I Become A Mob Character In A Novel

Chapter 98: Chapter No.98 Dragon's Sin Of Wrath (2)

[Samael Ashwood's POV]

The sorceress's expression twisted into a snarl, her confidce shak by the overwhelming force I was unleashing. She raised her staff again, attempting to gather more dark magic, but it was too late. My attack crashed into her like a tidal wave, and her defses crumbled under the pressure.

Her body was flung backward, tumbling through the snow as the fiery destruction gulfed her. The froz landscape melted in the wake of my attack, turning the once-icy battlefield into a steaming wasteland of molt earth and ash. The air was thick with the heat of my magic, and the oppressive cold finally brok.

For a momt, the world was silt. The sorceress lay motionless in the distance, her body battered and burnt by the force of my magic. I approached her cautiously, my guard still up. There was no room for mistakes, not after everything she had done.

But as I neared her, she let out a weak, ragged laugh, her voice filled with bitter defiance. "You think... this is over...?"

Before I could react, her form began to shift, her body disintegrating into a mist of shadowy tdrils. The darkness coiled and twisted in the air, reforming into a new figure—larger, more macing. Her wounds healed instantly, and her staff reappeared in her hand, crackling with dark ergy.

She had transformed into a monstrous version of herself, her eyes now glowing with a terrifying, otherworldly light.

"This isn't the d, boy," she spat, her voice echoing with a deeper, more sinister resonance. "I am far beyond the limitations of mortal flesh. I am eternal. And you... will fall."

I gritted my teeth as using this form with the overload on Dragon's heart is taking its toll on my body. Every second felt like a battle against my own limits. The transformation had giv me immse power but at a cost. The dragon's heart was pushing me beyond my natural boundaries, and I could feel the strain creeping in, threating to overwhelm me.

But I couldn't back down now. Not wh my mother's life was still at risk. Not wh this sorceress, this monster, stood in the way of everything I had fought to protect.

"Fall?" I muttered through ragged breaths, my gaze locked onto her twisted, monstrous form. "You're the one who's going to fall."

I called forth my Lightning affinity, letting it flow at the fingertips of my right hand which was facing towards the sky.

A low rumble echoed across the battlefield as dark clouds gathered overhead, drawn by the raw surge of my magic. My Lightning affinity crackled in the air, arcs of electricity snapping across the froz landscape, illuminating the ash wasteland. The storm above roared to life, and in response, the power within me surged.

The sorceress, now a twisted, hulking figure of dark ergy, sneered at my display of magic, her eyes glowing with ominous, pulsing light. She raised her staff, summoning waves of shadow and chaos, but I was already in motion. With a thunderous roar, I released the lightning from my hand, a bolt so bright it split the sky in two.

"Lightning Magic: Thunder Dragon's Roar!"

The words left my lips with an electrifying force, and the sky responded in kind. A massive, serptine dragon of pure lightning descded from the storm clouds above, its roar echoing like the fury of the heavs themselves. The Thunder Dragon twisted and coiled through the air, its radiant form illuminating the battlefield with a blinding light.

The sorceress's eyes wided in shock as the beast lunged toward her, its maw crackling with unrestrained ergy. But she immediately composed herself and a faint smirk played at her lips. "You underestimate the darkness, boy," she hissed, raising her staff high. A shadowy vortex swirled a her, growing larger by the second, devouring the light as the Thunder Dragon charged toward her.

The clash was inevitable.

The dragon roared as it made contact, lightning exploding across the battlefield. The g shook violtly, and for a momt, it seemed the sorceress would be consumed by the power of the storm. But th, from within the chaos, a pulse of dark ergy shot out. It collided with the dragon, halting its advance.

The lightning crackled, trying to push forward, but her shadow magic fought back with equal ferocity.

I clched my fists, feeling the intse strain. The Dragon's Heart within me pulsed painfully, pushing me to my limits. I could feel the overwhelming force of her magic pressing against mine. It was like two titans colliding, neither willing to give an inch.

"You think this trick can defeat me?" she spat, her voice echoing with layers of dark magic. Her form began to swell with more power, her eyes glowing like burning embers in the night. "I am the time! I am the eternal! And your light will flicker and die before me!"

She pinched the empty air in front of her, and the next momt the lightning dragon vanished without any trace as if it had never existed. My heart sank for a momt, feeling the raw power I'd summoned dissipate into nothingness. The sorceress stood, her smirk widing into a wicked grin, eyes gleaming with the confidce of someone who thought they'd already won.

I staggered slightly, feeling the weight of exhaustion from the Dragon's Heart. The pulse inside my chest was becoming erratic, and every breath was a battle against the creeping darkness within me. But I couldn't afford to falter, not now.

"Impressive, isn't it?" she said, twirling her staff lazily in one hand. "The power of time and eternity. It bds and twists all things to my will. Ev your brightest lights will fade before its might."

Her voice was a cold, mocking echo as if her power had already extinguished all hope. I felt the weight of her words pressing down on me, but I forced myself to remain focused. My vision swam with exhaustion, and I knew that if I didn't act soon, I might not have the strgth to continue the fight.

"Time, You say?" I said while releasing a sigh but just smoke came out. "So you already wt through the process and acquired the time magic from experimting on Xandros Blackthorn. And let's not the immortality aspect of Vampires to eliminate the side effects huh~"

I continued, "And last but not least became the dog of Garrick Rutherford, Quite a big promotion I see." I continued, my voice carrying a bitter edge. "All the way from a scheming sorceress to a puppet of Garrick Rutherford. Seems like you've traded your integrity for power."

Her eyes narrowed the dark ergy a her flaring in response to my words. "You know nothing of the sacrifices I've made, the power I've claimed. Garrick Rutherford is a means to an d. With him, I can bd reality itself to my will."

I could feel the Dragon's Heart within me, a searing furnace of ergy and pain. The strain was almost too much to bear, but I had to keep pushing forward. "Sacrifices? Or just greed and ambition? Either way, it doesn't change the fact that you're standing in my way. And as long as you are, I'll fight with everything I have."

The sorceress's laughter was a chilling sound, a bld of mockery and madness. "Fighting me with everything you have? How noble. But ultimately futile. Time and darkness will prevail."

"How sure are you?"

"Eh? What did you just say?"

I narrowed my eyes at the sorceress, my body trembling from the effort of maintaining the Dragon's Heart. "You heard me. How sure are you about that?"

Her mocking smile faltered for a split second, but she quickly regained her composure, her eyes blazing with dark light. "What are you implying? That your feeble resistance can alter the course of destiny? You're merely a fleeting spark against the boundless night."

"You sure? like doubly sure?" I said trying to look completely nonchalant as I gathered all my remaining mana not to attack but to... teleport Mother safely to home.

Because I know, that ev if I attacked with all my remaining mana she might survive. Which will expose Mother to the blunt force of this bitch's onslaughter, Because the barrier suring her will automatically collapse the momt my mana gets exhausted.

I could feel the weight of every spell I had cast pressing down on me, the Dragon's Heart within me a reltless furnace that burned with unrelting intsity. With each passing momt, the pressure of maintaining my magical transformations became a heavier burd. But I couldn't afford to let up—not wh my mother's life hung in the balance.

"Space Magic: Instant Warp~"

The dark dome-like barrier covering Mother collapsed but her figure instantly disappeared too, leaving just a flicker of distortion in the air where she had be. The sorceress's eyes wided in shock as she saw my mother vanish from her grasp, the realization of my actions dawning on her.

"No! You—" The sorceress's raged scream echoed through the battlefield, her fury palpable. She spun a, her monstrous form writhing with dark ergy as she sought to counter my move, but it was too late. The barrier's collapse had triggered my emergcy teleportation spell, transporting my mother to the safety of our estate.

I stumbled, the strain on my body nearly overwhelming. The Dragon's Heart had pushed me to my limits, and maintaining the powerful magic had tak a severe toll. My breath came in ragged gasps as I tried to steady myself, my vision blurring from the exhaustion.

The sorceress roared in anger, her dark ergy surging uncontrollably. "You think you can protect your precious family from me? You are nothing but a fleeting spark, and I will extinguish you!"

Her form expanded further, the shadowy tdrils writhing with malevolt force. She hurled dark blasts of ergy at me, the air crackling with each attack. I barely managed to deflect them, the impact of her magic sding shockwaves through my body. Each spell she cast felt like a weight added to an already burdsome load.

So this is it huh~

Dying for the second time...

I don't ev know if I died the first time though...

In my first life, The momts before I was brought to this world... I killed my girlfrid and my best frid for betraying me...

But this time, I am dying while saving... quite the ironic twist of fate.

I thought I would never be able to love again after that betrayal...

But they proved me wrong...

Liliana... Lily... Alice... Sionna... Lastly my beloved mother... Elysia...

Those were my last thoughts as I closed my eyes...

As the darkness croached upon my vision, I felt a strange sse of calm. The weight of my actions, my choices, and my sacrifices swirled together into a poignant tapestry of both regret and fulfillmt. The battlefield blurred, the roaring fury of the sorceress's dark magic dimming into a distant echo.

The heat of my magic, the reltless pounding of my heart, and the pressure of the Dragon's Heart within me—all were fading, replaced by an overwhelming darkness.

In those final momts, I saw faces—familiar, beloved faces. Liliana's gtle smile, Lily's sorrowful eyes, Alice's comforting embrace, Sionna's determined gaze, and my mother, Elysia, the embodimt of strgth and love. The memories of my family, of the bonds we shared, flooded my mind. They were the reason for my fight, the force driving me forward ev as my strgth waned.

The sorceress's raged howls and the tumult of the battlefield seemed to dissolve into an indiffert haze. I felt a pull, a sse of drifting away from the chaos that had consumed me. It was a strange, almost peaceful detachmt from the suffering and the strife.

But th, a sudd jolt of ergy surged through me. It was as if something or someone was reaching out, grasping at the threads of my existce, holding me at the precipice betwe life and death.

'Hey brat, going somewhere~'





[To Be Continued]


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