It is said to have received over a billion dollars in investment…]

At the center of the article was a photo of Hyerin smiling brightly while holding an investment contract.

Unfortunately, Americans did not pay attention to the article, and instead Korea became an uproar with pros and cons.


That time.

“Huh huh huh huh.”

Marcelo was lying in the empty playground, panting.

“The awakened person has higher physical limitations than he thought. Only by recognizing that limitation and making it a habit to move can he fight properly in actual combat.”

Kyung-hoon looked at Marcelo lying down and spoke calmly.

Marcelo looked at Kyung-hoon with tired eyes.

It was just as Kyung-hoon said. As he moved to his limit, his body became more human than expected.

But I really didn’t expect that I would start rolling like this as soon as I arrived in a far away foreign land.

After work in Brazil was completed, Marcelo flew to Korea.

It didn’t really matter that Kyung-hoon was Korean. Since EV was run as a branch organization anyway, he had no choice but to work under Kyung-hoon.

Everyone who knew EV thought that EVs moved in a point system. A secret organization known only to those above and below them.

Omar, Jin Xia Wei, Hyerin Yoon, and James all thought that way, and everyone watching EV thought that way too.

Of course it wasn’t wrong. They just didn’t know that Kyung-hoon was the head of the branch.

The moment Marcelo could barely catch his breath,


The sound of something exploding was heard from the building next to the playground.

They both looked at the building.

Jump up!

Then the first floor window opened. Jin Xiawei was seen through the open window. White smoke was seeping out of the window.

“Cough, cough, it’s spicy.”

Jin Xiawei opened the window and rubbed her eyes with her hands.

“Are they really testing explosives?”

“No way. I tried mixing guano and the gallbladder to see if I could make a medicine, but it just exploded.”

Jin Xiawei responded to Kyung Hoon’s words.

-It’s her answer, but…

If Eve had a body, she would definitely have shaken her head.

Marcelo looked around as Kyung-hoon and Jin Xia-wei spoke.

There was no one listening but them.

Security guards could be seen patrolling outside the barbed wire, but they were not audible.

‘Did you say it was a pharmaceutical company?’

The place where Marcelo was trained by Kyung-hoon was the playground of a small pharmaceutical company on the outskirts of Gyeonggi-do.

According to Kyung-hoon, someone bought the company and entrusted it to Kyung-hoon to manage.

Of course, that someone could have known without even having to listen to Marcelo.

The person who later bought the company. Kyung-hoon made all the employees quit except for a few loud-mouthed management employees.

Since this was a company that had been experiencing a lack of work, most of them left the company without opposition as they were given sufficient money in severance pay and consolation prize.

After the people left, all the facilities at the factory were moved to this pharmaceutical company. It was a slightly uncomfortable place for Omar to work, but it was unavoidable for security reasons.

External security was entrusted to a security company. There had to be someone there to block useless stares.

However, it was impossible to entrust internal security to an outsider. Instead, he had Eve.


CCTV was moving everywhere. And people don’t know, but drones were flying in the sky in turns.

Eve, who took control of the pharmaceutical company’s security facility, was a stricter security guard than anyone else.

“Oh, I guess I’ll have to give up the aphrodisiac. I’ll have to make a new drink.”

When the smoke cleared, Jin Xiawei waved his hand and disappeared into the window again.

“You must be having a hard time.”

Marcelo looked at Kyung-hoon with a sad expression.


When I came to Korea, I saw an Arab kid and a relaxed-looking Chinese woman with him.

At first, I thought I had come to the wrong place. However, the little boy and the Chinese woman were awakened people who made potions and equipment, the mainstay of EV.

He was surprised again and was once again impressed by Kyung-hoon’s handling of the two.

Kyung-hoon explained to him what he was going to do next.

“Marcelo and the combat team will normally be involved in training and protecting this facility and non-combat awakened people.”

Currently, there is only one person, Marcelo, but Kyung-hoon plans to continue to increase the number. He continued speaking.

“And if there is an operation, you will move with me.”


Fortunately, Kyung-hoon did not notice that Marcelo was looking at him with pity.

It was because he had been receiving reports from Eve for a while.

-EV A few requests came through email. An important email was… a request from the U.S. government for additional equipment support. I did. I guess I didn’t intend to end with this failure.

It was what I expected.

-And the number of governments and organizations wanting to purchase equipment is increasing. The US government’s recognition of EVs is having an effect.

Kyung-hoon scratched his head. It was a good thing, but I didn’t have the equipment.

Of course, there was still a lot of equipment from the other world, but I had no intention of giving it away. There

was a limit to the amount Omar could make. Omar had to turn to development and build an automation line.

-Finally, the British government . requested rescue. This is a rescue request for our country’s soldiers who fell behind during this operation. They seem to be still holding out in the jungle.

Kyung-hoon tilted his head. It was an unexpected request.

“It’s been quite a while. And who was left behind and are you asking EV for a favor?”

– They say they are reporting survival through satellite phone. And among the stragglers, they are 5th in the royal family. They say the royal family is involved.

Gyeonghoon’s eyes widened. His eyes sparkled.

” Was it noblesse oblige? Anyway, what is the price?”

– It is said that a significant amount of dollars and an island belonging to the royal family could be secretly offered.

The compensation was a reward, but it was clear that saving the British Crown Prince would be a huge help to the image of EV and the Awakened.

Gyeong-hoon is Marcelo . “A request for an operation has been received from EV .

“This is a problem.”

The EV combat team moved faster than expected.


Democratic Republic of Congo.

Multinational forces were sent to the jungles of this country, which is suffering from warlords and civil war.

Unlike South America or Southeast Asia, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and NATO forces are mainly organized. It was a multinational force.

European countries said they had dispatched a multinational force to protect the lives of Africans, but it turns out it was all because of resources. A multinational force came to the Congo because of the diamonds and rare earths produced there. Surprisingly, the Congo government also welcomed the multinational force


Although it was not known to those outside the Congo, Congo was suffering a great deal of damage from mutant monsters.

Several warlords had collapsed and the civil war was on the verge of quietening.

The multinational army entered the jungle, leaving behind the welcome of the Congolese people,


suffered a defeat that was close to annihilation. .

15 days have passed since the defeat.

A jungle where trees cannot enter even though they rise endlessly.

Behind a rock wall where the sound of a waterfall can be heard, a soldier in a flight suit is holding a large phone to his ear. It is a satellite phone made for military use.

“Survival report. Day 15. Of the 20 people stranded in the same location as yesterday when the transport helicopter crashed, 12 are currently alive. Over ”

“I hope you can hold on a little longer. EV accepted the request. A rescue team will be dispatched. over. ”

The soldier sighed at the sound coming from the phone.

It was a handsome young soldier.

“Thank you for giving me good news. There isn’t much battery. I will conclude this communication. over. ”

“Her Majesty the Queen and her entire family are in prayer. Please cheer up…”

The soldier hung up the phone at the last personal message.

He was grateful for his family’s prayers, but he felt sorry for his colleagues because he seemed to be enjoying privileges as a member of the royal family.

He hung up the phone and listened. . Fortunately, there was no sound of the monster.

The prince looked in the direction where the sound of the waterfall was heard. Thanks to the fortunate cave found behind the waterfall, he and his companions survived so far. He took a deep breath and kicked his foot. Boom


He He soared vertically, grabbed a tree trunk several meters high, and jumped to the next tree.

He would have looked like Tarzan if he weren’t in his military uniform.

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