I alone am the Honoured One!

Chapter 206: In the Medicinal garden!

Chapter 206: In the Medicinal garden!

Ling Huang and Ling Meiying kept looking around the artifact with Zhao Ying. Ling Meiying was amazed at the beautiful place "Husband has his own world inside the artifact..."

"The waterfall, Hot springs... the lake, everything looks so beautiful."

At this time, Chi Miya walked towards them and Zhao Ying turned her eyes at her "Sister Miya, you completed the level?"

Chi Miya gave a nod "Yeah, I completed the level and got a movement technique as a reward... but I am scared to go to the next level so I came out." she said smiling wryly.

Zhao Ying chuckled hearing this "Come with us, we are showing Sister Meiying around the place."

As they continued their stroll, Ling Meiying saw a white-haired woman lying on the grass field, looking at the sky "Who is she?" Ling Meiying asked curiously.

"Just ignore her..." Zhao Ying spoke as they walked towards the medicinal garden.

Shi Yixian took a glance at the four women and again looked at the sky, her eyes narrowing in determination "I will take my revenge on that two-faced bastard, Jiu Yang."

Walking near the medicinal garden, Ling Huang spoke with a grin "This is my favorite place in the artifact."

Ling Meiying smiled "As an alchemist, of course, it would be your favorite place." she muttered glancing at the medicinal garden.

As they entered the medicinal garden, the rich aroma of the medicines fluttered in the air and Ling Huang took a deep breath "See, this is what I am talking about. Haah"

The others giggled at her facial expression and at this time, Fei Ziyu who was taking care of the plants walked near them.

With a smile on her face, she gave a slight bow "Welcome..."

Ling Meiying glanced at Fei Ziyu "Who is she?" she muttered under her breath,

Zhao Ying spoke "Don't mind her, Sister Meiying... she is just a slave." Hearing this, Fei Ziyu lowered her head.

"Slave?" Ling Meiying was surprised but Zhao Ying pulled her gently "Come, Sister Meiying let's go."

"Eh.." Because of the sudden pull, Ling Meiying's feet stumbled and she unintentionally stomped on some small herbs near the walking path.

As she realized, she hurriedly retracted her leg "Ah, sorry."

*gasp* Fei Ziyu's eyes widened in shock and she yelled "What are you doing?!!"

The others were startled by her sudden scream and Fei Ziyu hurriedly crouched near the herb.

She turned her head, her eyes brimming with anger "Do you know anything about this herb?"

Ling Meiying spoke with a sigh "I already said sorry. It was not intentional."

Ling Huang narrowed her eyes as she reassured "It is not a rare herb, it is a common herb... so you don't have to worry much about it."

Huh? Normal herb?! Fei Ziyu's heart seeped with anger but she stayed silent as she glanced at the stomped herb on the soil, her eyes betraying the intense emotions swirling within her.

She is just slave here, she can't go against them.

Zhao Ying spoke "Come, let's go..." and they walked away.

But Chi Miya stayed and crouched beside Fei Ziyu "What happened, Ziyu... she said it's a normal herb. So, it's okay. See there are many herbs like this."

With trembling hands, Fei Ziyu took the herb in her arms "N-No, Lady Miya... this is..."

Chi Miya was surprised to see Fei Ziyu's eyes moistening with tears "Ziyu?"

Tears streamed down Fei Ziyu's face as she muttered, "H-He smiled at me, Lady Miya... After all these years of running behind him like a dog, he finally showed a genuine smile at me only because of this medicinal garden."

*weep* "S-So, I took utmost care of this medicinal garden and maintained it daily. I even studied many books about these herbs so that I could grow them efficiently."

"I only want him to smile at me like that again... One smile..."

"B-But she wasted all my effort and my precious herbs... I-I..."

Chi Miya's heart trembled in pain to see Fei Ziyu like this. At one time, she was also just like her desperate for his love... and tried to force herself onto him.

She gave a soft pat on her friend Ziyu's shoulder. "Ziyu, the herb is not dead... we can plant it again and Tian will surely smile at you..."

Fei Ziyu wiped away the tears and gave a nod as she hurriedly dug a small hole with her hand. Chi Miya was surprised "Ziyu, you have earth elemental."

"A-Ah..." Fei Ziyu remembered and raised her hand, as the soil moved itself. Because she is desperate, she even forgot her power.

Seeing her, Chi Miya's eyes softened. 'I should talk with Tian about this. She is suffering like this...'

As Fei Ziyu was about to plant the herb on the soil, a hand appeared, taking the herb from her hands.

Huh? Both Chi Miya and Fei Ziyu turned their gazes and saw Zhao Tian crouching beside them. "M-Master?"

Zhao Tian stood up with a slight frown "Why are you crying?"

Fei Ziyu again wiped the tears and smiled "Nothing, Master."

Chi Miya also stood up and hugged him "Tian..."

With a smile, Chi Miya hugged him back and a little later, pulled back from the hug.

At this time, Fei Ziyu bowed her head, her eyes quivering in sadness "Sorry, Master... I plucked that herb without your permission. I-I will take good care of it and this mistake will never happen again."

Zhao Tian chuckled softly "No, I actually needed this herb right now. I wanted to refine a pill and I saw this herb missing in my storage ring. So, I came to get it."

Fei Ziyu raised her head and saw him chuckling at her, In an instant, all her sadness washed away happiness surged within her heart and a smile bloomed on her face.

Chi Miya glimpsed at Fei Ziyu and was happy for her.

"Ah." But Zhao Tian pulled Chi Miya's waist and placed a kiss on her lips. Chi Miay too wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back

A little later they reattached the kiss and Zhao Tian spoke "I am busy right now, So I am leaving."

He leaned in closer, gently brushing his lips against her ear "Remember to be ready, I'll be having you tonight."

A faint blush appeared on Chi Miya's cheeks and she nodded her head "Okay."

And with that, Zhao Tian disappeared from there *swoosh*

(A/n: We have crossed 1000 powerstone, so another 500 and I'll give a bonus chapter later. Brenden Smith bro gifted a manage chair, so there will be another bonus chapter.)

(And another thing, I got so famous, and now I am getting death threats for me and my family because of this novel lol. *pic here)

(I accept criticism but he went overboard with this *sigh* and when I replied to his review, bro was offended even though he was insulting me with his para comments till then)

(Some of his para comments made sense and some didn't.)

(And sorry for the late update!)

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