I Became the Legendary Emperor Throughout the Ages After I Started Giving Away My Territory

Chapter 163.1

Chapter 163.1

Lin Beifans expression changed: Master Sanchi, be careful with your words! Are you implying that all beings are suffering here because I am a foolish and incompetent ruler, which has led to the peoples suffering and a life of misery?

The old monk was shocked: Your Majesty, the poor monk did not mean that! What the poor monk is trying to convey is that the entire world is a vast sea of suffering, and all beings are struggling and sinking in it. Suffering is inevitable! Only by learning from and worshiping Buddha, and keeping Buddha in ones heart, can one cross the sea of suffering, reach the other shore, and attain great freedom and liberation!

Lin Beifans expression softened slightly: Master, considering our friendship, I will not hold your mistake against you! Since you wish to propagate the teachings of Buddha in my realm, I now ask you a question: what is Buddha?

The old monk immediately brought his hands together in prayer: Buddha is the faith in ones heart, its an unwavering belief! When one is lost, he is the guiding light. When one is cold, he is the warm breeze of spring. When one is hungry, he is the life-saving provisions. When one is weak, he is the fountain of life

In summary: Buddha is love, Buddha is benevolence, Buddha is the embodiment of all that is good, the incarnation of kindness!


Lin Beifan nodded, truly a high monk of the Buddhist Sect, explaining Buddha in a way that is simple, understandable, and irrefutable.

Much stronger than those charlatans who babble on, treating Buddha as a god.

Let me ask you another question, how does one seek Buddha?

The old monk immediately answered: In daily life, worship Buddha devoutly, regard Buddha as the faith in your heart, guide oneself with the thoughts of Buddha, do good deeds, accumulate virtue, help the world and save people, and Buddha will bless you! Amitabha!

What can one obtain by seeking Buddha? Lin Beifan asked again.

By seeking Buddha, one can escape the suffering of samsara and ascend to the Western Paradise sooner! In that place, there is no hunger or poverty, no disease or cold, no birth, death, or reincarnation, and everyone can attain great peace, great freedom, and great bliss!

The old monk smiled as if he had already seen the Western Paradise.

I want to escape reincarnation now and enjoy the Western Paradise. Can it be done?

The old monk quickly said: Your Majesty, not in this life, only in the next! The world is a vast sea of suffering, and people are struggling and sinking in it. Therefore, only by shedding the mortal body and seeing ones true nature, seeking the true Buddha, can one enjoy supreme bliss!

Why can it only be sought in the next life and not in this one?

Lin Beifan asked with a smile: Is it because you cant do it, or is it purely a deception?

The old monk was somewhat displeased: Your Majesty, monks do not speak lies, how can this be deception?

Lin Beifan countered: Good! Since you say that those who believe in Buddha, worship Buddha, and do good deeds will escape the suffering of reincarnation in the next life and enjoy bliss how can you prove that those who sincerely worship Buddha and do good deeds will indeed be happy in their next life?

Ah, this The old monk was at a loss for words.

Can you bring those people here to tell me about it in person?

The poor monk The old monk started to sweat.

Or, can you invite Buddha himself to come and confront me in person?

How could that be possible? The old monk was shocked.

Lin Beifan smiled and said: Why not? Seeing is believing, hearing is believing, the proof of the pudding is in the eating! Otherwise, all spoken words are false and completely untrustworthy! Even children know this logic!

Master Sanchi, as long as you can invite Buddha himself or those who have been reincarnated to come here, I will support the Buddhist Sect without a second word, even if you ask me to shave my head and become a monk!

The old monk remained silent, not knowing how to respond.

Lin Beifan sat back leisurely: So, you cant even prove the existence of the afterlife or Buddha. How can you expect me to believe in your Buddha? Therefore, Master Sanchi, lets be honest with each other!

Your Majesty, what is your opinion on the Buddhist Sect then? the old monk tentatively asked.

Master Sanchi, let me tell you straight, I do not believe in Buddha, nor do I allow the domestic populace to believe in Buddha! If there is a Buddha, it can only be me! So, please leave! Lin Beifan waved his hand.

Master Sanchi finally left with great disappointment.

After learning of this, Song Yufei came and said with a wry smile: Your Majesty, you really do not support the Buddhist Sect!

Lin Beifan nodded: Although what Master Sanchi spoke of was about preaching, the Buddhist Sect is still considered a force in the rivers and lakes. If they establish a foothold here, it would erode my interests, so naturally, I do not allow them to preach here!

Song Yufei nodded. She had known about this before and was not surprised.

If the Buddhist Sect had nothing to do with the rivers and lakes and was purely a religious sect, would you support it then?

Lin Beifan shook his head: Still no.

Why? Song Yufei was puzzled.

Because Buddhism emphasizes karma, enduring suffering in this life to attain bliss in the next, which essentially tells us that no matter how difficult our current life is, we should be content with our lot, endure, and not seek change! As a result, one can receive blessings in the next life!

In my eyes, this is a very passive attitude! If everyone held this belief, being content with the status quo and not seeking change, then society would not progress, and the nation would not develop!

I do not need a nation that is dead in spirit, but one that is flourishing and thriving! The ideas of Buddhism will only bind my Great Xia and are utterly unacceptable! Lin Beifan declared emphatically.

Song Yufei nodded in agreement.

Moreover, can Buddha be pure, but can humans truly be?

Lin Beifan scoffed: Those who manage the Buddhist Sect are all people, and people have emotions and desires, their own selfish interests. So they will fight for power and be aggressive! Whats worse, they will use the name of Buddha to cunningly seize wealth!

Throughout history, both in China and abroad, countless examples have proven that when a great cause falls into the hands of petty people, it becomes a tool for personal gain! There have been many degenerates within the Buddhist Sect, and Im sure youre not unaware of this!

One rotten apple is enough to spoil the whole barrel! Therefore, I will absolutely not give them the slightest chance to develop!

Your Majesty, since you dislike the Buddhist Sect, what about the Taoist Sect? What are your views on the Taoist Sect? After asking this question, Song Yufeis expression turned unusually serious.

Inside, she even felt a bit nervous.

As for the Taoist Sect, I am not very fond of it either! Lin Beifan shook his head.

Your Majesty, why is that? Song Yufei asked.

Because Taoism advocates tranquility and inaction, following the natural way, and seeking the Dao, which is also a very passive attitude!

Lin Beifan said loudly: I do not need passivity, I need vitality, I need to strive for improvement, I need to conquer nature, I need to reach new heights!

Song Yufei became anxious: The Taoist Sect actually has a positive side too, such as their efforts to find a wise ruler for the people! In this way, the common people will have better lives!

That is the most absurd and laughable thing!

Lin Beifan laughed: Do you think what they are doing now is in line with their principles? Those who seek immortality and the Dao are actually still concerned about the secular world, about whether the common people are living well. Dont you find that laughable?

This Song Yufeis face flushed with embarrassment.

So in the end, they are just for themselves, its for the development of the Taoist Sect. Essentially, they are no different from the Buddhist Sect, those bald monks fighting for power and profit!

Song Yufei had nothing to say, feeling that Lin Beifan was indirectly criticizing her, but she had no evidence to counter.

They still want to choose a ruler for the world, do they have the capability?

Lin Beifan was very disdainful: Not to belittle them, but a group of people who do not partake in the common diet, who are aloof, can they really discern who is a wise ruler and who is a foolish emperor? In the end, isnt it all about interests? Whoever offers more for them is the wise ruler! Whoever offers less for them is the foolish emperor, isnt that so?

Song Yufei didnt know how to respond because she was experiencing all of this.

In her eyes, Lin Beifan was a wise monarch, and she wanted to support him, but Lin Beifans actions did not align with the interests of the Taoist Sect and could even harm them.

Even if he truly was a once-in-a-millennium sage, the Taoist Sect would still not support him.

Miss Yufei, do you know how a true wise ruler is chosen? Lin Beifan asked.

How are they chosen, please enlighten me! Song Yufei asked curiously.

They are not chosen by noble families or powerful clans, not by martial arts sects, and certainly not by the full court of officials, but by the common people, who vote with their feet!

Lin Beifan smiled slightly: As long as you do well, the common people will naturally come to your country, become your subjects, and serve you! If you do poorly, the people will naturally leave you!

Therefore, to judge whether a monarch is wise, just look at the population of his country! If his population is continuously increasing, then even if he is not a wise ruler, he is at least a competent Emperor! If his population is continuously decreasing, then he is either a foolish emperor or an incompetent ruler!

Song Yufei nodded in strong agreement: What Your Majesty says is extremely true!

She had visited over a hundred countries and had come to realize this truth.

Good countries will continue to develop and get better.

Bad countries will continue to decline and get worse.

The polarization is severe!

Essentially, its all because of the common people.

Which country the common people support, where they wish to live, that place will increasingly thrive; conversely, it will decline.

Even if you have abundant resources and a strong army, its all in vain if the people dont support you.

Isnt this the situation with Great Xia now?

The population is continuously increasing.

In just two years, it has grown by nearly 20 million, which is terrifying!

Most of the people under his rule live in peace and contentment.

Yet, Lin Beifan is still called the foolish emperor.

Because what he does does not align with the interests of the noble families or the sects of the rivers and lakes!

And these forces often hold the power of discourse in the world.


TLN: I dont know if any Buddhist reader was offended by this chapter, but dont take it too seriously. CCP probably influenced authors train of thought.

No hate towards Chinese people, but I dont really like CCP (especially for banning reverend insanity f*ck)


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