I Became the Legendary Emperor Throughout the Ages After I Started Giving Away My Territory

Chapter 128.2

Chapter 128.2

Your Majesty, every time I see you, you are enjoying yourself! Song Yufei said.

Lin Beifan waved his hand grandly: I am sharing joy with my people!

Song Yufei was speechless: It seems to me youre just intent on watching the excitement!

One could also say that I am empathizing with the common people! Lin Beifan responded nonchalantly.

Song Yufei was even more speechless.

At that moment, Lin Beifan gestured with his hand, Dont just stand there, come sit by my side. Lets watch the excitement together we shall empathize with the common people and understand their suffering!

Song Yufei:

After a moment of thought, she came over and sat down beside Lin Beifan.

Then, she saw a table full of exotic delicacies and fine, aromatic court wines.

If it had been before, anyone who dared to present such delicious food in front of her would have been penalized.

In her mind, a wise ruler should be diligent in governance and love for the people, frugal and economical.

However, after debating with Lin Beifan, she realized that a wise ruler does not necessarily have to be diligent in governance and frugal.

Lin Beifan is such an exceptional case; he is not at all diligent, and one could even say he is extremely lazy, yet the country is managed very well, without any chaos.

He is not economical at all, and one might even say he is extravagantly wasteful, but he ensures that the common people are well-clothed and well-fed.

His actions are completely contrary, yet the country is getting better and better.

All of this has overturned her understanding.

Fairy Consort Yu has come this time, I believe there is something you wish to consult me about!

Speak your mind, dont hesitate!

Your Majesty, as far as I have learned, since the beginning of this year, you have largely neglected state affairs and seldom attended court sessions! Yet, despite this, the state does not fall into chaos, and the court operates smoothly?

Song Yufei voiced her confusion, which was both a request for instruction and a test.

Could it be that you are unaware that I had established a cabinet before? Lin Beifan countered with a question.

Is there a connection? Song Yufei asked, puzzled.

The connection is of great significance!

Lin Beifan poured a glass of wine for Song Yufei and one for himself, then said with a smile, You must understand that human strength sometimes has its limits! Even if one is as exalted as the emperor, ones energy is finite, and ones abilities are limited, so mistakes are sometimes inevitable!

But establishing a cabinet is different! A cabinet is like gathering the smartest people in the land to share my worries! It includes all sorts of talents: those who govern, those who command the military, those who understand civil administration, and even those who are versed in astronomy and geographyevery kind of talent is present, and they can help me deal with all sorts of issues!

They know what I dont understand, they can do what I cant! In this way, we can avoid many mistakes and ensure the steady development of the nation! Moreover, I can free up a lot of time to enjoy life with the people. Isnt that good?

What Your Majesty says is very true! Song Yufei nodded in admiration.

Actually, many emperors like to keep power tightly in their hands, working tirelessly like an old ox, thinking that this is the right way, that by doing so they can manage the country well! But in my view, this is not advisable!

Why is it not advisable? Isnt that good? Song Yufei asked.

If the other party is a wise and valiant Emperor, endowed with both moral integrity and talent, then indeed, it is right to act in such a manner. He could, with his own learning, elevate the nation to new heights!

However, the reality is that many Emperors are quite mediocre, no different from the average person! And because they occupy high positions, they cannot tolerate criticism, which only magnifies their flaws!

If such an Emperor becomes diligent, it is a disaster for the country! Because of their incompetence, they only make more and more mistakes, the more they do, the worse it gets! Often they lack self-awareness and cannot bear to hear the harsh truth!

In the end, they exhaust themselves and also drag down the nation!

Song Yufei nodded in strong agreement: Your Majesty speaks the utmost truth, I have learned much!

At this moment, she gained a deeper understanding of Emperors.

Diligence is not necessarily a mark of a good Emperor!

If you are a mediocre ruler with insufficient capabilities, the harder you work, the more you will lead the country into the abyss!

But who can see clearly when they are in the midst of it?

When mediocre people get hold of power, they want to cling to it tighter and so they dare not slack off!

As a result, they harm themselves and the country!

Even if the other person is a wise and valiant Emperor, diligence is not advisable!

Song Yufei didnt understand: Why?

Even if the other party is a wise and valiant Emperor, who can guarantee that he will always remain wise and valiant? Everyone is prone to making mistakes, and Emperors are no exception! Ordinary people make a mistake, apologize, and thats the end of it, but when Emperors make mistakes, the entire nation has to pay the price! The more diligent they are, the more mistakes they make!

At this, Song Yufei was left speechless.

Moreover, many wise and valiant Emperors start off well, but as they grow old, they inevitably become muddled! At that time, due to their frail health and limited days, they often view power as even more important, clinging to it more tightly, becoming stubborn and self-righteous, favoring the sycophants and distancing the wise ministers, and so mistakes inevitably occur!

So for an Emperor, diligence is really not such a good thing!

Song Yufei silently nodded in agreement.

I, for one, am very self-aware!

Lin Beifan said proudly: I leave the country to be managed by the intelligent, I just need to oversee the big picture! Its not possible for everyone to make mistakes, right? Haha

Song Yufei felt that Lin Beifan made a lot of sense.

But it was clear that the other party was making excuses for his laziness.

Thank you, Your Majesty, for the enlightenment! I have another question and I hope Your Majesty can resolve my doubts!

What is your question? Speak! Lin Beifan said with a slight smile.

Song Yufeis expression turned unusually serious: Your Majesty, how can one govern a country well?

Lin Beifan frowned slightly: Song Yufei, this question of yours

Is it too difficult? Your Majesty, just speak according to your own understanding, however much you say will suffice!

Lin Beifan shook his head: Its not that its difficult, but rather its too simple!

Simple? Song Yufei was bewildered.

The question seemed simple at first glance, but in reality, it involved every aspect of the nation and was incredibly complex. It wasnt something that could be explained in a sentence or two. Yet, you find it simple?

Indeed, its very simple. All thats needed is to balance the interests of all parties involved!

Your Majesty, I am eager to hear the details!

Lin Beifan smiled and said: The entire nation can be seen as a body of interests! They are united by interests and will eventually separate because of them. Therefore, as the emperor, as long as I balance the interests of all parties and ensure that everyone benefits, then the nation will be able to sustain itself! But perhaps thats still too complicated. Lets use an example!

Imagine that there are only two people in the entire nation: a farmer and a landlord. The farmer is responsible for producing food, but he has no land. The landlord owns land but doesnt produce food. Both the farmer and the landlord want more food, but there is only so much food available. How do you think it should be distributed to ensure that they continue to cooperate?

Lets split it half and half! Song Yufei suggested after some thought.

No way!

Lin Beifan shook his head. Farmers need to work hard, which consumes a lot of energy. They need more food, or else theyll starve to death themselves and wont be able to farm for you! If the cooperation breaks down, the country is doomed!

Then lets give eighty percent to the farmers, since they are the ones working! Song Yufei proposed.

That wont do either!

Lin Beifan shook his head again. If you give too much, the landlords could simply kick out the farmers and farm the land themselves, keeping all the harvested food! In that case, the farmers would still starve to death! If people die, cooperation is impossible, and the country is still doomed!

So how should the distribution be done? Song Yufei asked.

In fact, reality has already given you the answer! Lin Beifan said with a smile.

6:3:1! Song Yufei exclaimed in surprise.

Thats right, 6:3:1!

Lin Beifan said with a smile, This is the answer formed by the long-standing compromises and struggles between the two sides!

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