Hunter of Immortals

Chapter 340: Secret

Chapter 340: Secret

The voice was coming from very far away, but Adam was still able to make out what was being said through the howling wind.

"What do you want?" Adam yelled back in response.

"I haven't finished my self-introduction yet," Thilan said. "I don't know if you've heard of me before, but I'm also a special psychic police officer. However, I'm different from you as I was sent by the southern congress with the sole purpose of investigating you."

While Thilan was speaking, the miniature drone in the sky was taking a series of photos.

"I now have concrete evidence of your criminal wrongdoing, including abduction, involuntary psychic invasion, and intent to murder. All of these are severe crimes. You can say that you're just doing this as part of an investigation, but even so, I'm sure you're aware that these crimes will be enough to lock you away for at least 10 years."

"What do you want?" Adam repeated, asking the same question once again.

It was indeed true that Thilan had backed him into a corner.

He had both concrete evidence and long-range firepower support, so Adam was completely at his mercy.

However, the fact that Thilan hadn't closed in to arrest him indicated that there was room for negotiation.

The gentleman from earlier had been able to talk his way out of a dire situation, and Adam was confident that he would be able to do the same.

"I want you to answer a question for me."

"If I give you an answer, will you let us go?"

"That depends on whether your answer is one that I want to hear."

"Go ahead."

"Do you have some type of special ability that sets you apart from normal adapters, one that allows you to rapidly become more powerful through battling psychic deviants?"

Adam was silent for a long while after hearing this, and truth be told, he was a little astonished, stunned by the fact that someone he had never before had suddenly uncovered his most well-kept secret.

He had never told this secret to anyone aside from the people that he trusted the most.

"Answer me!" Thilan urged from afar. "If the answer is yes, then I may consider letting you go."

"Why? Why would you do that?"

Thilan had just declared that he was working for the southern congress, and he had uncovered Adam's most closely guarded secret. However, he was now telling Adam that if he could confirm his suspicions, then he would be willing to let him go, and the whole situation made no sense to Adam.

The southern congress was the most influential organization in Sandrise City, and even the entire North American continent. The past two presidents and all of the mayors since the founding of Sandrise City had been from the southern congress.

In contrast, the northern congress had evolved from the resistance army from 30 years ago, and it had always been at a disadvantage compared with its more powerful counterpart.

"I just told you that I'm from India, and I couldn't give less of a shit about the power struggle between the northern and southern congresses of North America, do you understand me? I'm only working for them because they can give me a ton of money and many privileges and information sources that I wouldn't have access to otherwise."


"So, if you can show me some deeper secrets about this world than they can, I wouldn't mind letting you go."

Thilan was starting to grow a little excited as he spoke.

He had an obsessive personality when it came to uncovering secrets and an insatiable desire to get to the bottom of things.

Adam was harboring many secrets, but ultimately he was just one person.

What Thilan wanted was to be able to uncover the deepest and dirtiest secrets of this world, ones concerning the powerful figures in the Guild of Immortality, the powerhouse corporations in the technology sector, and the politicians from both congresses.

Thilan had already attempted to launch an investigation into all of this several years ago, but he simply didn't have the power and resources required to uncover these secrets, and that was what had led him to work for the southern congress.

Despite his previous failure, his true nature was simply not something that could be suppressed. Those who longed for freedom would always yearn to be free, and those who liked uncovering secrets were forever going to pursue this path.

When it came to certain things, the more one tried to repress them, the more they would ferment in the background.

At the moment, Thilan was like an obsessive voyeur who knew where the most beautiful women in the world were, but for one reason or another, he was unable to go and peep on them.

However, it seemed that an opportunity to get what he had always wanted was being presented to him.

After an extended period of contemplation, Adam finally gave Thilan the answer that he wanted to hear, confirming his suspicions about Adam.

In doing so, Adam was making a gamble that Thilan wasn't doing this solely to goad more information out of him.

He had no choice but to make this gamble. Given the fact that he was living on borrowed time, he couldn't afford to be locked up in prison as that would essentially be an extended death sentence.

"I can drastically improve my combat prowess by battling psychic anomalies. If you've been investigating me all this time, then I'm sure that you're aware that when I first awakened, I wasn't even as powerful as the average student from Layton Academy. However, now, I can defeat the vast majority of adapters in this world, and I was even able to survive several encounters with Hebi no Miko."

"That is indeed extremely impressive, but I have to see for myself just how powerful you can become. There are some adapters who can make rapid progress, but don't have very high ceilings. It's the same thing for some athletes. They start off as prodigies, but after reaching a certain level, they stagnate and are unable to advance any further."

Thilan began to slowly approach Adam as he spoke, and as he drew closer, his voice was also becoming clearer and clearer.

Before long, he was already within range, and all Adam had to do was activate his mechanical neuron electrical synapse transmission device, and he would be able to instantly invade Thilan's psychic world.

However, he didn't do that.

Thilan wasn't alone, and his companions were still on high alert in the distance with their firearms raised.

Thus, Thilan continued to approach Adam, and he took a glance at Adam's companions, then turned his attention to the two people they had captured from the cannibal club.

After that, he extended a hand toward Adam.

"Would you agree that we've established a relationship of trust?"

"You can say that," Adam replied as he shook Thilan's outstretched hand.

"Then let's deepen this trust. Show me your potential," Thilan said as he pointed at the people laying on the ground. "Continue with what you were doing earlier, and I'll take part as well this time."

"Aren't you afraid?"

"Afraid of what? Afraid that you'll kill me in the psychic world? Of course I am!" Thilan replied with a smile. "However, I can't help myself."

Looking at Thilan's fervent expression, Adam realized that yet another deranged person seemed to have entered his life.

He didn't say anything further as he crouched down and laid his hand on the female cannibal's body once again to invade her psychic world. Within the span of a few seconds, Shae, the three psychic mutants, and Thilan had all entered her psychic world as well.

In the psychic world, Thilan was a detect wearing a round top hat and a long coat, looking much like the depictions of Sherlock Holmes from the movies of the previous century.

However, the look in his eyes was far sharper than that of the actors in this films, looking as if they belonged to a hawk rather than a human.

As soon as he appeared, he was immediately knocked to the ground before being bound by lightning shackles.

Mole then turned to Adam as he asked, "Should we kill him?"

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