I Became the Dark Knight in the Game

Chapter 22: The Slums (1)

Chapter 22: The Slums (1)

As noon arrived, everyone woke up.

Dale brought the carriage back to the campsite.

Harkin went back down to the ruins and collected the gear of the dead mercenaries.

Once aboard the carriage, the journey resumed peacefully. Yet, no one found this peace to be boring.

When one comes face-to-face with death, this sort of leisure could not be more precious.

Balton leaned back and gazed for a long time at the slowly drifting clouds in the sky as if dazzled by their brilliance.

I never thought Id live to see this scenery again.

What a sentimental dwarf you are.

As Harkin chuckled, Balton also smiled.

I owe you all, especially Sir Dale, a debt of life. I will surely repay it.

Balton declared and thumped his chest with his fist.

I am a master craftsman and a blacksmith like all dwarfs. Moreover, I am a mercenary who knows his way around a crossbow. If you ever need my help, do not hesitate to ask.

Mechanical devices.

Dale thought of the box Balton had given him. A device with a button, from which daggers sprung out.

The daggers that shot out from the small box could even pierce a demons skull.

Since he was such a skilled dwarf, he would be useful in many ways.

Dale spoke calmly.

I have something in mind; I will talk about it with you later.

Ill look forward to it.

Seizing the moment, Harkin interjected,

Then, could you take a look at my shield? Its been unstable since I havent repaired it for a while.

Ill have a look. Oh dear, its not in good condition at all.

Dale continued to polish his new longsword as he listened to the chatter of his companions and the clattering of horse hooves.

The cursed sword glistened darkly as it caught the sunlight.


Three days later, around noon, they arrived at Irene.

As they entered the slums, children swarmed them as usual.

By now, rumors had spread that Dale was distributing food to the children there.

Dale handed over the generously prepared food to Esther.

Distribute it.

Me? Are you sure?

I scare the children.

Esther glanced back and forth between the backpack filled with food and Dale, then nodded her head and approached the children.

Certainly, the pretty priestess was more popular than the scary dark knight.

More children than usual gathered around her.

Esther said as she handed out food to the children.

The knight over there provided this for you. Eat it with thanks to Sir Dale.

Thank you, Priestess!

No, not me

Esther intentionally mentioned Dales name. She believed that the one who bestowed the kindness should receive the gratitude.

Dale thought it unnecessary to do so, but he didnt stop her either.

It didnt really matter to him.

Harkin clicked his tongue as if he didnt like such free donations, while Balton seemed quite surprised by all of this.

So the rumor that a dark knight was distributing food to children is true. I thought it was just a baseless story.

With a slightly confused expression, Balton asked,

Sir Dale, may I ask you something?

His face was unexpectedly serious.

Dale nodded silently in response.

Ive heard that dark knights who received the baptism of the night lack most of the emotions that humans naturally possess The little humanity they have left is twisted, and they also struggle with undead impulses. Thats what makes them dangerous.

No. This gentleman really talks about everything

Harkin interjected and glanced around cautiously. However, Dale just quietly nodded his head, and Balton continued his story.

Ive encountered dark knights a few times myself on the battlefield. Our enemies were overwhelmingly strong, but a dark knight ravaged through them like a wild beast in their midst. He was severely wounded by concentrated attacks. And what that dark knight did then

He killed his own allies to recover, I guess.

It was Harkin who took over the conversation. He seemed to be recalling the past with his eyes closed.

Such incidents appeared to be more common on the battlefield than one might think.

Correct. The dark knight killed his own allies to heal, and when he was wounded again by enemies, he killed nearby allies. The commanders just let it be. After all, the dark knight killed more enemies than allies. That wasnt a human, at least in my eyes.

Dale felt that if he let the conversation continue, it would never end.

So, with an emotionless voice, he cut in,

So? What are you trying to say?

Sir Dale seems different from them, and vastly so. Especially today, its surprising Im just asking out of pure curiosity, so dont misunderstand. Do you really help them because you want to? Or is there another intention?

Dale looked at Balton, who met his gaze with a slightly tense expression.

After all that lengthy explanation, was this what he wanted to ask?

The notion of an ulterior motive was ambiguous.

What was he suspecting?

Could he possibly believe that Dales actions harbored some sinister plot?

No. His expression doesnt suggest that. Hes genuinely curious.

Perhaps it was the typical curiosity of an intellectual.

For Balton, it must have been a significant risk. He couldnt know when Dale, if offended, might suddenly unsheathe his sword.

Thats probably why he explained things in such a roundabout way.

Dale decided to respond generously to this brave dwarfs question.

I dont know myself.


Did his actions stem genuinely from the heart or not?

Dale couldnt say for sure.

If I must give an answer, I can only say its just because.

Hmm. But if you could elaborate a little more

Feeling somewhat annoyed, Dale who was idly scratching at his helmet added.

My grandfather used to say that such deeds are often done without any special intention. Im just following his teachings.

Just because

Balton mulled over Dales response and nodded in satisfaction.

I appreciate your words. Your grandfather must have been a remarkable man.

He was, except for being too meddlesome.

Since he gained a satisfactory answer from Dale, Balton refrained from asking further questions.

It was then that Harkin, who had been quietly observing, finally spoke up.

You dwarfs seem to have an endless curiosity. Sometimes, its easier to live simply without digging too deep.

Haha. What can I do? I was born this way.

As the conversation continued, Esther returned with an empty backpack while panting heavily. Sweat beaded on her forehead.

Phew. Instead of just watching, couldnt you have lent me a hand?

The others acted as if they hadnt heard her. With a deep sigh, Esther climbed back onto the carriage.

The carriage slowly made its way towards the city.

The children, who had gathered around, dispersed in all directions.

A few of them glanced over and, upon making eye contact with Dale, quickly nodded their heads.

Dale waved his hand.

The children scampered away.

Shrugging his shoulders, Dale attempted to lean against the carriage. But just then, he felt a twinge of hostility coming from behind.

Dale who was sensitive to hostility reflexively turned his head.

However, there was not a single person in sight.

Only the same dilapidated houses stood as before.

Harkin, who was across from Dale, asked him,

Whats the matter, Sir Dale?

Nothing. I think it was just my imagination.

Is that so?

The carriage crossed a drawbridge and entered through the city walls.


The group first headed to the mercenary guild.

Even though they wanted to rest, the emergence of a demon servant was not a matter to take lightly.

Each of them reported to different guild staff about their mission.

Dales contact was Garland.

He recounted his encounter with the demon servant Hasina as objectively and concisely as possible.

Garland, who was listening with interest, was greatly surprised when the topic of the demon servant came up and was even more astonished to learn that Dale had single-handedly defeated it.

Hasina, the apostle of Arghul, is quite an infamous demon servant. That you alone vanquished that monster I have nothing but admiration for you.

Dale simply shrugged his shoulders.

Garland muttered in a serious tone.

However, this is not good.

What do you mean?

Recently, as the front lines have entered a lull, there has been an increase in soldiers and mercenaries returning to Irene.

Dale interjected.

You mean those like Harkin.

Similar, but frankly, Harkin is on the lower end in terms of ability. There are far more powerful figures flowing into the city.

I see.

And now with a demons servant appearing near the city, an excuse to gather more forces under the pretext of protecting the rear has emerged. We can expect an influx.

Dale asked,

Isnt it good to have more capable people? I heard the mercenary guild is always short on people because there is so much work to do.

Garland smiled bitterly.

Well, I wonder if they will willingly accept mercenary work. Besides, the power dynamics in Irene are in a delicate balance. What happens when new forces enter the mix?

The balance would be disrupted.

And with the disruption of balance, chaos would ensue.

Garland sighed deeply.

Moreover, theres been suspicious activity in the slums lately. There are thugs trying to make their way into the city and there are signs they might start waging war among themselves.

Thugs trying to infiltrate the outskirts? Dale certainly encountered such men not too long ago

The Drunken Mule Inn.

Suddenly, he remembered the red-haired innkeeper and the thugs who were harassing her.

Had the thugs returned for revenge in the meantime?

If the inn were to disappear, Dale would find himself back to wandering from stable to stable.

Although he felt confident that the bold woman would handle things well on her own, he still felt the need to check.

Since the report is finished, I will take my leave now.

Ah, thank you for your hard work. And let me express our gratitude on behalf of the guild. For defeating the demons servant and rescuing one of the mercenaries. We truly appreciate it.

Just make sure the reward is ready.

Haha, you can look forward to it.

After bowing politely, Garland watched as Dale nodded and then walked towards the exit.

Garland called out to his retreating back.

The city might become chaotic for a while. I hope Sir Dale doesnt get entangled in any troublesome matters.

Dale nodded again and then disappeared outside.

Left alone, Garland sighed deeply and sank into his chair.

There was just too much to think about.

The war has settled into a lull, and theres now some breathing room on the front lines. For some reason, the generals at the front are gradually sending their soldiers to Irene. The recent appearance of the demons servant even gives them a pretext. Its too complicated to be mere coincidence.

Garand, who was racking his brain, jumped up from his seat.

This isnt the time for this. I need to convene the council immediately.

With that thought, he hurriedly walked towards the door.


Dale headed towards the Drunken Mule Inn. He originally planned to visit the Temple of the Night first but decided to change the order a bit.

Welcome Sir Dale!

He opened the door and was greeted by a bright-eyed Kayla.

The inn was quiet, with only a few flies buzzing around. In a corner of the table, a book lay open, and in front of it sat a short man.

Youve worked hard, Sir Dale. Did you complete your task without any issues?

Leon asked with a smile.

Dale nodded his head in response and then turned to ask Kayla.

Was everything alright here while I was gone?

Everything alright?

The guys I thrashed before. Didnt they come back for revenge?

Mhmm. They havent shown up at all. Oh, are you worried about me? Is that it?

Dale completely ignored Kaylas remarks and sat down in front of Leon.

Were you studying?

Yes. Kayla has been very enthusiastic.

We might as well study, with it being so quiet around here. I can read pretty much anything now!

Kayla learns quickly too.

Kayla put her hands on her hips and smiled proudly, while Leon looked on at his student with satisfaction.

Then he turned to Dale and asked,

More importantly, tell me about this recent task. Is there anything I can help with?

There were some stolen goods this time too, but another mercenary said hed handle it.

Is that so? Its a shame, but Im okay with it. The black market is booming these days, and Ive been earning a hefty sum. At this rate, I might be able to set up a school soon!

Leon clenched his fist in determination, and Kaylas face lit up with excitement.

Wow! Can I come visit then?

Of course! Youll be my first. No, actually, my second student.

Leon chattered about his plans to establish a school, discussing potential buildings and how he would manage the students.

As Leon delved into these details, his eyes shone with hope and dreams for the future.

For Dale, these were feelings he could no longer harbor. But looking at Leon, he was able to feel a little vicarious satisfaction.

After chatting with Kayla for a while, Leon stood up.

Oh! Look at the time! My wife must be waiting.

Wait, Leon, youre married?

Ha, not officially yet. Havent had the time for a wedding.

With a bright smile, Leon packed his books and papers into his bag and hurried out with a spring in his step.

Watching Leons retreating figure, Kayla murmured to herself.

Jeez. Its late. Should we really let him go alone?

Leons not a child.

But still, he looks just like a kid no matter how you look at him.

Kayla seemed to be worried about Leon and she gazed endlessly at the doorway.


Setting up a school turned out to involve more considerations than Leon had anticipated.

On his way home, he meticulously reviewed his plans.

Ive arranged to buy chairs cheaply from the carpenters shop. For the textbooks, Ill copy them myself

While he was lost in his thoughts, Leon suddenly sensed something amiss and looked around cautiously.

Why is it so quiet?

It was originally a dark slum street, but today there were strangely few people.

Feeling a sense of foreboding, Leon quickened his pace.

However, just then, a voice called out from behind him.

Where are you rushing off to?

It was a figure cloaked in a robe. Leon was surprised and he hastily stepped backwards.

He knew all too well that in these back alleys, a figure shrouded in a robe was almost certainly a robber.

As Leon stepped back, the assailant followed him. Leon asked in desperation,

Wh-who are you?

Leon. Heard youve been cozying up with a fence recently, making good money? They say youve got some coins. Is that true?

Leons face turned pale.

Stories about someone getting some money in Irene tend to spread quickly.

It wasnt strange for robbers to be attracted by such rumors.

But I havent earned that much!

Where did the attention come from?

Leon tried to remember but shook his head. Now wasnt the time to think about this.

He needed to escape



A blade protruded from Leons chest.

When had the attacker gotten so close? Leon tried to turn his head to see his enemy.

However, the assailant swiftly withdrew the blade. Blood, initially trickling like a stream from the pierced heart, now poured out like a river.

Leon collapsed to the ground.

The papers he was holding scattered all around.


Leon reached out instinctively, trying to grasp the papers. It was more of a reflex than a conscious act.

But his body wouldnt respond to him. He couldnt even move a fingertip.

His eyes gradually lost their focus.

One of the assailants muttered as he observed Leons state.

What a letdown. That was too easy.

Another one remarked,

We were supposed to bring him in unharmed.

Yeah, yeah, I know.

Responding nonchalantly, the assailant dragged Leons body away.

In the dark, ominous streets of the slums, only a few blood-stained papers fluttered in the wind.

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