I Became the Legendary Emperor Throughout the Ages After I Started Giving Away My Territory

Chapter 84.2

Chapter 84.2

Thus, the three of them slipped out of the back door of the imperial palace in high spirits.

Of course, Eunuch Liu also followed in disguise.

Surrounding Lin Beifan were many experts covertly protecting him.

Along the way, they paused and strolled, looking around and causing a stir, soaking in the hustle and bustle of the capital citys streets.

Although Lin Beifan and his two companions deliberately kept a low profile, they still attracted the attention of many.

Lin Beifan himself looked quite ordinary, and no one recognized him.

However, the two women with him stood out significantly.

Even though they had covered their faces, it did not prevent the onlookers from admiring them.

Women generally only cover their faces for one of two reasons: either they are so ugly that its haunting, or so beautiful that its breathtaking!

Judging by the graceful and elegant figures of these two women, it could only be the latter!

However, to everyones sour dismay, these two stunning beauties were both holding the arm of an old and ugly wealthy man!

Someone muttered under their breath, Is having money that big of a deal?!

Lin Beifan heard this, turned his head around, and with the arrogance of an elder, said, Young man, having money might not be a big deal, but being very rich that is a big deal! The joys of a wealthy person are beyond your imagination! Haha!

The young man was immediately provoked and retorted, Whats there to be proud of? Sooner or later, I will also earn a fortune, and then Ill marry several wives! Theyll be younger and more beautiful than yours!

Wang Xiangjun didnt have much of a reaction, as she was already Lin Beifans wife.

Chai Yuxins complexion turned somewhat unnatural.

But inside, there was no sign of resistance.

Lets go over there and take a look!

There was a crowd of people gathered there.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out that there was a young man dressed as a scholar, swiftly painting with a brush in front of the onlookers. His paintings were vivid and lifelike, capturing both form and spirit.

After the drawing was completed, everyone clapped and cheered.

Great! Well drawn!

Lets have another one!

The audience was very satisfied, and the person who was drawn was also very pleased, paying the money readily.

At this moment, the scholar noticed Lin Beifan and his companions. His eyes lit up, and he gestured to them: Esteemed guests over there, please come this way! I shall draw a portrait for you, free of charge, no payment required!

Curious Lin Beifan and the others walked over, and Chai Yuxin asked, Why are you offering to draw for us for free?

The scholar smiled faintly, In all things, its all about fate! Especially you, young lady, one can tell at a glance that you come from no ordinary background. Though you are a woman, you dress as a man, and you are destined to be a hero galloping across the battlefield!

With that, he clasped his hands together, Therefore, I wish to form a good connection here!

Chai Yuxins face lit up with a smile, Well said, you shall be rewarded!

Saying this, she reached into her sleeve and pulled out a silver ingot, tossing it over.

The scholar was embarrassed, Miss, I dont take money

Just take it, dont be so polite with me, or Ill get angry! Chai Yuxin said fiercely.

Alright then, thank you very much, miss!

The scholar happily accepted the money and, turning to Wang Xiangjun, who was beside Lin Beifan, smiled and said, And this young lady here is also quite remarkable! Although she has lived a life of loneliness and bears the reputation of being a femme fatale, she has found her one true support in the latter half of her life, defying heaven and changing her destiny. She is sure to be happy for a long, long time!

Wang Xiangjun also listened with a smile that reached her eyes, exclaiming, Well said, a reward is in order!

She commanded one of her attendants to present a tael of silver as a reward.

The scholar joyfully accepted the money: Thank you, young lady, you are a good person, and good people will surely receive good fate!

However, as fortunate as you two may be, you are not as fortunate as this gentleman!

The scholar then bowed to Lin Beifan: This gentleman here, although he may appear ordinary at first glance, is clearly a pearl covered in dust, his brilliance concealed! Once cleaned, he will surely shine with dazzling light, illuminating the whole world! Here is a poem to prove it!

Lets hear it! Lin Beifan said.

The scholar stood up and began to walk, chanting as he went: I possess a pearl so bright, long locked away by toil and plight! Once the dust clears, its light shall beam and illuminate rivers and mountains in a radiant stream!

Lin Beifan listened with delight, his face breaking into a smile: Well said, deserving of a reward! A handsome reward indeed!

Ten taels of silver found their way into the scholars embrace.

Thank you kindly for the generous gift!

After the laughter subsided, Lin Beifan asked curiously, You speak so accurately, can you read fortunes?

The scholar shook his head: No, I read people!

Lin Beifan, with a smile still on his face, inquired further: Then what else have you discerned?

This student has much to say, but this place is crowded and noisy, hardly a place for conversation. Please, sir, let us move to a quieter location! Whatever you wish to know, I shall explain in detail! the scholar said, bowing deeply.

Very well, Lin Beifan nodded.

The group moved to a deserted alleyway.

There, the young scholar suddenly knelt before Lin Beifan.

Your student pays homage to Your Majesty. Long live the Emperor, may you live for ten thousand years!

Lin Beifan was surprised: Even in disguise as I am, how did you recognize me?

The scholar exclaimed loudly, Report to Your Majesty, when you arrived just now, from afar I saw a magnificent purple aura descending from the sky, so noble it was beyond words! Surely it must be the Ziwei star descending from the heavens, creating such a wondrous sight! In this world, only Your Majesty could cause such celestial phenomena!

(TN: The Ziwei star symbolizes imperial power and destiny in Chinese culture, often used metaphorically to refer to the emperor or a person of immense power and virtue.)

Lin Beifan burst into hearty laughter, Well said! If you have such a way with words, speak more, for I am all ears!

The other continued, Having confirmed Your Majestys identity, it is not difficult to guess the identities of the two ladies beside you! One, with a heroic aura, must be the valiant General Chai Yuxin, who commands 500,000 troops and gallops across the battlefield!

The other, exuding a faint fragrance, must be the nations beauty, the widely renowned Consort Wang Xiangjun!

Only these two individuals are worthy to stand beside a wise and martial emperor like yourself!

Well said! All three, Lin Beifan and the two ladies, burst into joyful laughter.

Chai Yuxin, somewhat embarrassed, said, You are mistaken about one thing, I am not yet his consort!

The scholar laughed and said, General Chai, although its not the case now, it definitely will be in the future! For one, why would you have been childhood sweethearts with a love stronger than gold? His Majesty, for your sake, disregarded the opposition of all the civil and military officials and was not afraid to bear the name of a foolish emperor, stubbornly appointing you as a general to command the troops of Great Xia!

Moreover, knowing that you were in grave danger, he immediately led the troops himself, braving all risks to charge into the Shang Kingdom! Tell me, can you bear to let go of such a passionate and righteous man?

Lin Beifan exclaimed, Right, can you bear to abandon me?

Hmph! Chai Yuxin did not answer, turning her head away with a proud and coy attitude.

But her hand gripped Lin Beifan even tighter.

Lin Beifan turned his head to look at the young man before him, smiling amiably and said, What is your name, and what is your story? Your ability to judge people and things is first-rate, and you speak eloquently. You must not be someone of no significance!

The scholar bowed with clasped hands, offering a wry smile: Report to Your Majesty, you seem to overestimate this humble servant! This humble servant, Yan Song, is indeed just an ordinary person who makes a living by selling paintings!

Lin Beifan narrowed his eyes: You say your name is Yan Song?

Lin Beifan remembered that during the Ming Dynasty, there was a treacherous official named Yan Song, who was very capable, rising to the position of the Chief Grand Secretary of the Cabinet, and was especially skilled at ingratiating himself with those above.

He was particularly adept at discerning the Emperors will and alleviating the Emperors concerns, thus he was highly trusted by Emperor Jiajing.

Could this person before him be the same one?

Heshen, An Lushan, Shi Siming, Li Linfuthese corrupt officials and treacherous ministers have all appeared; having one more Yan Song wouldnt be too strange.

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