I Became the Legendary Emperor Throughout the Ages After I Started Giving Away My Territory

Chapter 130.1

Chapter 130.1

Beneath the large stone gate. there truly lay a vast amount of gold.

The lowest estimate is at several hundred taels. If exchanged for silver outside, its value would be in the thousands of taels.

They were all servants; when had they ever seen so much gold?

Thats why everyone excitedly pounced on it.

Gold, so much goldah!

All this gold is mine, all mine!

Dont snatch, this one is mine!

Stop talking, theres enough for everyone. Were rich now!

Were rich, haha!

Everyone held a dozen or so golden ingots in their hands, some clutching several gold bars. Their faces glowing with joy, unable to contain their happiness.

Who would have thought that after falling into a hole, I would find so much gold? Heaven has truly blessed me!

It must be because Ive been praying to the Bodhisattva all these days; the Bodhisattva has shown a miracle!

It must be the God of Wealth, its the God of Wealths blessing for sure! I must fulfill my vow when I return!

I, Zhang San, have toiled for so many years, and finally, my time has come!

When I get back, Im going to find a wife right away and have three children!

At that moment, a question arose in their minds.

Why is there so much gold here? Could there be even more?

So they continued their search and finally found the answer on a stone stele.

It turned out that this place was an ancient tomb, and buried behind the large stone gate was an ancient king. As for the date, it was beyond reckoningso ancient that no one could speak of his origins.

For fear that tomb raiders would disturb the slumber of the king in the ancient tomb, a special stele was erected as a warning: Take the gold if you wish, but do not open the stone gate, and most certainly do not disturb the tombs master, or else you will suffer retribution!

So thats how it is! They looked at each other in understanding.

Then, as if by an unspoken agreement, they all turned to look at the large stone gate behind them, their eyes flickering with curiosity.

Theres so much gold just at the entrance, there must be even more inside. Should we dig it open to see?

But the stele says that opening the stone door will bring retribution!

Thats pure nonsense! The people have been dead for so many years, how can they possibly seek retribution?

Exactly! I think its just to scare people!

Confucius never talked about the supernatural, I dont believe in this stuff either!

The timid starve to death, the brave die of overeating!

They exchanged a glance, and the same thought spontaneously sprang to mind: Go in!

So, they stuffed the gold into their pockets and then scrutinized the stone door from top to bottom, searching for the mechanism that would serve as an entrance.

In the end, however, they found no mechanism and could only push the door to enter.

Lets all push together and see if we can open this door!

Alright, lets put our backs into it!

They stood in front of the stone door, hands pressed against it, and then, pooling their collective strength, they pushed hard against the door.

Thanks to their efforts, the stone door finally budged, revealing a narrow gap.

Its moving, the stone door is moving!

Lets put in more effort!

As long as we push open that door, all the gold inside will be ours!

Haha, everyone push harder!

Just at that moment, there was a whooshing sound as several short arrows flew out from the crevices of the stone door, striking those who were pushing it.

After letting out a howl, they all fell to the ground, dead.

Only the person at the very back wasnt hit by the arrows and survived.

But he was completely dumbfounded when he saw what had happened.

Dead? Are they all really dead?

Then he panicked: Retribution they must have met with retribution! I cant stay here, I must leave! Otherwise, Ill end up like them, struck by retribution!

So, he ran out in a frantic rush.

But in no time at all, he came running back just as frantically because he couldnt bear to leave the gold on the ground.

He planned to pick up the gold before running away again.

As a result, he was baffled once again.

Wheres the gold? What happened to the gold? Who took it?

All that could be seen on the ground was spotless, except for a few corpses, there was nothing else.

Everything was just too eerie!

He glanced at the stone door in front of him and felt it was frighteningly strange, like a giant mouth with bared fangs ready to devour him, so he ran out again in a panicked flurry.

I dont want to die! I dont care about the gold anymore, so please dont kill me!

Three days later, he returned to the place with a dozen people.

One of the middle-aged men was dressed in splendid attire and sported a small mustache, looking very imposing.

Liu San, is this the place you were talking about?

The man named Liu San nodded repeatedly, Yes, this is the place! Look, their bodies are still here, and they stink!

Didnt you say theres gold here? the middle-aged man asked again.

Liu San nodded once more, his voice trembling with residual fear, There really is! It was originally placed under the stone door, and we brothers picked it up! But because we were too greedy and tried to open the stone door, we didnt expect to disturb the tombs owners rest, and we suffered retribution, dying right here, and even the gold has disappeared!

The middle-aged man snorted, Retribution? Nonsense, it was clearly a trap! You pushed the stone door and triggered the mechanism, thats why you were shot to death by arrows! Serves you right!

The middle-aged man approached the stone stele and scrutinized it carefully. His face lit up with joy as he exclaimed, The owner of this tomb was a king in life, buried here after death! Kings are usually very wealthy, so there must be a lot of gold, silver, and jewels inside this tomb! HahaIve found it without any effort! Come, someone, break open the stone door for me!

Master, this wont do, well be cursed for it! Look at Zhang Quan and the others; they died right here because they tried to push the stone door! Liu San protested.

You coward, afraid of death, get out of the way! Dont delay my important business!

The middle-aged man shoved Liu San aside and bellowed at the people behind him, All of you, come and help me break open this stone door!

Yes, master!

A dozen servants took a large log and charged forward with it.

Boom Boom

After a few attempts, the stone door finally broke open.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

A flurry of arrows shot out, and those dozen or so servants all perished.

Liu San was so frightened that his face turned pale, and with weak legs, he collapsed to the ground, yet he kept scuttling backward, muttering to himself, I knew it, I knew it Opening the stone door would bring retribution, it would bring retribution. You didnt believe it, and now youre all dead

The middle-aged man paid no attention to Liu San and walked towards the stone door.

At that moment, another volley of arrows was released.

He used his martial skills to dodge this wave of arrows, knocked away another wave, and arrived at the door.

With just one glance, he became excited all over: Gold, so much gold!

He saw behind the stone door on the ground, many gold and silver treasures were scattered about, conservatively estimated to be worth over ten thousand taels of silver.

It wasnt that he had never seen so much gold and silver treasure, but he had never seen so much of it casually strewn about on the ground; it was truly a waste of heavens gifts!

He picked up the gold and silver treasures from the ground, and they actually piled up into a small mountain of gold.

Not a bad haul, this trip was worth it! Haha

At that moment, he noticed another door in front of him, a huge bronze door, and next to the bronze door, there was also a stone stele.

He looked carefully and discovered that the content was similar to that on the stele outside.

It serves as a warning to tomb raiders: This is as far as you should come. Pick up the gold and silver treasures from the ground and leave. Do not open the bronze door, and certainly do not disturb the tomb owners eternal rest, or else bear the consequences!


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