I Became a Gallery Manager in Another World

Chapter 32: Church Sister Blackmail Training (5)

Chapter 32: Church Sister Blackmail Training (5)

(A photo of neatly arranged clothes with inverted panties on top.jpg)

(89.74): Hahaha, are you crazy? Did you come up with this yourself?

Sacred Power Container: Yes... Master... I came up with it myself.

(89.74): Ha... You're just a born bitch. A bitch who will be eaten and dominated by her Master for life.

Press- Press-

Sacred Power Container: That's right... I will be eaten and obedient to my Master for life...

(89.74): Hahaha, don't change your mind later, okay?

Sacred Power Container: No... really... I want to live as your bitch forever... Please continue to dominate me, Master...

Haah! Uh!

It was all just a concept.

They were merely words from the gallery

But every comment from the Master made her womb ache as if she were going crazy.

(89.74): Hahaha, you horny bitch. You're so aroused that I'll give you a reward, haha.


The word reward sent Yuriss heart racing wildly.

Sacred Power Container: Thank you... Master...

(89.74): Yeah, you see that box in the corner of the duty room, right?

Sacred Power Container: Yes... it's there.

(89.74): Open it. I've put something inside for you.

Sacred Power Container: Yes... Master.]

Eh? Its not a photo of a penis

Yuris felt a twinge of disappointment at the unexpected reward as she opened the box.



Her disappointment vanished in an instant.

Haah..! Haah! Th-this!!..Could it be..!?!

The strong scent of night flowers hit her as soon as she opened the box.

Though she had never smelled it before, her female instincts instantly recognized what it was.

Sacred Power Container: Master this. could it be the one from before.

(89.74): Yes, they are the panties of your Master that you used for masturbation.


Hi..hic! Hehe!Hehe! ..Ma Masters..pa..panties..!!...Gulp..!..Ugh!!

The moment she grabbed the panties, the pleasure from her masturbation resurfaced, and Yuris climaxed lightly.

Sacred Power Container: ...Thank you... and... I'm sorry... I went a little... without even touching it.

(89.74): Hahaha, how lewd are you that you climax just by touching it, you bitch haha. Now, smell it.

Sacred Power Container: Ah.... yes... Master...


Trembling, Yuris carefully lifted the panties and slowly brought her face closer, taking a deep breath.


Crackle-! Crackle-!

Overwhelmed by the strong male scent, Yuriss body instantly went into heat.

Ok! Heck!! Masterpenis..!! myscent..Hic..!Hiihic!!...Ma,ma,masturbation! ..Waamasturbate..!

Thinking of masturbating with Masters panties, Yuris felt like she could climax 100 times.

Sacred Power Container: Thank you, Master... I'll diligently masturbate with Master's panties... I won't wash them and keep them well...

(89.74): ??? What are you talking about? Who gave them to you?

Sacred Power Container: ....Eh? But... you said it was a reward...

(89.74): The reward was just smelling them. Leave them as they are and go back.

Eh??!Huh!. Thatstoocruel!.Master.

Yuriss face looked as if she was about to burst into tears at Masters comment.

How could she just leave behind such a treasure, akin to a holy relic!

Even if its a command from her Master, there were things that could and couldnt be done!

Sacred Power Container: ...Master...can't... I take...the bitch's...please...

(89.74): No.

Ah!!Uh!!..MaMaster!!This is reallynot right..!!

Yuris, clenching her fist, rubbed her thighs repeatedly.

Sacred Power Container: Ah... I really want to masturbate while smelling the scent of my Master's bitch's panties...

She really wanted to masturbate.

Burying her face in the panties, she wanted to pleasure herself repeatedly while soaking in the scent of her Master.

(89.74): I didn't say you can't masturbate. Go ahead.

Sacred Power Container: ...What? But... you said... taking them... is prohibited...

(89.74): Yeah, masturbate right there.


Exposing herself was one thing, but masturbating outdoors!

It was something Yuris had never imagined.

Sacred Power Container: Master... but... this is... outside...

(89.74): No one comes to the old school building anyway. If you masturbate now, I won't set a climax limit or ask for a report. Do as you wish.

Hua? I can climax as much as I want?

Yuris, trained to report every climax to her Master, had never truly masturbated freely.

Of course, there were many times she was too immersed in masturbation to report

But she always felt a part of her that needed to report the act.


But this time, she could climax as much as she wanted without thinking about anything.

(89.74): Don't if you don't want to. Just put the underwear back in the box and go back.

Sacred Power Container: Wait, Master... give me a moment to think...

(89.74): Alright. I'll give you 5 seconds to think.

(89.74): 4

(89.74): 3

Sacred Power Container: I'll masturbate!

(89.74): 2

Huh?! Did I just agree?

Pressured by the 5-second countdown, her hands spontaneously posted the comment.

(89.74): You'll masturbate?

Haa Im not supposed to

But now, she couldnt simply retract her decision to her Master.

Sacred Power Container: Yes... Master... I'll do it... Please let me...

(89.74): Alright... then masturbate. Report when you're done.

Sacred Power Container: Thank you... Master...

Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump!

Thithis isunavoidable, right?

Leaving after saying this would be lying to her Master

It definitely wasnt because she wanted to freely masturbate while smelling Masters panties


The moment Yuris, holding the underwear in one hand, brought her fingers between her legs.


Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack!

Hiiik!! Hooook!Heuk..!.Masteryour scent!!Hic!..Heck!Heck!.I didnt say it!!Thithis is!!.. Im crazy!!!HuuHiiik!! Ughh!!


While wiping the floor of the duty room covered in her fluids, Yuris groaned.

Initially, she had been extremely nervous, but the moment she started masturbating, she became completely absorbed.

Its really good that it was the old school building

If she had masturbated with the underwear in the dormitory, surely everyone in the next room would have heard.


She had put the underwear back in the box, but her hand still seemed to retain the scent of her Masters penis.

A while later, having finished cleaning, Yuris reported to her Master with a bright smile.

Sacred Power Container: Thank you, Master. The bitch masturbated a lot...

(89.74): Hahaha, did you enjoy it that much?

Sacred Power Container: Yes...it was really so good...bitch... I'm really glad I met you, Master...

Yuris sincerely thought so.

If she hadnt met her Master, she would never have known such pleasure existed.

I Im a bitsorry to myfated partnerbutit feels sogoodbut Illdefinitelykeep my virginity!

Yuris was resolved to keep her virginity in case her Master wasnt her fated partner. However, she would follow all other commands.

(89.74): But bitch

Sacred Power Container: Yes, Master...

(89.74): Your hair is pink like your pussy and nipples, hahaha. Suits a bitch like you, hahaha.

Sacred Power Container: ...Yes, Master... Thank you...


Yuriss hand, which was about to post a comment, stopped.

Pink hair?

She felt her blood run cold.

She had never sent a photo to her Master where her hair was pink.

(89.74): Bitch. Why aren't you answering? Your Master complimented you.

Sacred Power Container: Thank you... but Master...

How should she broach the subject?

Before she could think further, her Master posted another comment.

(89.74): Ah... how did you know your hair is pink?

Sacred Power Container: Yes...

(89.74): Of course, I know hahaha. I saw it myself.

Ah! Ahhh. Ahuk

Despite her hopes, Yuris bit her lower lip at the words she had hoped werent true.

(89.74): Who would have thought the saint candidate would be such a bitch. Hahaha, I was really surprised.

Sacred Power Container: Master... No... I'm not... a bitch....

(89.74): Not? Look at this (link)

With trembling hands, Yuris clicked the link posted by her Master.

(Duty Room Masturbation Photo 1), (Duty Room Masturbation Photo 2), (Duty Room Masturbation Photo 3)....

Ah! Ah. Ah No!! No way!!!

Though blurred, the photos were unmistakably of Yuris.

Sacred Power Container: Master... please delete it... please...

Sacred Power Container: Please delete it...

Sacred Power Container: The bitch begs you... please...

(89.74): Hahaha, don't worry, I already deleted it.

As her Master had said, the photos were deleted when she clicked the link again.

Haa Haa Haa.

(89.74): Of course hahaha. Can't let others see my bitch. I also deleted the comment I wrote with hahaha.

Sacred Power Container: Yes... Master...

(89.74): Hmm... weird... why doesn't the bitch seem happy? Your Master personally watched you masturbate and kindly deleted the photos...

Sacred Power Container: No... I'm happy. Thank you for watching me masturbate, Master...


What would Master do to me from now on?

Ah!Haa!No..No!I dont want it..!!

When all sorts of negative thoughts swirled in Yuriss head,

(89.74): Hahaha, don't worry too much. Nothing's going to change.

Sacred Power Container: ....Really?

(89.74): Do you think I would use this to blackmail and assault you?

Yuris had indeed feared the worst-case scenario, which included assault.

Sacred Power Container: ...So... it won't happen?

(89.74): It's just the same. You just continue to be a faithful bitch following Master's orders. Of course, you'll have to listen better than before... You understand, right?

Sacred Power Container: Yes... Master... I'll be a good bitch....

(89.74): That's right, that's all. You must be tired, so go rest for today.

Sacred Power Container: Yes... Master... Thank you...


Sob!.Sob..!..UghWhatwhat do I do nowUgh

Yuris, sitting down on the spot, covered her face and cried in agony.


Though she thought she was crying

Thump- Thump-

Underneath her palms, Yuriss lips were unmistakably twisted upwards.

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