I Became a Villain’s Hero

Chapter 3: Help Me, Hero! (3)

Chapter 3: Help Me, Hero! (3)

TL/Editor: Raei

Schedule: N/A

Illustrations: Here

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Watching Song Soo-yeon actually prepare to leave after I told her to, I felt uneasy.

This wasn't what I intended.

Solace wouldn't have acted like this.

The reason I was given a second chance wasn't for this.

Realizing my first good deed might end in failure, I felt uncomfortable.

I scratched my cheek and eventually muttered.

"...You don't really have to go just because I said so."

However, at my words, Song Soo-yeon responded sharply.

"Even if you beg me to stay, I won't! How can I eat something this tasteless..."

Any guilt I had felt disappeared.

It was my first time doing a good deed and also my first time being scolded for it.

In this contradictory situation, I unwittingly raised my voice.

"Someone worked hard to make it so you could eat your fill-"

"-Then make it taste good!"

"What did you say?!"

"How can I eat this, it's so bad!"


When she spoke so bluntly, my confidence started to slightly crumble.

I glanced at the black bean noodles Song Soo-yeon had left behind.

After all, she must have been very hungry to swallow her pride and sit down here...

But leaving so much... maybe the food was bad?

Was it not just whining, but really inedible?

"..........Is it really that bad?"

I asked again, feeling sheepish.

"...I should have known when you said it was free..."

I did add some vinegar to reduce the greasiness...was that the problem?

Thinking about it, doing a good deed that the other person dislikes is just self-satisfaction.

It should be something the other person likes to be a proper good deed.

Being new to this, there were still aspects I needed to be mindful of.

If the food was really inedible, then I was the one who had been rude.

".....Is it really that bad?"

When she didn't answer, I asked again.

Song Soo-yeon silently pulled out her chair and stood up.

She took her bag and coat, and turned around without a word.

Curious about the taste of the black bean noodles, I picked up the leftover bowl.

I stirred the food and lifted a chopstick full.

"Ah.....what are you doing, really...?"

And just as I was about to put the black bean noodles in my mouth, a cold voice reached my ears.

Song Soo-yeon had turned around and was looking at me.


"Why are you eating what I spat out...? Are you really a pervert...?"

Her contemptuous gaze, combined with her sharp appearance, intensified the impact.

"....So disgusting..."

I involuntarily shrank back.

It was a good thing I was no longer the top villain...

It would have been embarrassing if anyone saw that.

"No, I... I was just going to try it because you didn't answer..."

I said, sounding like I was making an excuse.

"I told you several times it was awful."

".........I see."

I first put down the bowl.

If I continued, she might've exploded.

Song Soo-yeon stared at me piercingly, then,


She let out a sigh as if overwhelmed, and started to leave the restaurant.

I watched her back, feeling a strange sensation.

Letting her go like this, it seemed like there would be no more involvement with her.

.....And that thought gave me an uneasy feeling.

If I couldn't even hold onto her, who had a connection with me in my past life, then who would remain by my side?

What would Solace have done?

While I pondered, Song Soo-yeon left the restaurant, clutching her still-empty stomach.

My next action stemmed from the fear of ending up forever alone.

I shouted after Song Soo-yeon, who had already left.

"Hey! Come back tomorrow! I'll make it tasty for you!"

Song Soo-yeon paused for a moment, then continued walking.



The next day, I visited a famous black bean noodles restaurant downtown.

It was bustling with people.

If my restaurant had this many customers, would people think highly of me?

Well, first I need to win over Song Soo-yeon.

She's the first person to come in, in a week...

I was courteously seated and ordered black bean noodles.


Eating the restaurant's food, I realized how arrogant I had been.

Maybe I really lack talent in cooking.

Would I have avoided such comments if I had served this to Song Soo-yeon yesterday?

Would she have thanked me?

"....It's delicious."

Muttering to myself, I chewed on the food.

Simultaneously, I memorized the ingredients I could see in the black bean noodles.

Meat, onions... and what is this?

After pondering for a while, I put down my chopsticks.


Actually, simply buying these black bean noodles for Song Soo-yeon would be the fastest solution.

But somehow... that doesn't seem right.

To show my sincerity, she needs to eat my cooking.

And if I try to compensate with money instead of cooking myself, I fear my intentions might be misinterpreted.

She's already labeled me a pervert.

And it's not like I'm trying to bribe her with money.

I just genuinely want to feed her well.

I looked around.

People were laughing and sharing stories.


Suddenly, a wave of loneliness enveloped me.

I started doing good deeds in my previous life to get rid of this loneliness, and I'm trying to do the same in this life.

It's been about a month since my regression, yet there has been no change.

I'm still alone.

Even a glance around the shop confirms it; I'm the only one here by myself.

It's not about feeling self-conscious; it's just that seeing the difference between them and me makes me feel down.

".....Things will get better."

I sniffled and comforted myself.

Having just one friend would make it less lonely.

The advantage of being alone is that I can be honest with myself.

I dont have to worry about anyone elses opinion.

Especially after shedding the annoying title of 'number one in the villain danger ranking,' I've become even more honest.

Meanwhile, bursts of laughter erupt from the surrounding tables.

Seeing this, I found my resolve reigniting.



"....Hmm, it seems a bit similar, right?"

Inside the smoke-filled kitchen, I praised myself while eating my creation.

In truth, it didn't resemble the famous black bean noodles I had for lunch at all, but it was a significant improvement compared to what I fed Song Soo-yeon the day before.

This should be good enough.

Not that I don't want to serve something delicious, but there are limits.

I'm someone who can accept my own limitations.

Besides, for a free meal, this isn't too bad, right?

I rationalize to myself.


Honestly, I just don't want to peel any more onions.

They sting my eyes too much.

I've cried too many tears.

Even as the former number one villain, this is too much for me.

I begin to tidy up the chaotic kitchen.

After dumping numerous failed attempts into the food waste bin, I step outside through the kitchen's back door.

The cool late evening air of autumn greets me.

The truth is, all this effort isnt just to get closer to Song Soo-yeon.

It doesnt really matter if it's her or not.

I just want someone by my side.

I sometimes wonder if it's necessary to go to these lengths.

But realizing that my efforts aren't just for her, I find the strength to continue.


At that moment, I sense something unusual.

I never ignore such feelings.


Carefully setting down the food waste bin, I follow where my senses lead.

I continue walking through the damp and gloomy alleyways.

As night falls and without any lights, it gets darker.

The closer I get, the more certain I become of another fact.

Someone is using their powers.

Could it be a fight between ability users?

Eventually, I peek into the alley where the powers are being used.

"Hey, what's up?"

And there I see something.

Song Soo-yeon is there.

She was being tormented by three female students who looked every bit the delinquent as she did.

It was a surprising sight.

Song Soo-yeon, with her fierce demeanor and destined to become powerful in the future, was being bullied.

.....Why isn't she resisting?

Is she afraid of hurting them?

If that's the case, it's a far cry from the sharp attitude she recently showed me.

Perhaps she also harbors her own form of goodness within.

Before I regressed, I wouldn't have tolerated such treatment, though I regret acting so carelessly.

In that aspect, Song Soo-yeon seems to possess many qualities superior to mine.

"Didn't I tell you to bring the money by today or I'll burn your head off?"

One girl flicked her fingers, creating flames in her hand.

".....Soo-yeon....we gave you so many chances..."

Another, as if comforting Song Soo-yeon, stroked her cheek with pointed fingertips.

"Look at this scaredy-cat, too terrified to even speak."

The last student laughed mockingly, simply watching from behind.

Song Soo-yeon, with an expressionless face, coldly stared at them and retorted.

"I said I don't have any money."

"If you don't have it, you should have made some, you crazy girl."

The student controlling the flames grabbed Song Soo-yeon's hair.

Unable to hold back any longer, I shouted out.

"Hey! What are you doing, that's dangerous!"

Their attention shifted towards me.

That person, she's the future number one villain.

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