I Become A Mob Character In A Novel

Chapter 89: Chapter No.89 Showdown (9)

[Samael Ashwood's POV]

"We've discovered some troubling things," I began, my tone somber. "The Rutherford family's experiments are more horrific than we anticipated how Garrick Rutherford kidnapped you and started the war with the Vampire race to get them as his experimental subjects, to extract the immortality aspect from them and convert them into his twisted version of superhumans.

The horrors we've seen—it's a lot to process."

I continued, "I am just waiting for Mother to come back, After that. I will storm the Rutherford Territory myself."


A small fist zoomed in on my head and landed with a surprisingly firm thud. I blinked in surprise, feeling the sting of the impact before I registered that it was Sionna's fist.

Sionna's small fist made contact with my head, cutting off my words. The unexpected hit wasn't painful, but it was enough to snap me out of my dark thoughts. I blinked, turning to face her, rubbing the spot where her fist had landed.

"What did we just talk about?" she asked, her voice a mix of frustration and concern. Her eyes narrowed, and her tail flicked in irritation, emphasizing her displeasure.

I sighed, realizing what she was getting at. "Sionna, I know you're worried, but—"

"No buts, Samael," she interrupted, crossing her arms. "You can't just keep throwing yourself into danger without thinking about the consequences. You're always taking everything on yourself, but you're not alone in this. We need you to stay safe too."

Liliana, who had been watching the exchange with a mix of amusement and concern, reached out and placed a gentle hand on my arm. "She's right, Samael," she said softly, her voice carrying the weight of her own worries. "We've all been through so much, and we need to stand together. Charging in alone isn't the answer."

I held up my hands in surrender as I spoke, trying to defuse the tension. "Okay, okay, I get it. I won't go rushing in without a plan. But listen, I can't take either of you anywhere near Garrick Rutherford. He's a psychopath, and I won't risk you getting hurt. Liliana, you've already been through enough, and Sionna, your unique features—your wolf ears and tail—would be a dead giveaway.

Your race has been extinct for a long time, and we can't risk Garrick finding out about you. He'd be even more dangerous if he knew."

Sionna's ears drooped slightly at my words, a mix of frustration and concern flickering in her eyes. She opened her mouth to argue, but I cut her off gently. "Sionna, you know I'm right. We have to be smart about this. I need to keep you both safe, and the best way to do that is by keeping you out of Garrick's reach."

Liliana's grip on my arm tightened, her worry palpable. "But Samael, we can't just sit back and do nothing. You'll be walking into a lion's den alone. There has to be another way."

"Hey, at least let me finish my thought before you two gang up on me," I said with a slight smile, trying to lighten the mood. But the worry in their eyes kept me grounded. "You both think Mother would let me go in alone?"

I continued, shaking my head with a hint of amusement. "She's not the type to sit idly by when her family is in danger. And you know she's not going to let me rush off without her. We'll be going in together and with her power, victory is guaranteed as she is not called the strongest Mage of the kingdom for a mere title. But even with her strength, we still need to be cautious.

Garrick Rutherford isn't just some run-of-the-mill villain. He's resourceful, and he's been planning these atrocities for a long time. Rushing in blindly, even with Mother's power, could still be a mistake."

Liliana nodded, her eyes showing a mix of relief and lingering concern. "It's good that your mother will be with you, Samael, but that doesn't mean you should let your guard down. We've seen what Garrick is capable of, and we can't underestimate him."

Sionna, who had been silent, still looked uneasy. Her ears twitched slightly, betraying her inner turmoil. "I just... I don't want to lose you, Samael. Not to Garrick, not to anyone. We've already been through so much."

Her words tugged at my heart, and I reached out to gently ruffle her hair, a gesture that had always brought her comfort. "You're not going to lose me, Sionna. I promise. We're all going to get through this together. But to do that, we need to stay smart, stay strong, and most importantly, stay united."

The room fell into a brief silence as we all absorbed the weight of the situation. The threat of Garrick Rutherford loomed large, and we all knew that the road ahead was fraught with danger. But as long as we had each other, we had hope.

Liliana's hand found mine again, and she gave it a reassuring squeeze. "We trust you, Samael. Just remember, you're not alone in this. We're with you, every step of the way."

I smiled at her, feeling a warmth spread through me despite the heavy burden we were all carrying. "Thank you, both of you. Your support means more to me than you know."

"You should go talk to Lily too, She has been through so much the past few days, losing her brother to the dungeon and you have been out most of the time, dealing with everything that's been happening. She needs you, Samael. She needs to know that she's not alone in this, that she still has people who care about her."

Liliana's words struck a chord within me. She was right—Lily had been through unimaginable pain, and I hadn't been there for her as much as I should have. The guilt gnawed at me, but I knew it wasn't too late to make things right.

I nodded, taking a deep breath. "You're right, Liliana. I need to be there for her. She's lost so much, and I can't let her go through this alone."

Sionna gave me a small, encouraging smile. "We'll take care of things here while you talk to her. Just remember to be patient with her, Samael. She's hurting, and she needs time."

"I will," I promised, squeezing both Liliana's and Sionna's hands before turning to leave the room.

As I walked through the halls of the Ashwood estate, I couldn't help but feel the weight of everything that had happened. The war with the vampires, Garrick's twisted experiments, Ethan's death, and now the looming confrontation with the Rutherfords—it was all so much to bear.

But I knew that if I didn't keep moving forward, if I didn't fight for those I cared about, then all of this would have been for nothing.

I reached the door to Lily's room and hesitated for a moment. Taking a deep breath, I knocked gently before pushing the door open.

Lily was sitting by the window, staring out at the night sky. Her once vibrant eyes were dull with grief, and her shoulders were slumped as if the weight of the world was pressing down on them. The sight of her in such pain broke my heart all over again.

"Lily," I called softly, stepping into the room. She turned her head slightly to look at me, and I could see the tears glistening in her eyes.

"Samael," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "I didn't hear you come in."

I moved closer, sitting down beside her. "I'm sorry, Lily. I'm sorry for not being here for you as much as I should have. I know you're hurting, and I wish I could take that pain away."

She shook her head, wiping away a tear that had escaped down her cheek. "It's not your fault, Samael. I know you've been dealing with a lot too. But it's just... so hard. Losing Ethan, knowing what happened to him...

it feels like a part of me died with him."

I reached out, gently taking her hand in mine. "I know it does, Lily. And I won't pretend to understand exactly what you're going through. But I want you to know that you're not alone. I'm here for you, and so is my family. You're a part of our lives now, and we'll get through this together."

She looked at me, her eyes searching mine as if looking for some kind of reassurance, some kind of hope. "Do you really believe that, Samael? That we can get through this?"

"What you don't believe your future husband~" I said with a fit of mocking anger in my voice, trying to lighten the heavy atmosphere in the room. The corners of Lily's mouth twitched slightly, and for a brief moment, I saw a flicker of the old spark in her eyes.

"Future husband, huh?" she murmured, her voice a mix of sadness and amusement. "You always know how to make me smile, even when everything feels so dark."

I squeezed her hand gently, offering her a warm smile. "It's because I care about you, Lily. More than anything, I want to see you smile again, to see you find happiness, even after everything we've been through."

Lily's gaze softened, and she leaned into me, resting her head on my shoulder. "I don't know if I'll ever be the same after losing Ethan, but... knowing you're here, knowing you're not going anywhere, it helps. It really does."

I wrapped my arm around her, holding her close. "We'll take it one day at a time, together. And if you ever feel like it's too much, just remember that you don't have to face it alone. I'll be right here with you, every step of the way."

"All well and good but future husband huh~" Lily lifted her head just enough to meet my eyes, a teasing glint starting to return to her gaze. "You sure you're ready for that kind of commitment?"

"What you don't think I am worthy to be your future husband?" I shot back playfully, raising an eyebrow with a smirk. "I'll have you know that I'm more than capable of handling any challenge, including being the best husband you could ever ask for."

Lily let out a soft laugh, the sound like music to my ears after so much tension and sadness. "You're impossible, Samael. But... maybe that's exactly what I need right now. Someone who can make me laugh even when it feels like the world is falling apart."

I gently cupped her face, brushing a thumb across her cheek as I looked into her eyes. "Lily, I'm serious about this. About us. I know things are uncertain right now, and I know you're still grieving. But I'm not going anywhere. We'll get through this, and when the time is right, I'll make sure that smile stays on your face."

Her eyes softened as she gazed back at me, and for a moment, the pain seemed to fade, replaced by something warmer, something hopeful. "I believe you, Samael. And I think... maybe I can start believing in us too."

I leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead. "That's all I need, Lily. We'll take it slow, and we'll heal together. One step at a time."




[To Be Continued]


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