I Became a Gallery Manager in Another World

Chapter 116: The Genitals Are Closer Than The Law (2)

Chapter 116: The Genitals Are Closer Than The Law (2)

“O…Oh, have you arrived, Lord Ian…”

With a naturally kneeling posture and bowed head, Laplace appeared somewhat pitiful, but…

That didn’t mean I would treat her gently, as she wouldn’t want that either.

On the contrary, having not seen each other for a while, she must be eager for me to fully embrace the ‘ruler’ role.


“It seems you’ve become quite comfortable now, calling me whenever.”

So, I stepped inside the hem of Laplace’s skirt and pressed on her privates.

“Ah!♥…No..Yikes…Ah!…That’s…that’s not it!…Ahh!!♥”

“I told you not to make excuses, you foolish girl. How many times must I tell you?”

“Ah!…♥…Be..because I’m dumb…I’m..I’m sorry♥…Ah!”

Unfortunately, wearing shoes meant I couldn’t feel the warmth of her privates, but her moans were enough to convey that she was feeling it.

“So, why did you call me?”

If Laplace took the initiative to contact me, there must be an important reason.

“Ah…um…since summer vacation is coming soon…I wanted to ask if you had any plans…”

“Summer vacation?”

“Yes… Lord Ian.”

The sacred academy’s summer vacation started on June 9 and ended on September 6.

It’s mid-May now, so it’s time to start planning for the vacation.

‘…I don’t have any plans yet.’

Although I had spent almost every vacation with the Marigold family trips, I was not sure what would happen this year.

For now, I needed to continue with Estelle’s exorcisms, and to do that, I needed to coordinate with Yuris, and keep tormenting Laplace like now.



“Fascinating… Since when did I have to report my plans to a sex toy?”

“…That’s…ah!..If it’s okay…Ah!♥…I wanted to invite Lord Ian to the imperial palace…”

I never imagined I’d be invited to the royal palace, but having met Lady Elise, it wasn’t as surprising as I thought.

‘But I wonder when I’ll see Lady Elise again?’

Despite having gained destiny power through my relationship with Helen, it wasn’t enough to advance as a ‘gallery manager,’ so this time, I wasn’t invited by Lady Elise.

‘…It seems I’ve formed relationships with all the nearby gallery users.’

If it’s just about gaining destiny power, Estelle was an easy target, as I knew.

Continuing the exorcisms and then just having sex would be the end of it.

─Thank you, Ian.

But I also had a conscience.

If it were a formal relationship, it might be different, but using destiny power as an excuse to secretly be with a sleeping Estelle was something my conscience wouldn’t allow.

‘…But why did Laplace invite me?’

Upon reflection, it seemed odd.

Even if Laplace wanted to spend time with me, there would inevitably be restrictions on our actions within the palace grounds.

In that case, it would be better for Laplace to come out of the palace than to invite me there.


After pondering for a moment without a clear answer, I pressed harder with my toes and asked.

“How dare you… Why? Do you think you can do something to me within the palace?”

“Ah..uh!…♥….Ah!…That’s not it! Uh..!”

As Laplace hastily covered her mouth to stop making excuses, she revealed the main point.

“It’s presumptuous..I know..♥…but no matter what…I can’t call my sister outside..Ah!♥”


“…Ah♥….Ah…Yes…Lord Ian, I wish you would take my sister.”

Laplace’s sudden words left me momentarily stunned.

‘Take Her Highness Valentine?’

To lay a hand on a princess in the imperial palace…

Honestly, I could only think that she had lost her mind.


Of course, Laplace, who was currently enjoying being stepped on, was also a princess.

However, this was an unavoidable ‘mistaken rape’ caused by a potion given by Goddess Elise.

And to speak coldly, the gap between Lady Valentine and Laplace, although both princesses, was too vast.

Valentine Mapleflower.

Laplace, the only sister of Emperor Bestia and the princess destined to be the next ruler, was indeed a figure of high standing.

And above all…

‘She’s a married woman, right?’

Indeed, she had been wed for several years to the second son of the esteemed Blue Tulip family.



“…Explain in detail.”

My inquiry was driven by pure, innocent curiosity, with absolutely no ulterior motive.


Thump- Thump- Thump-

Her excitement for Ian was palpable, leaving Laplace with a dry mouth.

‘…My lord.’

Justice's Magical Girl■: If it's not too much trouble, could you stop by the guidance office for a moment?

Under normal circumstances, Laplace would never have made such a request.

She was aware of the audacity in something akin to a sex toy asking anything of her lord.

However, the sight of Helen Redrose in the library had sparked a deep unease in Laplace, compelling her to take action.

‘The most favored sex toy… must be me.’

Laplace was prepared to sacrifice anything to secure Ian’s favor.


What could she possibly offer?

In Laplace’s view, Ian was a ‘ruler’ destined to command not just the empire, but the entire world.

To such a person, power, money, and honor were inconsequential.

No one would be impressed by the offer of something that would inevitably be theirs.

‘…In that case.’

Laplace resolved to first enhance her appearance.

When humans selected a pet, they prioritized appearance over ability.

Indeed, since deciding to serve Ian, Laplace had begun to pay more attention to her appearance, which only became more radiant.

…However, unfortunately, competing based solely on appearance proved insufficient as beside the ruler stood women of superior beauty like Evelyn and Helen.

‘Appearance alone isn’t enough… I need something more… something special…’

It was then that Valentine Mapleflower caught the attention of Laplace, who was in search of that special something to win favor.

It was.

Of course, someday, like Lady Redrose, Lord Ian would also take Mapleflower into his hands.

But if my actions could even slightly help Lord Ian and make me a bit more favored than the other females…

Laplace was satisfied with that.

‘And if she is my sister with the same blood flowing through her veins… Ah!’

Laplace shuddered at the thought of Valentine and Ian’s relationship.

The sense of defeat felt when ruthlessly beaten in the stomach, strangled, and raped.

The helplessness when begging for her life and pleading for forgiveness for a creampie.

Yet, the overwhelming pleasure that made her grateful to be born a woman.

She wanted to share all of this with her beloved sister as soon as possible.

‘Then surely my sister will realize I was right…’

That females were destined to submit to males, and submitting to the most superior male, ‘the ruler,’ was the greatest happiness.

‘…Terrace won’t do.’

He was the man who married her sister just because he was the second son of the Blue Tulip family and her childhood friend, but Laplace thought he was lacking in everything else.



“Explain in detail.”

Laplace was excited that she had piqued Lord Ian’s interest, but…

“…Yes… Lord Ian…”

She gathered her thoughts to avoid any mistakes and slowly began to speak.

‘It was a maid of all trades.’

That was my conclusion after careful consideration.

No creampie, use of contraceptives and condoms, the act of sex observed from beyond a mirror by the husband, and to stop immediately if requested.

All these negative conditions were filled, and even then, nothing had been confirmed yet.

Terrace might have allowed it, but Lady Valentine was still considering it.


Of course, I truly wasn’t even a bit disappointed.

Was it truly possible to have a relationship with Lady Valentine without any strings attached?


“…Who are you talking to with such absurd ideas?”

So, it wasn’t out of anger that I grabbed Laplace’s neck and spoke in a low tone.

After all, Laplace had summoned me here with the desire to be tormented, so I simply fulfilled her wish.

“Ke..♥Keuk..Ah.. Lord Ian?♥”

As expected, I saw a blend of fear, terror, and anticipation in Laplace’s eyes.

‘It’s really sad, but it’s unavoidable.’

Having focused on Estelle and neglected Laplace, I resolved to torment her thoroughly today.


With my right hand, I gripped Laplace’s neck and lifted her, while with my left, I pressed on the spot 3.8cm below her navel, where her uterus was located.




Upon my command, Laplace’s legs shook, and she experienced a climax.

It hardly required any effort.

Laplace, having conditioned her body to respond to uterine stimulation, could climax with just a firm press, similar to pressing on Lady Yuris’ plump cheeks.

“Go.” “Go.” “Go.”

“Keuk…Ah!! Ah!!♥”

Fwoosh-! Fwoosh-!

After several climaxes, Laplace’s legs failed her, and she collapsed to the floor. At that moment, I kicked her lower abdomen with precisely calculated force.



“Did you call me over for something so trivial?”

While Laplace was taken aback by the sudden blow to her belly, I grabbed her hair and commanded,

“Stand up straight, Laplace.”

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