I alone am the Honoured One!

Chapter 252: About Maverick!

Chapter 252: About Maverick!

Zhao Tian and Ning Xue walked toward the Queen chamber, their hands intertwined as they made their stroll.

"Your Majesty! Your Highness!" The female servant who was standing outside Ning Xue's room bowed her head in respect.

"Lady Zuiye came to see you, but since you were not present, she returned to her room."

Ning Xue gave a faint nod, her gaze turning to Zhao Tian "Let's go and see Zui'er."

As Zhao Tian nodded his head, both of them walked towards Ning Zuiye's room.

*creek* Pushing the door open, Ning Zue and Zhao Tian entered her room and Ning Zuiye who was on her mobile phone raised her head.

"Sister Xue, Tian." Ning Zuiye smiled softly and stood up from the bed.

Zhao Tian's eyes fell upon Ning Zuiye, dressed in elegant regal purple robes that perfectly complemented her striking purple eyes. He couldn't help but be in awe of the stunning woman before him.

"Aunt Zuiye, the robes looks good on you."

Ning Zuiye giggled hearing his compliment and did a 360-degree spin, showing her dress "Thankyou, Tian."

Ning Xue walked near her "Zui'er, I heard you came searching for me?"

"En." Ning Zuiye nodded and showed the mobile phone in her hand "Sister Xue, I need to charge the phone, The battery is low."

Ning Xue blinked her eyes in confusion "Charge this?"

Ning Zuiye turned her eyes to Zhao Tian "Tian, is there any way we can charge this mobile?"

Zhao Tian shook his head "You can't charge in Zhenzhu. You have to go back to the city."

"Ehhh. But what if I want to talk with Yueli? I told her that I was on vacation with my friend. She would be worried if I didn't pick up her calls."

Zhao Tian spoke reassuring her, "At that time, you can use my mobile. I still have charge left."

Ning Zuiye thought for a second and nodded her head "Ok, then..."

Ning Xue spoke, glancing at them "Seems like the issue is solved, so Tian, shall we go and meet Sister Freya?"

Ning Zuiye intervened: "Eh, you are also going, Sister? But I thought, we could go around the Royal Capital for sight seeing."

"Huh? Sight seeing?"

Ning Zuiye nodded her head "Its been a long time since I came to Zhenzhu and the past two days I spent inside the Royal Palace, so I thought I could go out today."

Ning Xue realized and muttered "So that's why you are wearing the robes."

As Ning Zuiye nodded her head, Ning Xue let out a sigh. "I don't really go to the Royal Capital in public, as it may cause a commotion. And I also want to be near Sister Freya to help her and to look after her."

Ning Zuiye sighed helplessly "Ok then..." her voice grew fainter.

Ning Xue kind of felt bad for Ning Zuiye as it seemed like she was all excited to but now she looks dull.

She turned to look at Zhao Tian "Tian, are you free? Can you go with Zui'er?"

Hm? Zhao Tian raised an eyebrow and Ning Zuiye's eyes lit up hearing this suggestion. "Yeah, it would be more fun with Tian. Tian, we can roam around the Royal city."

-_- Zhao Tian looked at the joyful smile on Ning Zuiye's face and how he could refuse this cute woman, so he accepted "We can go tomorrow, I still have some things to do."

Ning Zuiye quickly nodded. "Ok, no problem... we can go later. I will remove the robes and wear them tomorrow."


*creek* Opening the grand door, Zhao Tian and Ning Xue stepped in. Freya Everglade who was on the altar opened her eyes, her soft gaze turning to the handsome white haired man along with Ning Xue.

*flick* She appeared in front of him and bowed elegantly "Its nice to meet you again, the Honoured One."

Ning Xue muttered, glancing at Zhao Tian. "After we returned, I talked with Sister Freya about your physique. You are really powerful huh."

Zhao Tian just showed a smile and Freya Everglade spoke gently, "And I have a request, Honoured One."

Zhao Tian nodded his head "Xue'er already told me, you can use the artifact."

A flash of surprise flashed across Freya Everglade's face and a smile graced her lips "Thankyou for your grace."

"Uh, Freya, you don't have to talk to me formally. You can just call me by my name." It feels kind of weird for him to hear her calling him by his Physique name.

Freya Everglade didn't refute and spoke "Ok... Tian."


*swoosh* Appearing in the artifact, Freya Everglade took a soft breath feeling the dense astral energy in the air.

Zhao Tian spoke "Xue'er, there are many rooms within the mansion... you can select any to stay here and Freya, there are also arrays, so you can use that too."

Freya Everglade's smiled tenderly "Thankyou for this, Tian."

Zhao Tian nodded his head and cast a quick glance at the array. Huh? He was surprised to see Mei Xiu cultivating under the array.

Why did she? Zhao Tian's eyes narrowed and *swish* he disappeared from there.

"Eh, he is gone."

*woosh* Zhao Tian appeared in front of Shi Yixian's room. As the Master of the artifact he can teleport anywhere within the artifact.

He entered without knocking and was immediately taken aback by the captivating sight that greeted his eyes.

Shi Yixian is standing near the bed, half naked, her robes sliding down from her body.

Zhao Tian's gaze moved quickly, taking in every curve and scar on her body, which exuded a mix of allure and pain.

"My Liege..." A faint blush painted Shi Yixian's cheeks but she was not that flustered, as this was not the first time he had seen her naked.

As Zhao Tian entered the room, Shi Yixian quickly attempted to cover her body with her robes. However, as his eyes narrowed, she hesitated and allowed the fabric to slip down her form, revealing her entire figure to him.

Zhao Tian's gaze lowered and this time, he could see small white hairs near her crotch.

But before he could take a clear look, she hid it with her hand, the blush on her face deepening.

With a smile Zhao Tian sat on the bed and gently tapped his lap. Understanding his gesture, Shi Yixian gave a timid nod and moved near him, submitting herself to him.

She timidly lowered her ass cheeks, placing them on his lap. Chuckling, Zhao Tian wrapped her arms from behind, softly cupping her boobs which were also full of scars.

Feeling the warmth of his palms, Shi Yixian shivered for a moment and his voice caressed her ears "Why is Xiu here? What happened?" he asked her hands squeezing her boobs.

"Hnngh~!" With a soft moan Mei Xiu began to tell what happened yesterday night.

Hearing Shi Yixian's words, Zhao Tian squinted his eyes "I see, you did a great job, Yixian."

Shi Yixian shook her head hearing his praise "No, My Liege... it is my duty to fulfil your wishes."

Zhao Tian was surprised by her loyalty, Is the slave seal this powerful or is there something behind it?

As he continued fondling her boobs, Shi Yixian sat there, not moving her body and let his hands explore every inch of her body.

"By the way, Yixian.. you told me that day, you are slowly remembering some things. Do you remember the Empires or places in the Astral realm?"

Shi Yixian let out a breath controlling her moan as Zhao Tian again twisted her nippls "My Liege, I remember some places..."

"Hm, do you remember 'Vester Maverick' or 'Maverick family?'"

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