I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 122: Powerful Language

Chapter 122: Powerful Language

"Get Out~ Get Out~" the ghost keeps repeating the same word like a broken recorder.

Hearing this, "Haa… This is why I don't like dealing with spirit. They are too unreasonable." said Angus.

During this time, "Master, the ghost is too annoying. Can I eat her?" said Draven inside Angus's mind.

"Ehh.. You can do that?" asked Angus.

"Of course, this ghost could only run before because it managed to escape my mist. But inside this darkness, I could devour it without a problem." replied Draven

"Err.. that's kind of… Anyway, don't worry about her, I could take care of her." said Angus to reassure Draven.

During this moment, the ghost voice keeps becoming louder and starting to get annoying. Looking at the mad ghost in front of him, "Urrg… this is getting annoying." said Angus.

Angus channels mana into his hand and creates a blue flame on his hand. Using this hand, he grabbed the intangible ghost.

"Alright, that's it. If you don't shut up your mouth at the next second I will burn you to nothingness." said Angus coldly.

Feeling touched and the hot temperature of the flame, the ghost surprised and shut up. Seeing that the ghost calming down, "Good, now show me the way to enter the underground, or I will burn you until you are completely gone." said Angus sternly

The ghost wanted to say something but feeling the hot flame from Angus, she immediately decided to comply with Angus's request. The ghost waves her hand and marks the brick wall with a number.

"Touch the brick according to my mark and the underground shall be revealed." said the ghost while still being grabbed by Angus.

Hearing this Angus still didn't let go of the ghost, "Draven, touch the wall according to the number." commanded Angus.

Draven immediately comes out from the shadow and pushes the brick wall according to the mark number. Looking carefully, the brick that is being marked is forming a sort of word or symbol. However, Angus didn't recognize the word or symbol.

After touching the brick wall, *Clack* *Clack**Clack* The ground is lowered and shown stairs towards the underground.

"Interesting…" said Angus.

Then, Angus released his grip and the ghost immediately became invisible and ran away. Ignoring the running ghost, Angus looks at the darkness below the stairs.

After thinking carefully, Angus touches the brick again with the same sequence and closes the underground stairs.

"Alright, Let's check what's inside tomorrow. I am quite hungry right now. Draven, let's go back." said Angus.

As Angus walked away, Draven went inside the Angus shadow. The night passed by uneventfully. In the morning, Angus wakes up like usual and does his morning routine before going to the class.

Today's class could be said to be one of the hardest courses besides Arithmancy, it is the Science Physic. To most of the students, this course is quite interesting yet also very hard since it has a lot of theory and calculation.

Many students often fail this course's test. Fortunately, there are some remedial tests and practical tests that could increase the overall score. Otherwise, there will be many students that have not passed this course.

It is not because the test is too hard but it is sometimes not compatible with the student's interest. For example, the warrior student class will find this course very boring and hard. However, for the magician class, this course is very interesting and important for them.

Because of this, some students didn't take too much importance about the course which let it become one of the hardest subjects. As for Angus, this is one of his favorite courses.

Through this, he could understand more about nature and physics which could develop his own mind when making his own spell in the future.

With his current enhanced mind, he also didn't have any problem memorizing the theory and doing the calculation as long as he put his mind on it.

Soon, the course came to an end after a few hours. However, these few hours are quite a torture for the other student's mind. In the magician class, the science physics course is more advanced and harder than the other class which is quite hard for the teenage student's mind.

Almost all of Angus's classmates fell into an absent-minded mood after the science physics course. In the afternoon after lunchtime, Angus attended the Ancient Language side course.

This side course helped him a lot to learn another language along with his language creation. Usually, the course is a kind of self-study about the other language for a few hours.

As long as the student managed to do the assignment and keep attending the course class, they are free to do their own self-study.

Entering the class which is quite small and few students, Angus goes towards the teacher's desk. Fortunately, today's teacher is Elis, Angus's former homeroom teacher.

"Teacher Elis, can I ask you a question about a language?" said Angus.

"Oh.. Mr. Victory. Long time no see. What can I help you with?" said Teacher Elis

"It's about this symbol. Did you happen to recognize this language?" said Angus while giving a symbol that he found in the secret underground entrance yesterday.

Looking at this symbol, "T-This is… Where did you get this word?" said Teacher Elis.

"Eh… is there something wrong with it?" asked Angus back confusedly.

"Huft.. If I am not wrong this is not a symbol. It's a word from a powerful language, Did you know about this kind of language?" said teacher Elis.

"Powerful language? Did you mean like the lost language of dragon language, Old Tongue language, and many more." said Angus.

"True, it's about those languages. These languages are so powerful that each word could create a phenomenon. However, along the time, The people who could vocalize these languages perished along the time." explained teacher Elis.

"I see… So, which language does this come from?"

"If I am not wrong this word comes from the Dusk Language, the counterpart of the Sun Language. It means 'Door'. I don't know where you find this word. but, I suggest you do not interact with this place." explained Teacher Elis.

"Err.. Is there something dangerous?" asked Angus curiously.

"Rather than dangerous, it's about the nature of this language. People that use Dusk Language are often involved with something dark and nasty. So, wherever you see this kind of word, you should avoid this place and immediately tell the teacher about the place." explained teacher Elis.

"A-Alright.. Actually, I just found it in some book. But, I don't know if it is a symbol or a word so I asked you about this. So, don't worry about it." said Angus.

"Well, I hope so." said teacher Elis.

"Then, do we happen to have a book about this Dusk Language or the Sun Language in the library?" said Angus.

"Of course not. This is a powerful language, there is no way its book is being put in the library." said Teacher Elis.

"But, since teacher Elis recognized the word, you must have this book, right?" said Angus.

"Yes, but why should I lend this book to a troublemaker like you?" said Teacher Elis.

"Ehh… Troublemaker??" asked Angus back.

"Every time there is a class tournament, your previous class always causes trouble. From the possession incident to the intruder." said Teacher Elis.

"Ehh... That's Jayna's fault. Not mine." said Angus to defend himself.

"Still, This is a powerful language. Many people will not have a chance to study it in their lifetime. It's also dangerous to study it without supervision. So, Why should I lend to a teenage-like you?" asked Teacher Elis.

"M-Maybe because I am your previous homeroom student?" said Angus uncertain.

"Pftt… You and Ms. Heart is the most annoying student that I have taught before. Luckily, I am not going to be your homeroom teacher anymore. Anyway, why don't you tell me from which book you got this word from." said Teacher Elis.

Hearing Teacher Elis's question, "Err… I forgot about it. It's some storybook called sun goes down or something. Anyway, since teacher Elis doesn't want to lend the book, I will do my own study." said Angus while walking away to avoid being interrogated further.

After the Ancient language side course time passed, Angus didn't go back to the abandoned building but back to his dorm and lay on his usual spot while enjoying the sunset.

After a while, "Master, the stalker is already gone." said Draven inside Angus's mind.

"Yeah, I also noticed that. I didn't expect Teacher Elis to follow me like this." replied Angus.

Angus didn't move from his spot and kept accompanying Jayna training [Arctic Heart] while practicing her sword.

After the sun had completely gone, Angus entered the dorm and had dinner with the others before going back to his room. Inside his room, "Draven, clad me with your black mist." commanded Angus.

After that, his shadow trembles and engulf his whole body until it becomes completely black [Shadow Blend]. This is a special skill when he successfully makes a contract with Draven.

He feels like being covered by a thin layer all over his body. Furthermore, Angus could feel that he could submerge into the shadow like it is water.

He also feels that his mana continues to be drained a little bit to maintain this state. Without wasting any moment, Angus went out of the dorm through the window.

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