I Became the Strongest With The Failure Frame【Abnormal State Skill】As I Devastated Everything

Chapter 6

Chapter 6

<strong>Status and Specific Skills</strong>

[Status Open!]

The same words fly all over the place in succession .

[Status Open . ]

When I recite the words, a pattern appears on the back of my hand .

At the same time, a holographic plate appears in front of me .

[I see~ I can confirm my own ability with this~! It’s kind of like a game!]

[The classic status notation of the different world came~!]

[What is this? Skill Tree !?]

[But this is reality! It’s like that, it’s like an evolved VRMMO became real!]

The boys caused a fuss .

[Hey nerdy boys~, we don’t know about games, so tell me~]

[It feels like operating a smartphone, but is this okay?]

[This feels like any social game, though? How should I put it, Isn’t this like those social games where there’s the dialog box? Seriously?] (T/N: not sure here . )

[It’s great that things like beauty value or beauty level is not quantified . ]

[What are personal skills?]

[Isn’t it a special move?]

[Hah~!? Isn’t things like a certain kill skill dangerous!?]

[Ah! Did you mean the “kill” in “skill” means “KILL”!? So scary!] (T/N: kiru in sukiru means KILL (english) or so raws say)

The girls were crying like they’ve met monster wolves earlier .

Most of them are already nervous .

They’ve switched faces quickly . (T/N: not sure here . )

[We have built an auxiliary system in way that is familiar with everyone and optimized it efficiently . I’m a goddess, so I can adapt it to the world of the summoner . ]

The goddess explains .

I see .

So, this is how this game-like shape was adopted?

There is also a taste of the home screen of a smartphone .

It’s certainly familiar to us .

If it’s like this, everyone could understand quickly .

Goddess, huh...

She can do everything .

[Th, This is- !?] (T/N: sorry I don’t know how to put words above the words . Dragonic Buster is supposed to be above Golden Dragon Wave)

The robed man beside Kirihara was astonished .

[Oh my gosh! Takuto-dono already have his personal skills available! And, And his status that I don’t think is LV 1 . ]

[I don’t know... but did I do something amazing again?]

[There are only a few heroes who can use personal skills from LV 1!]

[Hmm~ Well, It’s not like I’m impressed or anything though . It’s normal, like this . ]

The girls worship Kirihara with their eyes .

[Takuto, he’s seriously insane...]

[Kirihara-kun, your personality is too handsome~]

[You’re quite humble . ]

[Even in a different world, you’re going to be reliable . ]

[I’m married~! Or rather, do it with me!]

The following surprise came from another robed man .

[A, Ayaka-dono’s skill tree!? This is the first time I’ve seen something like this! It’s a special tree!]

[S, Special tree?]

Sogou seems to be unfamiliar with gaming terms .

She’s struggling with the word which pops out one after another .

Well, I don’t know the identity of the special tree .

However, She’s an S-Rank, I think it’s going to be great .

[Shougo-dono and Yasu-dono are also truly A-Rank! Correction value- The differing value of their status from the others right from the beginning! Shougo-dono is LV 1 and his physical strength is +500!] (T/N: for those who forgot, me included, Oyamada’s first name is Shougo . )

The goddess supplements after .

The status numbers written isn’t a number that represent all of the person .

It’s written as correction value and “status correction value” .

The correction value + base value is assumed to be “status” .

If so...

The Status HP says you’re alive, even though it’s zero .

Is such a situation also possible? (T/N: I’m confused here . I just took it as if your base HP says you’re zero then you should be dead right? But if you have HP correction, then what?)

. Q&A time with the goddess begins,

One change was seen here .

The type of questions the students ask has changed .

It’s no longer a question of the summoning phenomenon that has occurred to them .

I’m trying to know the information regarding this world, that includes the status .

However, that depends if the question is energetic enough to ask .

Naturally, there is also depressed ones .

Those who feels like air and no one to talk to .

Now, they are gathered in the corner of the room .

A person who is about to collapse .

A person who suffers from grief .

A person who is still unable to accept reality .

Problems of all sorts .

The robed men began to make a fuss again .

[Guh...! I- I can’t come close!]

That is... where the Takao sisters are . [W- What is that about those two!? There is like a strange sense of intimidation...]

[Well, they’re S-Rank and A-Rank afterall! That aura, I can’t even feel my legs!] (T/N: Takao Thunder!)

The otherworlders were oppressed by the aura of the sisters .

The robed men who want to check their status can’t get close .

Will the otherworlders burn their hands just to get close to the Takao sisters?

The Takao sisters observes the robed men with calm eyes .

[If there’s a way to get back to our original world, it’s good to make use of this mysterious system while trying to go back to our original world . When you’re free to move around, let’s start gathering information first . ]

[I’m an idiot, so I’ll do what elder sister says . ]

[Knowledge of ignorance is the first step to being a wise man, Hijiri . ]

[Kuhihi, it’s not like I’m tired of this bouncy body of mine, but-]

[It’s very interesting right now . ]

[E- even though you say it’s interesting... elder sister always have that serious face of yours...]

[It’s just that I’m serious . ]

Did the atmosphere between those two remain unchanged even in this situation?

I want to try, too .

Now then...

I’ll just try it then?

Status check .

[Status Open]

Let’s see...

My status is–


LV 1

HP: +3

MP: +33

Attack: +3

Defense: +3

Physical strength: +3

Speed: +3

Wisdom: +3

How should I put this...

Hey, Isn’t the number strangely low?

Oyamada’s physical strength value is +500, right?

It seems only my MP is slight higher...

A title of E-Rank Hero?

When you count in order from A...

Yup .

The order seems to be low .

Inwardly, I sigh .

The name is also displayed like westerners .

And also, its “Touka”

Is it related to how they pronounced it in this world? Thê sourc𝗲 of this conte/nt n/o/v/(𝒆l)bi((n))

The display is “Touka”

Even in the different world status board, this is how they treat me?

Is this a rule for air mobs?

And then, where is that skill tree?

Searching, start .

Reviewed it again and again .

Yup . (T/N: The first “Touka/トウカ” and the second “Touka/トーカ” . I’m tempted to type in Talker on the second one, but I don’t know how it changes things . “Stalker/ストーカー” Remove the first character, then voila . Talker . )


I imitate everyone and flick down .

Nothing .

I’m reaching out to a blank space .

The base display only shows the part, the

From there, there’s nothing to grow to anymore .

So to speak, it’s a state that there is nothing but the roots

For everyone, a picture is drawn like a simple figure of a tree...

[My tree haven’t even sprouted...]

[Ara~] (T/N: I like this word . )


Before I knew it, the goddess was behind me .

She’s looking into my status .

[Um... how is it, my status?]

However, there is no reply .

The goddess turned her heel and walked away .

I too leave the space and went back to my space . (T/N: not sure here . )

Back to everyone, she started the Q&A corner again,

[Are you all done?]

Majority of us are done .

The adults don’t ask too much questions .

A certain Dr . T’s thankful words is remembered . (T/N: not sure here . im confused tbh . )

[..................... . . ]

I see .

Even in a different world, it’s like a providence where adults act the same .


[Even in a different world, I am treated like air . ]

Oh well .

E-Rank may seem a low rank, but I’m still a hero for the time being .

You can get as much as you give .

Air hero .

That’s right .

I just have to live as air .

From that day on .

Even in the future .

Nothing has changed .

I won’t interfere .

Watching over as I sit down,

Obscurely, I tweak with my status panel .

[Ah, I see . ]

If I touch here, I can see the summary of my personal skill?



[This is–]

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