I Became the Legendary Emperor Throughout the Ages After I Started Giving Away My Territory

Chapter 110.1

Chapter 110.1

As soon as the voice fell, a green-robed elder appeared on the battlefield.

He was tall, with long hands, and his thin, bony figure was topped with a goatee beard. His eyes were cold and indifferent, sweeping across the entire field in a single glance.

Anyone who was caught by his gaze felt a chill to the bone.

You are the Beheader Hand Chou Yin! exclaimed the Empty Hand Master.

Who is this revered Beheader Hand Chou Yin? Ouyezi inquired.

The Empty Hand Master immediately explained, The Beheader Hand Chou Yin is an infamous figure in the rivers and lakes, a notorious killer who takes pleasure in crushing peoples heads with his hands, hence the moniker Beheader Hand.

The most crucial aspect is his strength; he has reached the pinnacle of Imperial Qi, just one step away from becoming a Grandmaster! His power is so immense that, despite having enemies all over the world, he remains untouchable and above the law!

As the Empty Hand Master elucidated, everyone took a sharp intake of breath.

No wonder just one glance was enough to send chills down the spine; the opponent was not only strong but also cold-blooded and ruthless mass murderer.

Everyone must be careful; this man is too powerful to confront directly! the Empty Hand Master warned loudly.

At that moment, the Beheader Hand Chou Yin let out a dissatisfied snort towards An Lushan, Shi Siming, and the others and said in a tone that was neither heavy nor light, You are truly useless! 11 of you against 6, and still you paid the price of a double loss! If you were my men, I would have crushed your heads already to save you from embarrassing yourselves!

An Lushan, Shi Siming, and the others turned red with shame and indignation at the rebuke.

Alas, when ones strength is inferior, one can only accept the scolding.

After chastising his own people, the Beheader Hand Chou Yin turned his gaze towards Ouyezi, his eyes narrowing into slits, giving off a chilling aura: Ouyezi, I respect you as a rare master swordsmith, a talent hard to come by. Stand down and do not get involved in this matter. Otherwise, it would be a shame to lose your precious life!

Holding a large iron hammer, Ouyezi snorted: The word fear has never existed in my life! I would like to see whether your beheading hand is more formidable or if my hammer is mightier!

You overestimate yourself! Since youre so bent on seeking death, I shall oblige you!

With those words, his body transformed into a cyan rainbow, charging towards Ouyezi with an overwhelming murderous aura.

Ouyezi, bursting with fighting spirit, roared: Bring it on! Take my tempestuous hammer strike!

Having said that, he immediately gripped the hammer with both hands, leaped up with all his might, and unleashed the most ferocious blow with all his strength!


The hammer sliced through the air at high speed, whipping up a terrifying tornado.

Then, with the momentum to bulldoze everything in its path, it smashed down toward the swiftly approaching Beheader Hand Chou Yin!

With the hammers descent, not to mention a person, even the earth itself could be blasted and split open!

However, the Beheader Hand Chou Yin, remained utterly calm from beginning to end, his eyes not showing the slightest hint of fear.

With the swiftness of lightning that leaves no time to cover ones ears, he sliced through the tornado like a sharp sword, then extended his withered right hand, reaching for the great iron hammer in Ouyezis grasp.

Ouyezi sneered, Thinking you can catch my hammer with your bare hands is nothing short of a pipe dream! Watch as I smash your hands into mincemeat!

With that, the hammer swung down even faster.

The Beheader Hand Chou Yin remained expressionless and continued to reach for the great hammer.

Then there was a loud thud, and that withered hand, which seemed to possess little strength, actually caught the hammer firmly.

How How is this possible?! Ouyezi was stunned.

His hammer was known to be a divine weapon forged from countless materials and effort!

After being propelled by his unique technique, its power was earth-shattering!

Even a small mountain could be smashed to pieces by it!

But now, it was actually caught with one hand by the opponent?

Everyone around was stunned!

They knew to stay far away from such a terrifying hammer blow, but the Beheader Hand Chou Yin actually caught it with a single hand!

The strength displayed was truly horrifying!

Hmph! Ouyezi, is this the extent of your power?

The Beheader Hand Chou Yin sneered: I thought you were more formidable. Now, Im somewhat disappointed!

Let go! Let go of me! Ouyezi gritted his teeth, exerting all his strength with both hands.

Yet he found that the others grip was firmly on his hammer, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldnt break free.

I shall add your head to my collection! the Beheader Hand Chou Yin extended his other withered hand, reaching for Ouyezis head.

Ouyezi sensed the danger and had no choice but to drop his hammer temporarily to dodge.

The Beheader Hand Chou Yin closed in, reaching out with his withered hand once more.

Ouyezi resisted with all his might, unleashing various punches and palm strikes, but they were all easily neutralized by that single hand.

Resign yourself to fate, no one can escape from my grasp! Chou Yin said mockingly, his figure appearing beside Ouyezi like lightning, his hand firmly grasping the others head.

At that moment, Ouyezi felt all his meridians and True Qi completely sealed off!

His heart was filled with shock, and only one thought remained: My life is over!

But in the next instant, the smile on Chou Yins face froze: Where is he?

Because the Ouyezi in his hand had suddenly disappeared.

Looking into the distance, it turned out that the Empty Hand Master had rescued him.

The Empty Hand Master laughed proudly: I am the worlds number one thief after all, not only adept at stealing things but also at stealing people!

Ouyezi coughed and said, Thank you, I owe you my life!

Forget about that, just dont try to kill me anymore!

The Beheader Hand Chou Yin had a gloomy expression: Empty Hand Master, youve spoiled my plans; I will kill you along with him!

With that said, he quickly advanced to attack.

Ouyezi and Empty Hand Master were so frightened that they felt like their souls were about to leave their bodies: Run!

They fled in different directions, but Chou Yin pursued only the Empty Hand Master relentlessly.

However, the most formidable aspect of the Empty Hand Master is not his strength but his movement skill, which allows him to move in and out of the imperial palace at will, eluding even the Grandmasters.

Therefore, Chou Yin was doomed to never catch up!

An Lushan watched with some urgency and shouted loudly, Forget about him! To capture the thieves, first capture the king; seize the foolish emperor and everything else will fall into place!

The Beheader Hand Chou Yin finally stopped and snorted displeasedly, You make a good point! Once I take the foolish emperors head, Ill settle the score with you all!

Then he turned around and charged towards the city tower.

Everyone was horrified and shouted, Protect the carriage! Quickly, protect the Emperor!

Eunuch Liu and Wang Jinhai, both Innates, positioned themselves in front to block.

Quick, cover His Majestys retreat!

Ouyezi and Empty Hand Master both rushed back.

Empty Hand Master arrived at Lin Beifans side, ready to whisk Lin Beifan away at the first sign of trouble.

Meanwhile, Bai Zhu, Wine Sword Immortal, and the others who were engaged with the enemy abandoned their opponents and hurried back.

Dont let His Majesty be harmed!

The Beheader Hand Chou Yin, you are an Innate powerhouse. What kind of human are you to strike at those who are defenseless as chickens?

Bring it all on me if theres any trouble!

The Beheader Hand Chou Yin laughed wildly: None of you can stop me! That foolish emperors head is as good as mine; its no use whoever comes! If a god stands in my way, Ill slay the god; if a Buddha blocks me, Ill kill the Buddha!

In the blink of an eye, he had already crossed over a hundred zhang and was now less than 30 zhang from the city tower.

An Lushan, Shi Siming, and others saw a glimmer of victory.

Chai Yuxin, Bai Zhu, and others were filled with worry.

Empty Hand Master urgently said: Your Majesty, I will take you away now, hold on tight!

Lin Beifan said indifferently, No rush, hes about to die.

The Empty Hand Master was taken aback, Ah?

As soon as the words fell, a sword light descended from the sky!

Although it was called a sword light, this particular one came without a shadow and left without a trace; nobody actually saw it!

Even the Beheader Hand Chou Yin only caught a fleeting glimpse of a light flying towards him!

He sensed the danger and tried to dodge it, and then

There was no then after that!

Under the astonished gazes of the crowd, the Beheader Hand Chou Yin that was charging towards the city tower had his head severed from his body!

His torso continued to surge forward while his head flew backward.

The head tumbled through the air, scattering blood before thudding onto the ground with a heavy sound.

Meanwhile, the headless body, propelled by momentum, reached the top of the city tower and, with a similar thud, collapsed and kneeled in front of Lin Beifan as if in a gesture of repentance.

This scene profoundly shocked everyone present!

A deathly silence ensued!

Everyone was shocked as they stared at the head lying lifeless on the ground, its eyes still wide open in death.

They glanced at the figure kneeling on the city wall.

Could it be that Chou Yin, a great master at the pinnacle of Innate Imperial Qi, had really met his end just like that?

Defeated by a single move?

But he was so powerful; who could have defeated him in an instant?

Could it be

Only a Grandmaster would possess the strength to instantly kill Chou Yin!

Great Xia had actually enlisted the help of a Grandmaster!

How terrifying!!!

At that moment, Lin Beifan shouted, The Beheader Hand Chou Yin has been executed. Will you not quickly apprehend the treacherous rebels?

The Wine Sword Immortal, Empty Hand Master, and others came to their senses and replied, Yes, Your Majesty!

Then, they continued to fight their original opponents.

However, An Lushan, Shi Siming, and the others were already so frightened that they were chilled to the bone and had lost the will to fight.

They exchanged glances and, without needing to agree, said, Run!

Then they scattered and fled in all directions.

Tathagata Palm.

Suddenly, several large palms illuminated by Buddhas light appeared in the sky.

They swatted back the fleeing Innate masters as if they were swatting flies.

They cant escape. Take your revenge if you have any, and redress your grievances!

The Wine Sword Immortal and others were ecstatic: Thank you, Your Majesty!


TLN: Yooo Lost Record coming in with a 20$ tips, thank you so much!

14/17 > 14/32

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