I Became An Academy Spearman

Chapter 41: The King of Weapons (13)

Chapter 41: The King of Weapons (13)


-Evolution of attributes

The exact reasons why and how attributes could increase in level were not clearly identified. This was because there were hundreds of attributes, and even then each attribute had different properties, so the conditions for their evolution were different.

This resulted in there being many divergent views about the causes for evolution, but there were some common points that were agreed upon and considered plausible:

When one overcame a crisis.

When one had infinite ambition.

When one would not hesitate regardless of the situation at hand.

When one reached their special enlightenment.

Beyond these four general criteria, there were innumerable clues about each attributes evolving.

But there was only one common requirement among them all to retain that evolution, regardless of attribute kind or level: a very strong heart.

The moment the heart of the person who possessed the attribute faltered, the Blessed Light that had enveloped his whole body would disappear. There were countless people who lost the Blessed Light without being able to fully blossom.

And the moment Leonhard evolved his attribute, he emitted a powerful blue light, that currently still shone strong.

However, the Blessed Light that had enveloped Han Seongs body disappeared briefly.

That was because his heart wavered.

However, Han Seong was able to accept reality. He had the absolute inner strength to look forward without succumbing to reality. He was not envious or jealous of others. Rather, he accepted the other person regardless of their status and talents and tried to move forward.

That allowed him to recognize and accept reality without being crushed by its weight, as he looked across at Leonhard. He would not be frustrated by the huge differences that existed. Posted only on NovelUtopia

Soon after.

A perhaps greater Blessed Light enveloped Han Seong.

It was, perhaps, almost inevitable


Han was dumbfounded.

He could even perceive the intensity of the light in his field of vision.

The light enveloped him completely, from his core to his feet, and out to where his hands still clutched the spear. His body was so light as a feather that he felt he could fly.

The most amazing thing was what happened next.

A wealth of knowledge entered his head. The reasons. The concepts. He even naturally understood others multiple experiences and unique ways and could utilize them in his handling the spear.

So the way he held the spear changed to a more convenient posture for maneuvering. And at the same time, it allowed any actions he would do to have more power.

He realized with humility that he had been mishandling the spear so far.

Han Seong A smile escaped him as he heard Leonhards surprised voice. He didnt need to look at his status window to know that.

Ive reached.

Attribute Level 4.

Han had thought it would take him at least half a year to reach that level. He couldnt believe it. He activated the mana that filled his entire body like a spring.

The blue light that had just enveloped his body disappeared without a trace.

From now on, Han was determined he would show a completely different handling of the spear. He believed he had enough power to counter Leonhard, whose attribute had reached Level 3.

He concentrated all his mana on the spear. The mana spread from the blade of the spear to the shaft. He had so much mana that he could feel it covering his arms as well.

As his attribute evolved, so did his stats. His current amount of mana encircled his vision and made it stronger. He could see more clearly and with more detail the main characters weaknesses, strengths, and more crucially, where the gaps were in his defenses.

I could do it.

He believed he could deal a blow to the main character of this world, even though Leonhard had repelled all his attacks as if he were an impregnable castle.

The level of an attribute meant power.

The level could be improved as opposed to the grade given.

The lower the grade of an attribute, the more difficult it is to raise its level. On the other hand, higher attributes were not only more powerful, but grew more easily. It was something he personally had found a little ridiculous and overpowered when reading about this world.

But that could matter little if someone managed to get their lower grade attribute to level up before the higher grade attribute could do so.

He pointed his spear at Leonhard without saying anything.

It was then that he raised his sword. Leonhards stoic eyes had disappeared. His gaze seemed to contain a subtle joy.

Han smiled as he looked into his opponents blue eyes. This time he would compete against a sword that shone brighter than his spear.

He stomped hard on the floor without hesitation.

Even the movement of his feet felt completely different from before. Now he understood how to step to enhance the attacking power of his spear.

Suddenly, when he turned the tip of his foot, he stabbed violently with his spear.


The moment Leonhard blocked his spear, a strong shockwave swept through the combat arena. A gust of wind ruffled two sets of hair.

The aura of First Heavenly Sword and the blue aura composed of Hans own mana canceled each other out. His vision was interrupted by the sparks.

But his mind remained strangely fresh. Also, his spear did not bounce back as much as before.

Han recovered his spear as naturally as flowing water.

Thats great.

Finally, he was in the same tune as Leonhard. He felt like he was in an actual fight rather than having to fight for his life. The speed at which he could attack again had also improved.

And the power Han had to concentrate on a single point could penetrate everything.

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