I Became the Legendary Emperor Throughout the Ages After I Started Giving Away My Territory

Chapter 115.1

Chapter 115.1

A scholar shouted loudly, I beg to report to Master Li, there is a problem with this honor roll!

Li Linfu inquired, What problem?

The scholar exclaimed angrily, I have toiled over my books for 18 years, mastering the Four Books and Five Classics, proficient in the arts of the qin, chess, calligraphy, and painting. I dare not claim to have unmatched talent, but to become a successful candidate should have been within my grasp! So why is my name not on the list?

Once again, the crowd erupted into an uproar, demanding justice.

Indeed, with my level of scholarship, even if I were to participate in the imperial examination of the dynasty, I could have become a successful candidate! Yet here I am, I cant even pass the examination for a mere tribute scholar. What is the reason for that?

Therefore, there must be a mistake with this list. We implore you, sir, to investigate!

Please, sir, stand up for us students!

Silence, everyone!

Li Linfu frowned and said, If your name is not on the list, it simply means you did not pass! You will automatically be inscribed on the golden list and serve the country because you have read a lot or studied for a long time! If it were that simple, we would just select those who have read the most to become officials in the court. Why would there be a need to hold the imperial examination at all?

But with the students talent and learning, its impossible not to pass

Young man, you are too confident in yourself! You must realize that there is always sky beyond the sky and people beyond people. Why is it that you didnt pass when others did? Isnt it a clear sign that your knowledge is lacking?

Li Linfu spoke earnestly, Its alright if you dont pass this time. Go back, continue to work hard, and come back next time! Our Great Xia is in the midst of vigorous development and is in great need of talented individuals to serve the country! Alright, if theres nothing else, you may all disperse.

Sir, you must not leave, theres definitely something wrong with this list!

Please stand up for us students!

You cant let the innocent be wronged!

Watching the group of students persist in their argument, Li Linfu became angry: Enough! I have already explained that there is absolutely no issue with the list of successful candidates! If you continue to raise your voices and question the fairness of the imperial examination, I will not be so courteous!

With that, he left in displeasure, leaving behind a group of scholars gaping in shock.

It must be Li Linfu, hes definitely retaliating against us!

A young gentleman gritted his teeth and said, He took our money and now he fears us becoming officials and opposing him, so he made sure we failed the examination. Only he has the power to do such a thing!

Thats right, it must be him! That man is incredibly cunning; only he could commit such an act!

For his own benefit, he acts recklessly and without justification!

What do we do now? Are we just going to let him get away with this?

The young master shouted loudly, Lets all file a complaint to the Emperor, make a big fuss, and have His Majesty deal with this matter! I refuse to believe we cant bring him down this time!

Right! Lets all file a complaint together!

Thus, over a thousand students gathered at the gates of the imperial palace, shouting in unison.

Corrupt officials manipulate and cheat, embezzling and perverting the law. The imperial examination is unfair!

Li Linfu, for his own selfish desires, eliminates his opponents, leading to countless talented students failing the exams!

With corrupt officials in power, the government is in disarray. They must be removed!

Your Majesty, please uphold justice for us students!

This matter naturally alarmed Lin Beifan.

Lin Beifan stepped out of the imperial palace, his face stern, and asked, This is the entrance to the imperial palace. Why are you gathered here making a commotion? I will hold you accountable for your crimes if you do not give a good reason!

Reporting to Your Majesty, our commotion here is entirely out of necessity!

The young nobleman knelt down, filled with righteous indignation, and said, Your Majesty, we are all candidates of this sessions imperial examination! We came here with hopes and enthusiasm, wishing to be listed on the honor roll and to serve our country!

But who would have thought that Li Linfu, the Vice Minister of the Ministry of Rites who presided over the imperial examination, for his own selfish desires, eliminated those who were different, leading to countless talented students failing to achieve recognition and unable to serve the country!

We really had no other choice but to come here to plead our case; we implore Your Majesty to do us justice!

Please, Your Majesty, do us justice! the crowd shouted in unison.

Lin Beifan nodded: I see! However, I have reviewed the list of candidates and each examinees papers myself, and I can say that there is absolutely no issue! From where, then, do you claim this injustice arises?

Your Majesty, you have been deceived by villains!

The young gentleman continued angrily: Let me use myself as an example! Since childhood, I have been immersed in poetry and books, thoroughly memorizing the Four Books and Five Classics, as well as the collected works of philosophers and historians. Composing poems and writing essays come as naturally to me as breathing, and I have been known for my talent since a young age!

At the age of 12, I passed the county examination and became a child prodigy! At 16, I passed the academy examination and became a scholar! By the age of 20, I had passed the provincial examination and became a licentiate!

Even many people of scholar level have been placed on the list, yet I, a candidate who has passed the provincial examination, have not. What is the reason for this?

Therefore, there must be someone sabotaging this, and this person is likely none other than the Vice Minister of the Ministry of Rites, Li Linfu! Your Majesty, please see through this and stand up for us!

Your Majesty, please see through this and stand up for us! the crowd shouted once more.

Lin Beifan looked at the person before him: I see that you speak eloquently and seem to come from no ordinary background?

The young nobleman immediately replied: To report to Your Majesty, I am Li Antu, from the Li family of Taiyuan!

Lin Beifan suddenly realized: So you are from the Taiyuan Li family, no wonder you did not pass the exam!

Ah? No wonder that I didnt pass? The young nobleman was confused.

Of course, thats right!

Lin Beifan said with a smile, Because it was I who personally decreed that descendants of noble families shall never be employed! You said you come from the Li family of Taiyuan; doesnt that fit the bill? Its normal for you not to pass the exam; it would be abnormal if you did!

For a moment, all the scholars present were dumbfounded!

They had not expected that the Emperor himself was behind this!

It was his edict that barred the descendants of noble families from being employed, which led to their failure to achieve success!

The young gentleman became anxious: Your Majesty, why wont you employ the descendants of noble families?

Lin Beifan said with pride, Theres no reason. I simply find you all disagreeable and dont wish to employ you! This is my country, so I will employ whoever I want and dismiss whoever I dont want to employ. Are you satisfied with this explanation?

F*ck! The scions of the noble families were all dumbfounded.

They had thought of millions of reasons but never expected it to be like this!

At this moment, Lin Beifan waved his hand dismissively, Alright, if theres nothing else, scram. Dont linger on my land. I get annoyed just by seeing you!

In that instant, it seemed like the noble family scions had come to a realization about many things.

Why, despite all their efforts, they couldnt bring down Li Linfuit turned out that he had been in cahoots with His Majesty from the very beginning!

It was precisely because Lin Beifan was backing him that Li Linfu dared to act recklessly, swindling their money, ruining their prospects, and leaving them with no place to seek justice!

It turned out that they had been clowns all along, played and spun around in circles!

They are all descendants of noble families with incomparably esteemed identities. When have they ever suffered such humiliation?

The young noblemen, furious and overwhelmed with anger, cursed loudly, Your Majesty, your capricious and reckless actions will be despised by scholars all over the world!

Lin Beifan scoffed, As if you could represent the scholars of the world! Without you, it would be a blessing for the scholars everywhere!

Foolish emperor, your reckless misdeeds will eventually bring you retribution!

The nation will eventually perish at your hands!

You will be infamous for eternity, forever inscribed on the pillar of shame!

The scions of the noble families also burst into curses, unleashing the anger within their hearts.

Lin Beifan became furious: Very well, you dare to insult me publicly, showing no respect for the emperor! Guards, come fortheach one of these men shall receive 30 heavy strokes of the cane as a warning to others!

As you command, Your Majesty!

The Imperial Guard sprang into action, pinning down the troublemaking scholars and administering the caning.

Most of these noble scions had been raised in luxury and comfort; how could they have ever endured such punishment?

In an instant, wails of agony echoed throughout the entire capital city.

Lin Beifan watched everything with a cold eye: This is the fate of those who offend me! No matter what your status is, as long as you offend me, you will be punished without exception! I will establish a new rule: from now on, noble families and dogs shall not be allowed to enter the Great Xia kingdom!


This incident blew up completely!

The Great Xia held imperial examinations but refused to admit the offspring of noble families and even beat those who came to seek justice!

Moreover, they proclaimed to the outside world: Noble families and dogs shall not enter the Great Xia Kingdom!

This directly equated noble families with dogs, which was a sentence full of insults and deeply offended all the noble families!

These noble families were extremely angry.

Foolish emperor! How dare you insult us so much!

Forever isolate Great Xia, never do business with them and cut off all economic ties!

Also, call upon scholars all over the world to boycott Great Xia, not to serve as officials there, to leave them with no talents to utilize!

Lets see how long he can remain arrogant?


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