I alone am the Honoured One!

Chapter 180: She is here!

*swish* *clank* Ling Chao blocked the opponent's attacks with her bare hands, her body enhanced bythe power of astral energyflowingthrough herbody..

*woosh* She thrust her arm as a swirl of wind energy blasted from her palm, and the guy was thrown away from the battle ring, the sword slipping down from his hands.

*thud* As he tumbled away, he slowly rose to his feet and glanced at Ling Chao again, getting ready to attack him.

He raised his hand and said, "I admit defeat."

Hearing this, the announcer spoke, "Ling Chao of the Luna Blossom Pavillion wins!"

*applause* The audience clapped their hands, encouraging the winner, Ling Chao.

LingChaomadeherwaybackto the VIP area from the arena and seeing her, Ling Xin spoke, "Congratulations, Chao'er, With this win, you are selected to the next round of this tournament."

"En." Ling Chao nodded her head with a smile.

The matches continued well into the evening as the sun gradually descended below the horizon. By the time the day drew to a close, the second round of matches had also concluded.


*thud* Chen Luo kneeled in front of the middle aged man who was sitting on the throne. "Forgive me, Sect Master."

Chen Buzi, who is the current Sect Master of the Chen Sect, had an indifferent expression on his face: "It's not your fault, Chen Luo. I also saw the match through that screen."

"It's just that bitch is arrogant, she is abusing her power like that. And that young man really intended to cripple your son's cultivation."

"She must have told him to do that to your son, considering the grudge she has towards us."

Chen Luo clenched his fist in anger as he again remembered his son's desperate cries for help.

Chen Buzi also noticed his anger and spoke in a calm tone "You have to wait for one month, Chen Luo. You can surely get your revenge."

Chen Luo took a deep breath suppressing his anger and Chen Buzi asked glancing at another man who is standing beside him "I am sure every top sects should be trying to gain information about him."

The man standing beside him nodded. "That Zhao Tian, has become a hot topic not only in the royal capital, but in the whole of Zhenzhu."

"As everyone witnessed his battle and him attacking the first elder through the screens, he has become the hot topic of the Zhenzhu. Being so young and punching a Monarch Astral Stage powerhouse is actually very impressive, and the Queen also seems to be fond of him."

Chen Luo's face darkened as he remembered the humiliation he received in the arena in front of the whole Zhenzhu.

"Hm..." Chen Buzi narrowed his eyes and glanced at Chen Luo who is still kneeling on the floor "What is his cultivation stage?"

Chen Luo shook his head "I can't see through his cultivation, Sect master. I don't know why."

Chen Buzi muttered "Being powerful than a 6th level Monarch Astral Stage cultivator is impossible. What is his secret?

"This is an anomaly we never expected in our plan. Any information about him?"

The man beside him spoke "Not much is know about him and his background. It's like he appeared out of nowhere. He is seen strolling the Royal capital with the Sect Master of Lunar Blossom Pavillion and one of the elders of that Pavillion."

Chen Buzi was quite amused "Hoh? Maybe he took revenge on you because your son hurt their female disciple?"

Chen Luo could only sigh "I don't know about that, Sect Master. I just want him dead for crippling my cultivation."

Chen Buzi spoke "Don't act rashly, he is now under the Queen protection."

"So, let's wait for now."


Ling Xin had a soft smile on her face as she looked at Zhao Tian who was sitting opposite to her on the couch, sipping his evening tea, as Ling Huang lay on his lap.

"Thank you for stepping up taking revenge for us, Mr.Tian"

Ling Chao also nodded her head "I am also glad that you joined the competition for my sake, Senior Tian."

Zhao Tian showed a faint smile as he took a sip of his tea "I am the Sect Guardian after all, so I have to act when the disciple is suffering and the sect is sect is getting humiliated."

Ling Chen spoke with a slight frown "It is a good thing that you came forward but, I think you went a bit too far in your actions. You don't have to cripple his cultivation like that. You could have just given him a fatal injury."

Ling Meiying also gave a slight nod "I agree with Sister Chen on this."

Zhao Tian took a sip of his tea "I actually thought of killing him first, but it is not allowed in competition. However, as Xue asked me to cripple him, I did that."

-_- Killing him? They looked at him dumbfounded.

Ling Xin smiled wryly "By the way, Mr.Tian, how did you get so close with Sister Xue? I am sure you don't know her until two days ago."

The others also got curious upon hearing this and turned their gazes to Zhao Tian.

Zhao Tian could only sigh softly "Well many things happened..." as he spoke a slight frown creased his eyebrow.

"Tian." A melodious voice rang through the hall as the door opened. Dressed in her royal robes, Ning Xue gracefully made her way into the room, captivating the attention of everyone present.

H-Huh? Ling Xin, Ling Chen, Ling Meiying and Ling Chao were startled by her presence and quickly stood up bowing their heads "Your Majesty!" x4

Zhao Tian raised his gaze and smiled, seeing that Ning Xue had come here to meet him.

Ning Xue paid no attention to the people around her and walked straight to Zhao Tian on the couch. But she stopped looking at Ling Huang peacefully sleeping on Zhao Tian's lap.

Hm? Ning Xue gently tapped Ling Huang's shoulders, trying to wake her up.

Meanwhile, feeling a touch, Ling Huang snuggled on his lap, hugging Zhao Tian's waist. "Little brother.. hmm.."

Ning Xue narrowed her eyes and shook her shoulder, jostling her up from sleep. Huh? Ling Huang's eyes blinked open and seeing the blonde haired woman, she jumped in surprise and quickly stood up "Your Majesty!"

Ning Xue turned to look at Zhao Tian who was drinking his tea with a subtle smile on his face. She then turned to look at others and sat beside Zhao Tian.

She glanced at the five women standing in front of her "I don't know who among you are Tian's women, but I will say it here."

"Tian loves me more than you and he is mine." her tone dripping with arroganceand authority.

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