I Can Copy And Evolve Talents

Chapter 455: Jeci's Resolve [Part 2]

Chapter 455: Jeci's Resolve [Part 2]

Jeci's movements were swift and precise, a blur of crimson and steel against the backdrop of the looming sea monster.

She had no time to hesitate, no space to falter.

The creature's immense body coiled tighter around the tower, causing it to tilt precariously to one side. Northern's words echoed in her mind:

"This is pure stupidity." But she was determined to prove him wrong, to show that she could be more than just a drifter with a limited ability.

The creature reared its head back, its maw gaping open to reveal rows of jagged teeth.

Jeci's heart pounded in her chest as she braced herself. The creature's jaws snapped shut with a thunderous clap, barely missing her as she leapt backward, her spear twirling in her hands. She landed gracefully on the edge of the tower, her feet finding purchase on the narrow ledge. "Focus," she muttered to herself, narrowing her eyes at the beast.

This creature was not like anything she had ever faced, Jeci had undergone rigorous training thus it has helped her in her movement but still fighting a monster was nothing like she had imagined it will be.

It moved with a predatory grace, its every motion deliberate and powerful. Its scales glistened, each one a mirror reflecting the darkened sky above. The creature was an embodiment of the ocean itself-vast, unyielding, and merciless.

Jeci took a deep breath, centering herself and poured her soul essence. Her spear began to glow brighter, pulsing with a red hue that matched the resolve in her eyes.

She darted forward, her body a streak of motion as she lunged at the creature's head.

Her spear thrummed with energy, extending her reach as she thrust it toward the monster's throat.

But the monster was fast-faster than she had anticipated. Its head whipped around, deflecting her attack with a swift movement that sent a shockwave through the air.

The force of the impact knocked Jeci back, sending her skidding across the rooftop. She gritted her teeth, her muscles straining as she struggled to keep her balance. The creature loomed over her, its eyes glowing with a malevolent intelligence.

Jeci could feel the creature's intent-its desire to crush her, to end her defiance once and for all.

Northern watched from the control room, his expression unreadable.

He could see the battle unfolding through the viewport, the flashes of Jeci's spear as she danced around the monster's attacks.

Part of him wanted to step in, to end the fight with a single, decisive blow so they can move as fast as they.

But he knew that this was Jeci's fight as much as it was his. She had something to prove, not just to him, but to herself.

Jeci didn't let up. She pushed herself to her limits, her movements becoming more fluid and precise with each passing second.

She spun around the monster's tail, narrowly avoiding its crushing weight as it slammed into the tower.

Her spear lashed out, striking the creature's scales with relentless ferocity. Sparks flew as metal met armor, the sound of each clash echoing through the air like a drumbeat.

But the monster was relentless. It twisted and turned, its body a serpentine blur as it lashed out at Jeci with increasing speed.

Each strike was a calculated assault, meant to wear her down, to push her to the brink of exhaustion.

Jeci could feel her stamina waning, her breaths coming in ragged gasps. She was giving everything she had, but it didn't seem to be enough.

With a roar, the monster surged forward, its jaws snapping at Jeci's heels.

She leapt high into the air, using the momentum of the beast's strike to propel herself higher.

Her spear glowed with a blinding light as she descended, her body twisting in midair as she aimed for the creature's exposed underbelly.

She thrust her spear with all her might, the tip piercing the monster scales and sinking deep into its flesh.

The monster let out a deafening roar, its body convulsing as it thrashed violently.

Jeci held on tightly, her grip on her spear unyielding as the creature writhed beneath her. Blood sprayed from the wound, dark and viscous, staining the rooftop as the monster bucked wildly in an attempt to dislodge her.

Jeci gritted her teeth, her muscles straining as she fought to maintain her hold.

But the monster was far from defeated.

With a sudden, violent twist, it flung Jeci off its back, sending her hurtling through the air.

She crashed into the side of the tower, her body slamming against the steel with a sickening thud. Pain exploded through her, but she forced herself to stand, her vision swimming as she tried to steady herself.

"My Lord!" Jeci called out, her voice strained but defiant. "I'm not done yet!"

Northern's eyes flickered with a mix of frustration and admiration.

Jeci was pushing herself beyond her limits, refusing to back down even in the face of overwhelming odds.

He could see the determination in her eyes, the fire that refused to be extinguished. She was fighting not just for him, but for her own sense of worth.

Which honestly Northern still considered pointless. But at the very least, the fire in her eyes made it so hard for him to keep thinking her.

They demanded respect and trust.

The monster reared its head back once more, its eyes locking onto Jeci with a predatory gleam.

Northern knew that the creature was preparing for its final strike, a blow that would end the battle in an instant.

He clenched his fists, his mind racing as he weighed his options. He had promised to give Jeci a chance, but he couldn't just stand by and watch her be torn apart.

"Enough," Northern muttered under his breath, his eyes narrowing as he stepped forward.

The air around him crackled with energy as he reached for the Dark Mortal, his hand closing around the hilt with a fierce grip.

The platform took him up to the surface of the tower, immediately, he commanded:

"Jeci, get back!" Northern shouted, his voice cutting through the chaos.

Jeci gritted her teeth but didn't hesitate-she dove to the side, her body flying and rolling across the rooftop as Northern leapt into action.

He moved with blinding speed, his form a shadowy blur as he closed the distance between himself and the creature.

Northern's form seem to meld with the shadows as he sprinted on the wall, toward the sea monster, the Dark Mortal gleaming with a sinister edge in his grasp.

The air around him shimmered with dark energy, like ripples of water disturbed by a stone.

His presence alone seemed to darken the sky, casting an ominous pall over the battlefield. As he moved, every muscle in his body was coiled and ready, like a spring waiting to unleash its


The sea monster's eyes shifted from Jeci to Northern, sensing a new threat, its eyes seemed to squeeze in excitement.

It roared, a guttural sound that vibrated through the tower's concrete structure threatening to wreck the entire ship.

Its maw opened wide, jagged teeth glistening with remnants of Jeci's effort, a gory testament to the battle already fought.

Northern leapt just as the monster snapped forward, its jaws closing on empty air as he soared

above it.

He descended with the precision of a hawk, slashing with the Dark Mortal.

The blade cut through the air with a hiss, trailing dark tendrils of flames that lashed at the

creature's hide.

The blow connected with a deafening crack, sending a shockwave rippling outward. The sea monster recoiled, scales splintering as Northern's blade sliced through, leaving a jagged, gaping wound that oozed dark blood.

Jeci watched from her position, her breaths ragged but her eyes wide with awe. Northern's movements were fluid, each strike calculated and devastating. It was as if he were an extension of the weapon he wielded, every motion a dance of destruction. Watching him like this actually made her realize how right he was, ultimately she was useless, she had always known she was, but right now. She really wanted to be better.

She wished she could be. She wanted to unlearn every single thing she had ever learn and

relearn again.

The sea monster writhed, its body thrashing violently.

It swung its massive tail in a desperate attempt to dislodge its attacker. Northern twisted in midair, his feet barely grazing the creature's scales as he evaded the attack with a grace that seemed impossible.

He landed lightly on the monster's back, his stance unshaken by the beast's wild movements.

With a snarl, Northern drove the Dark Mortal down again, burying the blade deep between the

creature's scales.

The weapon pulsed, dark flames erupting from the blade and spreading like a web through the monster's body.

The monster howled, a sound of pure agony that echoed through the atmosphere.n/ô/vel/b//jn dot c//om

Its massive form convulsed, muscles spasming uncontrollably as Northern's flames seeped

into its very core.

Jeci saw her opening. Even though she was dejected, summoned, the last reserves of her strength, she surged forward.

Her spear was a blur of red light as she leapt onto the creature's tail, using the momentum to propel herself up toward its head.

Her movements were not as smooth as Northern's, but they were driven by sheer willpower.

She flipped through the air, her spear poised to strike as she came down hard on the creature's skull, aiming for the vulnerable spot between its eyes.

The spear pierced through with a sickening crunch, and the monster's thrashing intensified.

Jeci clung to her weapon, her muscles screaming in protest as she fought to maintain her hold.

Northern, seeing her strike land true, yanked his blade free and delivered a series of quick, precise slashes that tore through the monster's sinews.

Each cut was deliberate, weakening the creature's foundation until it could no longer sustain

its own weight.

With one final, thunderous roar, the sea monster collapsed, its immense body crashing

against the side of the ship, and slipping.

The entire structure shuddered, groaning under the strain of the impact. Jeci and Northern

were thrown from their perches, skidding across the rooftop.

For a moment, everything was still. The monster lay defeated, its colossal form lifeless and draped over the tower like a fallen titan.

Jeci pushed herself up on trembling arms, her chest heaving as she stared at the slain beast.

Blood matted her hair, and her body ached from the strain, but there was a fierce light in her eyes-a light that spoke of victory and defiance.

She looked over at Northern, who was already standing, the Dark Mortal resting casually on

his shoulder.

Northern approached her, his expression as unreadable.

He reached out a hand, and Jeci grasped it, allowing him to pull her to her feet.

For a moment, they stood there, side by side, both breathing heavily, gazing at the creature

they had felled together.

Northern's eyes flickered to her, a glimmer of something almost like approval flashing briefly before his usual stoic demeanor returned.

"You did well," he said, his voice low but steady.

"But don't push yourself to the point of recklessness again. Next time, listen."

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