I Don’t Want This Bad Ending



Ricardo gave Evelyn a pair of new clothes that was more comfortable to move than the dirty looking rag dress that she was wearing since she was imprisoned in the underground Temple of Light.

Evelyn changes her clothes, a black fitted pants and a black top with long sleeves, she also puts a black mask to her face and hangs the sword to her waist. 

She left the room that they saw when they were on the way to the main building where the administration of the Temple of Light is located.

"I guess I can safely say that we succeed in rescuing the lady..." Ricardo said after he saw Evelyn dressed like an assassin.

"Well, you did a pretty good job, I guess...?" Evelyn smirked when she remembered Ricardo's poker face when he saw her like a rag during the battle against the holy knights.

"Did you say that the twelve council will be at the left side of the main building?" Evelyn asked as she checked her weapon.

"Yes but I don't know if the twelve council are still there those snakes will definitely leave the others here and will save themselves first."

Ricardo was looking towards the main building with deep hatred engraved in his eyes.

The clergy mansion was where the twelve councils did nasty things to female orphans that they considered to be a beauty.

Ricardo swears to himself that whatever happens, he will be the one to execute those people.

Meanwhile, Evelyn was looking at Ricardo and knew what those eyes meant. It was the eyes of full determination to execute a revenge.

She also knew that because she saw so many people with those same eyes. And herself was also one of them.

But before she could empathize with him, she needed to ask something first.

"You put a spy in every knight of the council right?"

Ricardo nodded.

"But I could only sneak a few of my knights among them tsk! If only I recruited more holy knights towards my side"

Evelyn glanced at her side as they started to walk and it seems that she noticed the scar on his face more evidently today.

She tried to shake her thoughts and ask again.

"How about the Pope?"

"That cunning old man wouldn't permit something like that he has his own holy knights and assassins that have names one to ten"

"Age that was according to when they became assassins" Evelyn continued.

Ricardo was quite shocked that Evelyn knew about it however based on his experience and the abilities that Evelyn let him see she has the capability to know these things.

"Yes that's why it's hard for me to arrange a knight that would spy on the Pope I can't risk the people that believe in me I'm sorry..."

"Don't be I know that the Pope was more cautious and cunning than I've ever met. He will definitely suspect you if you ever did that don't worry about it, I also put a spy beside him."

"You did? How?"

"One of his assassins"

"Wh What?!"

Ricardo almost hung his mouth open because he was amazed at the meticulous plan that Evelyn did.

`How much did she plan ahead?' Ricardo thought.

"Let's move faster"

With the words of his ally, Ricardo built up his pace and followed Evelyn who was now running much faster than before.


Before the explosion that happened all over the place of the Temple, Alisha, Gil, Cathay, and Bern decided to work efficiently and that's why they divided the work that needed to be done.

"Bern, you go and guard the front gate of the Temple, make excuses if the people of the Levingstone become suspicious of what is about to happen here" 

Gil said and Bern nodded while his build arms were crossed against his chest.

"Cathy, you go and find Chrisfold and lead the holy knights that were on our side to start the plan, try to be quite as much as possible, don't wreck too much, and make sure that you will meet Evelyn on the way"

"Make sure she's alright" Gil continued.

Cathy smiled mischievously.

"I can't guarantee that I can do things quietly but I'll try hehe~"

"Restrain yourself a bit, we don't want to make the people outside panicked. It would be disadvantageous for us especially that the Crown Prince decided to do something"

Cathy only smiled again which made Gil shake his head. He already knew what it would be like if he decided to let Cathy handle it but because Chrisfold was also with her, Gil was more worried about what would happen in the Temple.

"Hmmpf! Mpphf!" Elise were shaking her whole body and was trying to resist the grip that Gil just enforce on her.

"Can you just stay still? Or do you want me to knock that hell out of you?!" Cathy said as she walked towards Elise with her swords that were still on its scabbard.

"Stop it"


Gil almost didn't make Cathy stop as he was also thinking of knocking Elise but they have something that they need to ask before they do that.

However, before he asked the question Gil decided to continue the things that they just planned earlier. He quickly briefs them again.

"...anyway me and Alisha will be the one to take this girl to the back. I will head back afterwards"

They quickly wrap up the small meeting that they had after a bunch of holy knights appeared.

"I'll take care of this the two of you go ahead Bern, you also head to your task..." Cathy said as she pulled her sword again from her waist that was still on its scabbard while making her stance.

"Alright try not to spill too much blood."

Bern said as he turned his back and waved his hand in the air.

"Oh come on I held myself back all this time you know~"

Cathy pouted as she thought that she could wreak havoc after all this time that she held herself back, from the mansion of Prince Adley and to when Evelyn was kidnapped again by the Temple.

"I'm a spirit and also a swordsman but I can't spill some small blood?"

Then, when Cathy was all alone surrounded by the holy knights, almost like a revelation, an idea came to her that made her smile mischievously.

"Yes I could hurt them and cut them enough to spill some blood, at the same time leave them enough to keep them alive"

Cathy chuckled at her brilliant idea, she then glanced around her.

"Oh~ I could release some stress because of this I'll thank you in advance."

Then, without further ado, she leapt and started to attack her opponents.


Gil and Alisha were the one to take Elise from the main building of the Temple to the outside.

Elise was shackled with a chain that was made to block mana.

"This is gonna be a long day" Alisha mumbled and Gil sighed.

"You're right... " Gil agreed and glanced at Elise, he was in doubt as to why she looks more calm than they anticipated after they gagged her. 

Gil then asked Alisha via telepathy.

"This is weird"

Alisha turned her head towards Gil, both of them were on each side of Elise and was making sure that Elise wouldn't do something fishy, or that she would try to run away.

Well, both of the possibilities were already taken into account that was why they prepared a countermeasure for her Light mana. 

"What do you mean?"

Gil stopped his tracks and Elise and Alisha followed.

"Hmmpf! Mmmpf!" 

"What is it?"

Elise was making a sound while Alisha became aware of what Gil was talking about.

Ever since they step foot at the garden of the Temple where they need to head towards the back to where the location of the secret chamber of the Temple of Light where all the treasures was kept and where Gil needed to find an item.

It was quite even a single hum of a bird and the swaying of the leaves didn't make a sound.

"This is definitely suspicious"

Then, Alisha grabbed Elise by the collar and angrily asked.

"Didn't I tell you not to make such stupid ideas like this?! I'll cut you down the moment I think that this is a trap!"


"Alisha, calm down first"

Gil knew that Elise could turn this chance into her favor but Gil also knew how important it is to get that artifact that he knew was definitely inside the secret chamber that was detached from any building of the Temple.

Gil only stumbled about this knowledge when he was at the Drivas shop and heard a couple of priests that were talking about the secret chamber and its vast amount of treasure.

He didn't pay attention to it at first but because a certain name of the artifact was said in their conversion, Gil knew that he needed to make sure that he got to where that was no matter what happened.

After learning about the artifact, he immediately conveyed his intention to Nine, the spy, in which he replied as he tried but there was nothing like that.

And the reason that even Nine, the spy, didn't know about it is because currently a few higher officials only knew about the location and a certain spell was enchanted to it.

And only people with divine magic could only be the one to use and open it.

That is why, Gil decided to not knock Elise out well only until he gets the artifact.

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