I Can Copy And Evolve Talents

Chapter 448: The Shape Of The Tower [Part 1]

Chapter 448: The Shape Of The Tower [Part 1]

'There's something unsettling about him. When did he move? How?'

While Lynus himself was pounding, the other two knights, witnessing what had just happened, stomped forward in anger.

"How dare you?!" one of them bellowed as they both shot out to attack Northern.

But they were met by Night Terror and Black Mamba, who rushed in the moment the two knights moved.

The knights' reflexes were incredible-as both creatures lunged in, one with razor-sharp claws and the other throwing a punch with the might of a mountain.

Mid-motion, the knights pivoted, throwing their bodies out of the way, causing the attacks to hit only air.

The wind trembled and blasted off, harassing Lynus, who was standing behind.

But the knight did not flinch or move from his position. His one eye was glued to Northern with a cold and calculating demeanor.

Northern returned the cold glare, his own gaze more insidious and deadly in its nonchalance. But Northern was also worried, 'I really can't afford to face these guys right now. I don't want the Emperor catching up with me. It's pretty clear he wouldn't let me go.'

Northern raised his chin slightly as he thought of a suitable solution. At that time, Black Mamba and Night Terror had engaged the two knights.

The clash was sending clangs of metal and bones ringing into the air.

The only one who seemed to be a little hesitant was Lynus, probably fearing defeat.

Northern smiled and spoke.

"I guess that's the thing about being the strongest. You don't want to lose to anyone."

Hearing his voice, Lynus frowned and inquired, "What do you mean, child?" He emphasized his last words, obviously attempting to taunt Northern.

But Northern had accepted himself as a child long ago. That part didn't even faze him.

"If you're going to get me out of this cool-headed state, you'll have to do a much better job than calling a child like me a child. I mean, in the end, I'm not even seventeen yet."

Lynus widened his eyes.

Northern smiled even more. "Now, that reaction of yours is priceless. Just imagine a rank one knight like you being defeated by a fifteen-year-old. It wouldn't look too good for your records, would it?"

Lynus frowned, almost leaning forward as he growled, "You shut up. I would never lose to a child like you."

"Yes, sure, if you don't fight me. But if you do, you will. So if you don't want to lose to a child like me, just turn around and leave."

Lynus gritted his teeth, glaring at Northern. His calm gaze from before had exploded into intense fury.

But Northern kept a deadpan expression. "Look, Lion, or whatever your name is, I'm giving you a free ticket to walk away from your own demise. Please be humble and accept it," he advised Lynus tiredly.

The knight, on the other hand, only became more infuriated.

He lowered his head in anger, white lightning crackling out of his armor as he extended his right hand.

"My lord, all he needs is a single strike to take you down. His ability can be very tricky. I have studied him all my life. Do not take his attack head-on," Jeci admonished from behind.

"I was never planning to," Northern gave her a side look and focused back on the man in front of him.

Responding to Lynus's attack stance, Northern also stretched one hand forward.

"I'm sorry, but it seems this is the only way. I can't stay here any longer."

Lynus, with two fingers, began to draw a linear line in the air. The line immediately transitioned into a long rod of white lightning crackling with thousands of sparks.

Northern squinted his eyes, 'Oh shit, this is going to cause so much damage to my world.' "Light of the Noble."

Immediately as he spoke, he flashed across the distance, grabbing the rod of lightning, blurring as he reached Northern.

But the white-haired boy showed no fear or surprise. Everything was going according to plan. As Lynus reached him, Northern's lips moved, and the knight could read the words, "I'm sorry."

Lynus's face contorted with confusion, but it was too late. The space in front of him broke, and a black tendril of darkness absorbed him and his lightning before he could even resist.

Immediately, the rift closed, and Northern felt his entire soul vibrate.n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

'That was definitely one hell of an attack,' he mused and snapped his fingers.

Simultaneously, Black Mamba and Night Terror lunged at their opponents. As they neared the knights, they changed into a mass of darkness, falling upon the knights like a cloud and absorbing them into the Limitless Void.

Northern turned, smiled, and then breathed out.

"That was not easy..."

Jeci, shocked as hell, looked at Northern, eyes wide.

"W-w-what did you do to them?" she stammered.

Northern looked at her and shrugged. "I transported them to the Limitless Void."

She paused for a moment, lost in thought. Then she exclaimed at Northern.

"That place you took me to?!"


"Isn't that supposed to be a special place to you?"

Northern nodded. "It is."

"Lynus will destroy it at any cost to get out!!" she shouted in worry.

Northern tapped her head. "Don't worry. There are monsters waiting to fight him, and they have a bottomless reserve of essence to fight with. Moreso, Night Terror and Black Mamba are there. Let's get out of here, please."

Jeci watched Northern as he casually walked toward the sea. He stopped when the water reached his knees and looked forward.

He extended his hand, closed his eyes, and began to draw some kind of runic words in the air.

As the placid sea shimmered under the pale light of the moons, an impossible event shattered

the tranquil scene.

Without warning, the ocean's surface erupted in a massive, frothing upheaval.

In a heartbeat, a colossal structure burst forth from the depths as if birthed by the sea itself. Water cascaded down its sides in torrents, revealing a tower.

Its emergence was not a gradual rise but an instantaneous materialization-one moment absent, the next dominating the seascape with its impossible presence.

The tower stood defiant against gravity and logic, its base still submerged in the churning waters. Its form was ancient and seemingly decrepit in architecture.

Northern did not stop there. He continued to weave words into the air, using his fingers to write runes. Meanwhile, Jeci stood there, frozen in shock.

As the tower stood sentinel over the roiling sea, an even more extraordinary metamorphosis


The structure shuddered, a deep groan reverberating through its core. Slowly at first, then with increasing speed, the tower began to shift and change.

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