I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 379: Burning Charcoal for heat and eliminate the whole tribe 2

Chapter 379: Burning Charcoal for heat and eliminate the whole tribe 2

After completing these tasks in front of everyone's eyes, Han Cheng stepped out from inside and closed the door, using hides to seal up the gaps in the door.

The doors of the Green Sparrow Tribe are woven from tree branches, and when the weather gets cold, they are covered with animal skins to prevent the wind from seeping through.

After coming out, Han Cheng did nothing but bring out a clay cup, pour himself a cup of hot tea, and warm his hands while drinking.

Unlike the whispering and speculation of others, Han Cheng showed no reaction to what happened inside the room.

As long as the door remained closed for a sufficient amount of time, the two chickens and rabbits inside, used as guinea pigs, would have no outcome other than death.

After drinking four cups of hot tea in a row, feeling hot all over with a slight sweat on his forehead, Han Cheng handed the empty cup to Bai Xue, standing beside him. Then, under the gaze of the tribe, he opened the tightly closed door.

As the door opened, several pieces of hide stuffed in the door gap fell to the ground, accompanied by a pungent smell of charcoal.

Through the open door, one could see that the charcoal placed in the basin not far from the door had completely extinguished.

The two chickens and rabbits with tied legs lay motionless on the ground, unlike before, when they occasionally bounced around.

Seeing this scene from afar, everyone felt amazed.

Some who didn't see clearly or couldn't believe it were ready to enter the room to examine it carefully, but Han Cheng stopped them.

After removing the hides from the windows and ventilating for a while, Han Cheng allowed people to enter.

The two chickens and rabbits were already dead, but surprisingly, there were no wounds on their bodies!

They didn't die of illness either. These two animals selected by the Divine Child were lively and healthy before being put into the room. They couldn't fall ill and die so quickly.

"Divine Child... this..."

Holding the chickens and rabbits that everyone had passed around, the shaman appeared somewhat puzzled, more so, filled with doubt as he asked Han Cheng.

The others also widened their eyes, looking somewhat frightened and uneasy at their Divine Child.

Especially those who often cooked and dealt with fire. Seeing the two chickens and rabbits lying silently, their faces turned pale, and their bodies trembled slightly.

Some had already wanted to go back and extinguish the firewood under the fire bed in the room. From now on, they would never burn firewood under the bed again.

Compared to their lives, enduring a bit of cold was nothing.

The revelation was a bit too intense, almost overkill.

Watching everyone's reactions, Han Cheng sniffed and thought so.

But it's good to make everyone deeply aware of the danger of fire and not to take it lightly.

He cleared his throat and began to think about how to explain the reasons in a way that primitive people could understand.

As the sky dimmed, the silver moon cast its brilliance, shining on the white snow, making the night exceptionally bright.

It was already a moment of complete silence. In the past, the people of the Green Sparrow Tribe would have entered their dreams by now. However, tonight, people were climbing up from their fire beds occasionally, checking if any gaps were left in the front window.

Although the Divine Child had clearly stated that fire is safe as long as there was a certain amount of space left for ventilation, many people still couldn't sleep soundly.

Worried that they would never wake up again if they fell asleep like those two chickens and rabbits.

After this situation lasted for a while without any terrifying incidents, the people of the Green Sparrow Tribe finally began to relax slowly.

However, nobody dared to be careless about fire anymore. Even if the weather was cold, they would leave gaps in the doors and windows.

Through the impressive experiment that left a deep impression on them, they realized that it wasn't just raging fires that could be fatal; even seemingly gentle flames could be just as deadly...

The experiment was very successful. After witnessing the tremendous power of charcoal in a sealed room, nobody dared to mention bathing methods that could be life-threatening again.

The shaman also felt lingering fear. He wouldn't have dared think about the consequences without the Divine Child’s shrewdness and broad knowledge.

As a result, people who experienced the terrifying nature of flames became more vigilant and expressed their agreement with the shaman's proposal to build a dedicated bathing place.

After selecting the bathhouse's location and clearing away the accumulated snow, the ground underneath had frozen a bit due to the cold winter.

However, this did not pose a problem for the people of the Green Sparrow Tribe, as they had experience building things in the winter.

Piles of fires were lit on the prepared foundations, which were then softened, and people dug with stone picks and bone shovels.

Although it was more troublesome than other seasons, the progress was not too slow.

Moreover, because they had a method of applying animal fat to their hands and faces, they would not suffer from frostbite while working in such weather.

After the foundation was dug, it was filled with stones.

It was at this time that they encountered a problem.

A problem that made everyone in the Green Sparrow Tribe feel troubled.

And that problem was stones.

Of course, not the extraction of stones.

The people of the Green Sparrow Tribe were already proficient in quarrying stones, not to the point of perfection, but not novices either.

What troubled them was the transportation of the stones.

This issue only arose when they began transporting stones from the quarry to the tribe after excavating the foundation.

Although the people of the Green Sparrow Tribe had transported stones to the tribe before, this was the first time they had done so in winter.

Although it only snowed once, the snow didn't melt much afterward. Walking through such accumulated snow without carrying anything was difficult, let alone carrying heavy stones.

After trying to transport the stones for a morning, the ambitious project of building the bathhouse temporarily stalled.

Transporting stones this way was too complicated, and the progress was too slow.

"Divine Child, let's shovel the snow first, then transport..." Shang suggested, rubbing his hands together.

Shoveling away the accumulated snow on the road before transporting it would be a good solution. However, after thinking about it, Han Cheng still disagreed.

This bathhouse project was different from building houses in the past. In the past, only the foundation and the first meter above it used stones, and the rest was made of soil.

But a bathhouse couldn't be built like that. It would frequently encounter water, and its lifespan would be greatly reduced if built with soil.

So, Han Cheng's idea was to build the entire bathhouse with stones and seal the gaps with grass and wood ash.

This way, they would need more stones.

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