I! Accept Disciples and Become Stronger!

Chapter 253: The Golden King, Hun Ling’s withdrawal! Middle Saint Academy’s despair! Reinforcements?

Chapter 253: The Golden King, Hun Ling’s withdrawal! Middle Saint Academy’s despair! Reinforcements?

Chapter 253. The Golden King, Hun Ling’s withdrawal! Middle Saint Academy’s despair! Reinforcements?

In the beginning, he and the Golden King Hun Ling were still playing chess in the Endless Golden Palace. Due to the call of the projection talisman, the Golden King Hun Ling crossed through space and returned after escaping in embarrassment.


The Old Taoist’s expression became solemn as if he realized something.

“That’s right! The person who scared me back was Bing Yu, the powerhouse behind Xuan Yi! The strength of this woman is extremely terrifying!”

The Golden King Hun Ling sighed, with a sneer at the corners of his mouth.

He had been in contact with Bing Yu twice, and he was very clear about the strength of Bing Yu.

The Mid Stage of the Heavenly King Realm? The Late Stage Heavenly King Realm?

Everyone was wrong, she was actually at the Peak Stage of the Human King Realm!

Therefore, in the eyes of everyone in the Southern Continent, this was a great opportunity to attack the Middle Saint Academy, but the Golden King Hun Ling was like a scourge, and he shunned it. He even announced his retreat from the outside world, pulling his old friends, and watching them play chess in a leisurely manner. With his attitude, sitting firmly on the Endless Golden Palace and watching the development of the entire Southern Continent situation…

He had already made up his mind not to participate in the slightest.

If he encountered Bing Yu as an enemy once again… He concluded that he would have no way to speak out and weasel his way into living another day!

And the Southern Continent was shaking at this moment.


Now that Middle Saint Academy’s power had been tested, they decided to use a thunder strike to completely destroy Middle Saint Academy. The four Heavenly Kings opened their bows without pulling out any arrows, leading a group of kings, and rushing directly to the Saint Region. The Middle Saint Academy was surrounded by many factions.

The Ancestor of the Martial Region’s Huang family, a Mid Stage Heavenly King powerhouse united with the An Region’s Fan Family Ancestor another Mid Stage Heavenly King Powerhouse, and the Kun Region’s Shen Family ancestor, a Late Stage Heavenly King Powerhouse. They also linked up with the Eagle Region’s He Family ancestor and issued a high-profile declaration of war against the Middle Saint Academy!

The whole Southern Continent shook.

Some people of the older generation sighed secretly.

They had experienced the things that the Middle Saint Academy had gone through. They knew that these united kings and the enmity they held against the Middle Saint Academy were not a simple issue that could be resolved within a day or two after some negotiation.

The presence of the Old Dean could suppress and frighten these monstrous beings, but the Old Dean had fallen too early. However, the Middle Saint Academy had been declining in recent years. Apart from the Old Dean, there was no one as powerful a King as he was in the Middle Saint Academy.

However, the Middle Saint Academy had a long history, and it had been passed down to the present. They didn’t know how many treasures were hidden inside of it.

In the eyes of everyone in the Southern Continent today, the Middle Saint Academy was no different from a child who swaggered through the market with gold.

In the face of such huge interests, coupled with unresolvable hatred, who could bear not being tempted?

In this world, after all, the strong dominated.

The Middle Saint Academy?

One could only say that its fate had ended.

“All of you Middle Saint Academy people, come out and die!”

“Yes, Middle Saint Academy, your good days are over!”

The corner of the Fan Family’s Heavenly King’s mouth was raised, his face was sarcastic, and his voice contained spiritual essence, which shook the entire Middle Saint Academy.

There were many people nearby, various Kings, with greedy eyes, staring deeply at the Middle Saint Academy, their expressions were filled with excitement, and an indescribable sense of joy arose from the depths of their hearts.

The Middle Saint Academy, one of the Top Five Academies in the Southern Continent, would be destroyed by their hands, all in a single day!

Being able to destroy the Middle Saint Academy personally, in the future history of the Southern Continent, would inevitably leave behind their rich and colorful signs.

“How hateful!”

“Simply presumptuous!”

In the Dean’s Office of the Middle Saint Academy, the Dean clenched his fists and was extremely furious.

At the end of the Five Academy Competition, the Middle Saint Academy achieved such good results that they shook the entire Southern Continent. Its reputation was far-reaching and was spreading even further as time went by.

Not surprisingly, enrolling students in the coming year would absorb a large number of excellent talents. That was to say, as long as the Middle Saint Academy was given a few more years, the Middle Saint Academy would probably win the title of Southern Continent’s Number One Academy and restore its former glory.

This was what the Deans of the past had longed to do.

However, before he had time to be happy, the Old Dean died, and four powerful Late Stage Heavenly King Realm powerhouses had united and stationed themselves at the entrance of the Middle Saint Academy, where they revealed their sharp fangs.

These were the Heavenly King Realm powerhouses! The supreme beings standing at the top of the entire Southern Continent.

Now that four Heavenly Kings had arrived to wreak havoc, who could possibly withstand their impulse?

If the Old Dean was there, he might still be able to deter them all with his outstanding combat power at the Late Stage of the Heavenly King Realm, but the Old Dean had fallen to the Demonic Emperor inside of the secret realm alongside the Yu Family’s Ancestor. Now, where was there any powerful Late Stage Heavenly Kings who would help his Middle Saint Academy at this stage in time?

“Middle Saint Academy, I’m afraid it will be over…”

The dean’s face was sullen, he had worked hard, and recently he sent out a lot of Jade Talismans requesting help from his many connections, but he hadn’t received a single response in return.

He had tried his best.

At this time, outside the gate of the Middle Saint Academy, a group of people who were very different from the four Heavenly Kings rushed over.

They had firm faces and similar clothes. They all wore old uniforms belonging to the Middle Saint Academy, and each of them had all cultivated above Origin King Realm.

“Who is here!”

The Fan Family’s Heavenly King Ancestor turned his head with a horrible look within the depths of his eyes.

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