I alone am the Honoured One!

Chapter 226: Talk continues!

Talk continues!

Xia Shenyi, Freya Everglade and Shi Yixian turned to look at Zhao Tian who was beside Ning Xue on the ground.

'What is the shock I felt just now? And my body... stopped moving to his command?' Freya Everglade narrowed her eyes looking at Zhao Tian.

'Moreover...' Freya Everglade moved her eyes to Shi Yixian who was floating near her, her face full of scars.

'Who is this woman? She looks damn... strong. Stronger than my Mom.' The sharp aura she felt when Shi Yixian appeared still haunts her.

*flick* Xia Shenyi and Shi Yixian appeared on the ground. Shi Yixian gave a bow "My Liege." while Xia Shenyi leaped and fell in his arms.

Zhao Tian caught Xia Shenyi in his embrace with a soft chuckle and Ning Xue squinted her eyes seeing this.

Freya followed them and stepped on the ground as she looked at Zhao Tian. a frown creasing her eyebrows "You are devious. You brought me in here to control me?"

Zhao Tian looked into her silver eyes "I am just being cautious because I don't want problems in the future because of you."

The frown on her face deepened "Problems.. because of me?"

Ning Xue was confused. "Sister Freya... what happened?"

Freya Everglade glanced at Ning Xue "Xue'er... this is a space artifact that belongs to him and now we are inside that artifact."

"This is like his own domain and it seems like... the people who enter will be under him." she uttered as she raised her arm and showed the black tattoo on her hand.

"So this is the thing that brands me under you?"

Ning Xue hurriedly looked at her wrist and there was a silver tattoo "Mine is a different color. Tian, what is happening?"

Zhao Tian was actually intrigued that Freya Everglade could quickly discern about the artifact. Xia Shenyi scoffed under her breath, her arms still around Zhao Tian...

"As always, the Elves are better at artifacts. Tian, even among the High Stars, the Elves have the most advanced technology and they earn by selling artifacts to other stars."

Zhao Tian gave a slight nod remembering the identity-changing ring and the broadcast artifact used during the competition.

Freya Everglade took a glimpse at the surroundings and spoke "But still... an artifact of this caliber is impossible for us."

Xia Shenyi raised an eyebrow "Then, the one who created it is... someone from the Astral Realm."

Freya Everglade looked at Zhao Tian and a sigh escaped her lips "So you are really from the Astral Realm?"

"And you deliberately gave me a black tattoo and Xue'er.. a silver tattoo, because she is trustworthy?"

Xia Shenyi spoke "You dumb woman. The tattoos are created by the artifact itself and Tian, with this, our second theory is correct, I guess."

He had two assumptions, one was that the woman he had sex with would get a silver tattoo and the other would get a black tattoo.

Or the person stronger than him gets a black tattoo and the person at his level or lower gets a silver tattoo.

Xia Shenyi spoke "The ones stronger than Tian get black tattoos and others get silver..." she said extending her hand and showing her black tattoo.

Shi Yixian also extended her hand showing the black tattoo.

Ning Xue was dumbfounded looking at the silver tattoo. "I am not stronger than Tian?"

Xia Shenyi glanced at Ning Xue "Don't underestimate this guy... your flames won't work with him and you have to go physical with him."

"And in physical strength... he wins."

Huh? But he is levels lower than me... Ning Xue was confused.

Seeing the talk getting off-topic, Freya Everglade spoke "But still, you brought us here with the intention of controlling me, right?"

Zhao Tian gave a nod "Yeah..."

Freya Everglade frowned and looked at how Xia Shenyi was intimately hugging Zhao Tian "And... I never expected that cold woman to hug a man like this."

Xia Shenyi's face darkened upon hearing this "What's wrong with hugging my man?"

Freya Everglade rolled her eyes "What happened to that guy who courted you for years... in your Sect, but you always gave him a cold shoulder."

Xia Shenyi clicked her tongue "That bastard and his whole Sect was aiming for my physique. It is my master who protected me."

Freya Everglade murmured, "Oh, I forgot you have the same physique as my mother."

Huh? But at this time, Xia Shenyi felt Zhao Tian's grip on her body getting tighter "Who is that guy?" Zhao Tian asked his eyes narrowing.

Xia Shenyi who knew how possessive Zhao Tian can be, spoke with a sigh "It is a guy from my sect... as Freya said, he courted me for years, but I didn't mind him."

"I see..." Zhao Tian noted this in his mind.

Xia Shenyi glanced at Freya Everglade "And what are you doing in a middle star? You are the one, the Royal palace hiding?"

Zhao Tian spoke "Let's just sit and talk."

Freya Everglade glanced at Ning Xue before nodding and they were still filled with many unanswered questions hanging in their minds.


Ning Xue and Xia Shenyi are sitting beside Zhao Tian on the couch as Freya Everglade and Shi Yixian sit on another couch.

"Hm.. Your soul got corrupted because of your bloodline and split into two?" Xia Shenyi blinked her eyes in shock.

Freya Everglade let out a resigned sigh and spoke "Even this bloodline is sucking my life energy and my body has weakened drastically."

"No wonder... you were so weak than the last time we fought." Xia Shenyyi mused.

Freya Everglade could only shake her head helplessly "Yeah, after roaming many stars, I ended up here in this star."

"And when my power went out of control and I fainted, Xue'er helped me, and since then... I am inside the Royal palace helping her with the Phoenix Astralugus flower and I also used that flower to stabilize my energy."

"Hm, I see..." Xia Shenyi nodded her head in understanding, pondering the situation.

Freya Everglade raised an eyebrow curiously "But... now that I remember it, what are you doing here? The last time I heard about you, they said you disappeared."

Xia Shenyi raised her hand and showed the green pendant on Zhao Tian's neck "You know... I love artifacts. And this is the artifact we are in right now."

"When I first got my hands on this, I researched it and accidentally got stuck in it. And the artifact somehow got it in his hands..."

At this time, Freya Everglade remembered something "Yeah... I remember your Master and Sect people began to search for you and they found a pendant inside your research room table."

"But later the pendant was identified by some powerful people from Astral Realm and I heard they took it."


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