I alone am the Honoured One!

Chapter 186: Some time with Meiying!

Chapter 186: Some time with Meiying!

*clank* Ling Meiying was preparing sweets in the kitchen while Zhao Tian was hugging her from behind, resting his head on her shoulder, and she couldn't help but smile, feeling the warmth of Zhao Tian's embrace.


*smooch* He planted a kiss on her cheek and Ling Meiying was startled by the sudden kiss. She gently turned her face and playfully pinched his nose "I never really thought that you would be so clingy and like to get spoiled like this."

Zhao Tian delicately caressed his cheeks with hers "What's wrong with being so cling to my wife? You don't like this?"

Ling Meiying shook her head "No, I am just surprised. At first seeing your strength, I had deep respect for you and thought you are a very serious person."

"Even in the tournament, you did not hesitate to cripple someone and Sister Xin told me that you killed the Stormweaver Sect mercilessly."

"But now you are here, clinging to me like a koala giving me affectionate kisses."

He maybe cold and ruthless to others. But when it comes to his women, he is always soft and sweet for them.

Which man in the world is not simp for his wife?

Ling Meiying's eyes filled with an increasing tenderness as she spoke "Which means I got to know more about you and close to being your real wife."

Zhao Tian's lips curled into a gentle smile as he tenderly cupped Meiying's chin in his hand. "Meiying." With a delicate touch, he turned her face towards his, and Ling Meiying was confused "Husband?"

AsZhao Tianmovedincloser, Ling Meiying instinctively closed her eyes and her breath caught in her throat as she felt the warm touch of his lips over her lips.

LingMeiying gentlypulledbackherlips, a soft smileformingonherface as she wrapped her hands around his neck "Our first kiss."

Zhao Tian chuckled "But we kissed-"

"No." Ling Meiying placed her finger on his lips stopping him from uttering any further "That kiss was when I got hit by aphrodisiac. It does not count."

"This was our true first kiss."

"Oh, okay." Zhao Tian nodded his head and at this time Ling Meiying thought of something "By the way, why does she even have to use aphrodisiac on another woman? Its really weird."

Zhao Tian let out a soft chuckle and pecked her lips "Who knows."

Ling Meiying also giggled and delicately pinched his face. But at this time, Ling Meiying's eyes inadvertently fell on Ling Chen, who was standing by the doorstep of the kitchen watching them.

Eh? Ling Meiying was dumbfounded seeing her. "Sister Chen?"

Ling Chen came out of her daze hearing Ling Meiying words and shook her head "Nothing, I just came to drink some water." she spoke as her gaze lingered on Zhao Tian.

ZhaoTianremainedindifferent,notbotheringtoglanceather. Meanwhile, Ling Chen's eyes stayed completely on Zhao Tian hoping to get his attention as she drank the water.

Ling Meiying turned back to concentrate on preparing sweet delicacies and *cough* Ling Chen coughed a little to make Zhao Tian look at her.

But it was Ling Meiying who glimpsed at her before turning her attention to the sweets.

Ling Chen squinted her eyes 'Why do I feel like he is avoiding me?'

As the evening wore on, Zhao Tian playfully peppered Ling Meiying's neck with kisses, causing her to giggle and playfully scold him "Haha, Husband... your breath tickles."


Ling Meiying and Zhao Tian strolled out of the kitchen together, her following closely behind with a tray overflowing with delectable sweets. She placed it on the table and as Zhao Tian sat on the couch she sat beside him.

"Now try it, Husband. This is a special sweet from Zhenzhu."

With a soft nod, Zhao Tian took the sweet and tossed it in his mouth. He glanced at Ling Meiying and nodded his head. "It's good."

He took another one and continued to eat the sweets. At this time, Ling Chen also came and sat on the opposite couch.

Looking at her, Ling Meiying smiled "Sister Chen, do you want some sweets?"

Ling Chen shook her head "No, I am fine."

Zhao Tian raised his head and 'looked' at Ling Chen as a faint smile appeared on his lips. Ling Chen was surprised by his sudden smile and reciprocated with an equal smile on her face.

As she opened her lips to talk about why he was avoiding her. "Chao." Zhao Tian muttered.

Huh? Ling Chen turned around and saw Ling Chao coming inside the hall. Then he actually smiled at her?

Glancing at Zhao Tian, Ling Chao couldn't help but smile "Senior Tian."

She excitedly came and sat beside him, and as her gaze fell on the sweets, her eyes lit up and she reached out to take some sweets. "Sweets."

*tap* But Ling Mieiying shrugged her hand away and spoke "I made them for my Husband, not for you."

E-Eh? Ling Chao was bewildered and spoke "But the sweet looks so good."

Zhao Tian chuckled faintly "Chao, you can have some."


Ling Meiying snorted, "Humph. Since Husband agreed, then you can have some."

Ling Chao wasted no time in grabbing a handful of sweets and eagerly ate them with great satisfaction "Elder Meiying, the sweets are soo good."

Ling Meiying just smiled and seeing this Ling Chen also wanted to join with them and have some sweets, but she stayed silent.

"By the way, Chao here is your reward." Zhao Tian spoke as a storage ring appeared in his hand

Ling Chao was taken aback seeing it "Storage ring... for me?"

"Yeah for you."

Ling Meiying also nodded her head "Yes, Chao'er. You really did well during the tournaments, taking our Sect to the second position, so you definitely deserve this."

Ling Chao was grateful and took the storage ring in her hand and wore it. She then took a sweet in her hand and stored it in her ring and then retrieved it.

Ling Meiying giggled seeing her playing with the storage ring and asked "You like it?"

Ling Chao hurriedly nodded "Yeah, very much. Thank you, Senior Tian."

Ling Chen watched as they laughed, joked, and enjoyed themselves, all the while feeling a pang of envy deep within her soul because they didn't even mind her.


Inside the artifact-

Zhao Tian, Xia Shenyi and Ling Huang were inside the warehouse, surrounded by cultivation scrolls and books.

Xia Shenyi rolled her eyes "An Empyrean pill huh."

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