I alone am the Honoured One!

Chapter 164: Fighting Ling Shi!

Chapter 164: Fighting Ling Shi!

As the flame wall slowly faded away, Ling Huang's gaze settled on the woman before her, and her eyebrows raised in surprise "Liing Shi?"

Ling Shi also stopped her attack looking at Ling Huang and a smile appeared on her lips "It's been a while, Ling Huang. At that time, you were kind enough to me not like some people who outright thought of killing me."

As Ling Huang scanned the surroundings, her heart sank at the sight of the destruction that had befallen the Sect. Her eyes darted from one ruined building to another, taking in the shattered windows, collapsed roofs, and charred remnants of what used to be a place of peace and serenity.

The once lively and bustling atmosphere had been replaced by an eerie silence, broken only by the occasional groans and cries of pain from the injured disciples who were being treated by Ling Chao.

Ling Huang spoke, turning her gaze to Ling Shi "You made me realize that I was wrong for being kind and letting you go alive that day. No worries, I will clear my mistake today."

As Ling Huang raised her hand, a burning flame enveloped her palm *thrissh*, and red burning metallic chains that appeared out of nowhere quickly swirled around Ling Shi.

"Crushing Earth palm." Ling Meiying muttered as she channeled the astral energy through her hand and placed her palm on the floor.

*rumble* The earth beneath Ling Shi began to shake violently, causing slanting pillars to erupt from the ground and entwine around her, effectively trapping her in a cocoon of earth.

"Ice Boulder." Ling Chen waved her hand and a swirl of icicles concentrated in the air, chunks of ice forming a huge boulder. As Ling Chen gestured her hand down, the large ice boulder plummeted on top of Ling Shi who was trapped under the Earth pillars and Fire chains.

*boooommmmm* *thrasshh*The whole sect shook for a second because of the impact of the iceberg and Ling Chao who was helping the disciples was startled. W-What?

*swish* Dust flew around in the vicinity hiding their vision and whisps of smoke and shards of ice danced in the air showing the effect of the impact.

Amidst the dust, Ling Shi stood there unfazed, her body filled with small bruises and little burnt wounds, but no other damage.

"As I thought..." Ling Huang muttered

And Ling Chen nodded her head, continuing her words "She has already crossed Heaven Astral Stage and reached Sovereign Astral Stage."

"Hahaha, I have crossed Sovereign Astral Stage long ago. I am fully prepared for my revenge today." Ling Shi said with a mischievous grin dancing on her lips.

Ling Huang turned her gaze to Ling Chen "Sister Chen."

Ling Chen nodded and dashed at Ling Shi. Among the three of them, Ling Chen is one who excels at close combat while the other two are good at assisting.

Ling Huang raised her hand and a swirl of small flame ball appeared in between her fingers and she flicked it towards Ling Shi.

Ling Chen leaped into the air hurling towards Ling Shi at breakneck speed, aiming to pierce her with the sword in her hand. *sleech*

But Ling Shi moved to the side dodging her attack, maintaining the smile on her face, *flick* Hm? However, at this time, a flick of a small flame caught Ling Shi's attention as it inched near her face.

As the small flame ball reached near her face, *splashhh* it suddenly burst like a mini bomb and lava splashed out from it burning and scorching Ling Shi's face. *fwish*

"Urghhh!" Ling Shi growled in pain as she felt the hot lava melting her face*shishi* Theintenseheatmercilesslymelted away theoutermostlayer ofherskin revealing a gruesome black skin underneath.

"You!" Holding her face in excruciating pain, Ling Shi glared at Ling Huang, letting her guard down. Seizing the opportunity, Ling Meiying manipulated the ground under Ling Shi's feet as a pair of earth hands appeared grabbing both of her legs and rendering her immobile.

*woosh* Ling Chen appeared behind Ling Shi and quickly raised her sword stabbing it through the gut of Ling Shi.

*sleeech* *splurt* As the sword pierced through Ling Shi's gut, black blood splurted out from her body and Ling Shi's eyes trembled in utter shock feeling the blade on her stomach.

Ling Chen didn't stop and slashed her sword horizontally in a swift motion slicing half of her abdomen as black blood splurted even more from her gut.

"Urrrghhh!" *thud* Ling Shi let out a gut-wrenching scream before falling to her knees, her hands desperately trying to stem the flow of blood pouring from her abdomen which had been viciously slashed in half.

Ling Chen gazed down at Ling Shi "Even though you are a stage above us, your lack of experience is obvious. You must have been only cultivating all these years without any combat."

*Haah* *Haah* Ling Shi was gasping for breath as she felt the gut-wrenching pain steering across her whole body, rendering her mind numb in utter pain.

But then a slow smirk appeared on her face "Y-You *cough* also forgot to take one thing into account. I have been only on defense all this time.."

*trreiik* The black tentacles again creeped out from her back and rampaged around the place with no control causing havoc.

*slash* *slash* Ling Chen narrowed her eyes and acted swiftly slashing at the tentacles. Ling Huang was also not idle as she used her fire elemental to burn away the tentacles hurling around.

*shishi* The fatal wound on Ling Shi's body quickly healed and she slowly stood up, her tentacles continued rampaging through the area.

Ling Chen kept her concentration slashing the tentacles as how much as she could. However as she raised her hand to slash again, a tentacle swiftly grabbed her right wrist.

But she pulled it with brute force tearing down the tentacle. *swish* *swish* Ling Shi concentrated most of the tentacles on Ling Chen as she knew she was the main trouble.

*sleesh* Ling Chen also tried her best to keep the tentacles at bay, but they were not stopping and relentlessly attacking her and she knew if she missed a second they would take hold of her.

But despite her efforts, she soon got caught as the tentacles grabbed both her hands and legs. As she turned to look at Ling Meiying and Ling Huang, she saw that they were already caught and now struggling to break free from the tentacles.

Ling Shi chuckled seeing this and muttered "You are struggling too much."

*fwwiissh* Suddenly a white gas was released from one of the tentacles and intoxicated by the gas, the three of them felt dizziness slowly take over them, their eyelids slowly becoming heavy.

As Ling Shi caught sight of the tempting sight before her, a mischievous gleam danced in her eyes as she playfully ran her tongue along her lips "Now, shall I begin my feastwith my favorite bitches."

But in that instant, *sleech* a swift sound of a sword echoed through the air.

I hope you guys liked that chapter!

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