I alone am the Honoured One!

Chapter 238: Found the guy!

und the guy!

Lying on the bed, Zhao Tian was texting on the mobile which is on his left hand, while his right hand was squeezing Mei Xiu's ass who was resting on top of him naked.

'Yeah, with Xiu rn.' He chatted on the mobile.

'Hmm, Good night, Tian'er.'

Looking at the text from his sister, Zhao Tian smiled faintly *ring* But suddenly his mobile vibrated and he looked at the name of the one who is calling.

Attending the call he brought the mobile near his ear "Miss Cai?"

"It's Luo." He heard her tone and he could already imagine her sulking lips with an angry face.

With a light chuckle, he spoke "Yes, Luo... why the sudden call?"

Cai Luo who was floating in the night sky spoke "I roamed the whole city, but there are not any powerful presences within the city, maybe he has left the city or nation. Do you know what he looks like, so I can check in the airport."

Zhao Tian replied with a wry smile "He has black hair and black eyes, a middle aged man."

Cai Luo's lips twitched "There are so many people with black hair and black eyes coming and leaving out of this nation."

"This dumb author could have given his different hair color so it can be easy to find. Uhh, now it's hard to find him in the entry data in the airport."

Zhao Tian muttered "Just filter from the last two days of entry to this nation from the western nation. A middle aged man with black hair and black eyes."

Cai Luo squinted her eyes "There are so many people coming and going out of this nation and even if we filtered, there would be a lot and there is also a chance he might have faked his appearance."

A sigh escaped Zhao Tian's lips "Then you stop. It is my problem, so I will take care of it somehow. You go back to home and rest."

"Hm." Cai Luo gave a nod and retracted the mobile from her ear as she glanced at the night city glowing above her.

"He has asked me something for the first time, how can I let this slip? I will find this damn dog." *swoosh*


Next day~

As Zhao Tian stood on the doorstep, he leaned in to tenderly kiss Mei Xiu's lips, wrapping his arms around her in a warm embrace.

Mei Xiu relished the flavor of his tender lips, gently indulging in them, her arms finding themselves around his neck.

Pulling back the kiss, Zhao Tian smiled faintly and Mei Xiu let out a soft sigh "When will you come back this time? Hmph... you always say you are busy."

Zhao Tian chuckled and ruffled her hair "But I always attend your calls, right?"

"Yeah yeah... busy man. As any lover, I would also like to spend more time with you, but you are always busy. "

A gentle sigh escaped her lips as she leaned on his shoulder "Tian, I thought of going to University today to continue my teaching... I shouldn't always linger on my Grandma's death."

"And as you said once, my Grandma would also won't be happy seeing me like this."

Hearing this, Zhao Tian narrowed his eyes "No, Xiu... you should not go to University and stay inside the home."

He is afraid that Mei Xiu might get attacked in the university.

"Eh?" Mei Xiu was dumbfounded, she thought he would encourage her to go to University and pull her out from the trauma of her Grandma's death.

"Tian, why should I not go to University... I have already taken many days of leave. If I didn't go, my entire salary for this month would be cut off."

Zhao Tian shook his head "I can give you how much money you need, just don't step out of the house. I will arrange for a maid to buy you groceries and other stuff If you need them."

Mei Xiu was confused about why Zhao Tian would go to such lengths to stop her from attending the University.

"Tian.. why?"

Zhao Tian spoke "Just do what I am saying, don't leave the house."

Mei Xiu squinted her eyes and shook her head "No, I will leave the house if you don't tell me what will happen."

Zhao Tian sighed in frustration, seeing her being so persistent. He thought of talking about cultivation stuff after she came out of her Grandma's death.

"Because it will be dangerous for you, Xiu."

Mei Xiu spoke getting even more confused "What danger, Tian? Will I get attacked or something?"

"Is it someone from your business side? Are they trying to attack me? But it would still be dangerous inside the house then."

Zhao Tian sighed in his heart and thought of telling everything about her "Xiu, the world is different than what you think."

"Different?" Mei Xiu tilted her head in confusion.

Zhao Tian carried Mei Xiu in his arms and though startled by the sudden princess carry, she obediently wrapped her arms around his shoulders.

He sat on the couch softly placing her on his lap and Mei Xiu also looked at him curiously "Tian?"

"For starters..." Zhao Tian muttered as he raised his arm and conjured a flame within his palm.

*gasp* Mei Xiu was startled seeing the sudden flame "T-Tian.. fire, your hand is on fire... quick. Roll down on the floor..." she said, jumping down from his lap.

'The fuck?'

Zhao Tian couldn't help but chuckle at her antics and saw her getting scared like a cute kitten.

"Xiu, see..." He said as the flame on his palm got enlarged and Mei Xiu took a step back seeing this.

Her eyes trembled in shock seeing the glistering flames on Zhao Tian's hand "Tian, you can... c-control the flames? Magic? If it's some magic trick, Tian... stop it's dangerous."

Zhao Tian let out a faint giggle and stood up "Xiu, this is a real flame."

"H-Huh?" Mei Xiu was bewildered to see the flame still burning on his palm and was actually scared.

"Real flame?? You have the power to control flame or something?" She asked her eyes shivering in panic.

"Xiu, don't worry... there are many people hidden like this in our world who could use powers. like this"


"Come here, I will explain." Retracting the flames from his hand, he gently pulled Mei Xiu and again made her sit on his lap.


"So there are people walking among us who can use these powers called cultivation?" she asked after calming down her beating heart.

Zhao Tian gave a nod "Yeah, that's how it is."

"Amazing..." Mei Xiu mumbled in shock, as this was the first time she had heard about it.

"But, I have been living in this world for years but I have never seen anyone using powers or anyone talking about this. How are they keeping it... secretly."

Zhao Tian spoke, "There are organizations within the Government too, and they also don't want the normal people to know about this cultivation and stuff."

"I see..." Mei Xiu muttered, blinking her eyes still reeling in shock.

"So, you are one of these people hiding these powers from society huh." Mei Xiu spoke as she gained new clarity in this cultivation stuff.


Meanwhile, at the same time, the middle-aged man who was trying to kidnap Zhao Suyin and Zhao Ying was flying through the sky and as he reached a specific spot in a forest.

*swoosh* He quickly landed down and glanced around as he took the mobile phone from his pocket, checking the location "Is this the place?"

*woosh* At this time, he felt a strong presence flying towards him and he raised his gaze looking at a woman wearing police clothes 'Is this the person I am supposed to meet? No, she is not...'

*boom* Cai Luo landed on the ground, her eyes sharp as a blade "You really made me follow you long this way, huh."

The man narrowed his eyes as he saw through the woman's cultivation '8th level of Monarch Astral Stage? Why is she following me?'

Cai Luo also glanced at the man in front of her 'He is in the same stage as me.'

The middle aged man spoke in a cold tone "I don't know who you are and why did you follow me here?"

"Are you from the government or something?"

Cai Luo just stayed silent, not answering him.

She took her mobile from her pocket and quickly called Zhao Tian to let him know of the situation.

Zhao Tian who was explaining to Mei Xiu felt the vibration in his pocket and quickly took it. Answering the phone "Luo?"

Cai Luo glanced at the man standing in front of her "Tian, The man you are searching is right in front of me, I will send you the location... Come here quick."

Zhao Tian was surprised to hear Cai Luo words and his eye narrowed. "I will be there right now."

The man chuckled seeing Cai Luo "You called someone for help?? Haha."

Hearing his mocking tone, Cai Luo muttered in a cold tone "I will tear that mouth of yours first,"

I hope you guys like this chapter!

After two days my exam will be finished, I will update more.

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