Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

Chapter 516 115.14 - First Mission [Interlude]

Chapter 516 115.14 - First Mission [Interlude]

Deciding to watch the fight to assess Astron's combat abilities more to give feedback, Shanks waited, ready to intervene if things could go south.

Astron didn't hesitate. With his daggers firmly in hand, he dashed forward, closing the distance between himself and the figure in an instant. His eyes were cold, focused, unyielding.

The figure, now desperate and furious, shouted as Astron approached. "Where did you come from? Do you even understand what you're interfering with? You have no idea the power you're challenging!"

Their voice was filled with a mix of rage and desperation, but Astron showed no sign of being affected. His expression remained stoic, his focus unbroken. He didn't respond—there was no need. Words wouldn't change the outcome of this battle.

'Not bad. Serious and compromised.' In a swift, fluid motion, Astron struck. His daggers sliced through the air, aiming for the figure's exposed side. The enemy tried to parry with their remaining hand, but their movements were sluggish and unbalanced. Astron's strike found its mark, his dagger cutting deep into the figure's side.

The figure howled in pain, stumbling back as blood seeped from the wound. But Astron didn't relent. He pressed the advantage, moving like a shadow as he followed up with a series of rapid strikes, each one designed to exploit the enemy's weakened state.

Shanks watched closely, noting the way Astron handled the situation. His movements were sharp and deliberate; every attack aimed to incapacitate or kill.

There was no wasted energy, no hesitation. Astron was methodical, almost surgical in his approach.

The figure tried to lash out; their remaining strength channeled into a wild, desperate swing. But Astron was already a step ahead. He sidestepped the attack with ease, his dagger flashing as he countered with a slash across the figure's chest.

The enemy staggered, their body trembling as they struggled to stay upright. The dark energy that had once bolstered their strength now seemed to be failing them, flickering and fading as the blood loss took its toll.


But as the realization dawned on them that their hands were significantly trapped, their options narrowing, a desperate, crazed glint flashed in their eyes.

They knew escape was impossible, and the only option left was to take at least someone down with them.

"Hehehe…..If I am not going out, then neither you!"

A twisted smile curled on the figure's lips as they began to forcefully raise their energy, drawing upon the forbidden technique that even demonic humans rarely dared to use. The room darkened, the oppressive energy intensifying as the figure began to burn their lifeforce, their body trembling with the sheer power being unleashed.

Shanks, watching from the shadows, felt a sudden pang of alarm. He recognized the telltale signs of a lifeforce-burning technique. "No… this is bad," he muttered under his breath, his hand tightening around the hilt of his saber as he instantly dashed forward.

His eyes widened as the figure's aura surged, their strength seemingly multiplying in an instant.

The figure, now revitalized by the forbidden energy, charged at Astron with terrifying speed, their injuries seemingly forgotten. They moved with the reckless abandon of someone who had nothing left to lose. Astron, despite his skill and precision, was suddenly overwhelmed by the sheer ferocity of the attack.

The enemy's speed was overwhelming, far beyond anything Astron could match. He tried to dodge, to counter, but the figure was upon him in an instant.

The next moment, the figure's strike connected with brutal force, and Astron was blasted back, his body slamming into the ground with a sickening thud.

"Kid!" Shanks shouted, his voice tinged with panic as he saw Astron crumple to the ground. Without wasting a moment, he reached the figure, his saber ready to strike. But as he closed the distance, he saw something that made his blood run cold.

As the figure's twisted and bloodied face was revealed, recognition flashed across Shanks' eyes.

"So it was you," Shanks muttered as he grabbed the figure by the neck, lifting them off the ground with ease. The bloodied face, now fully exposed, was unmistakable.

It was Counselor Varnis, a man Shanks had known well. A man who had once been an ally to the city and its people now twisted into something unrecognizable, corrupted by the dark energy that had consumed him.

Counselor Varnis, his eyes wild and full of hate, choked out a bitter laugh despite the crushing grip Shanks had on his throat. "You… you have no idea what you're meddling with. This… this is just the beginning."

Shanks tightened his grip on Counselor Varnis' throat, his anger boiling over. The almost failure stung deeply, and the thought that this man and his lack of awareness had nearly cost him Astron, a promising talent, only fueled his rage further.

Though he controlled himself barely.

But just as Shanks prepared to strike, a faint, raspy voice interrupted him.

"Warden… don't let him bite the capsule," Astron croaked from the ground, his voice weak but clear enough to cut through the tension.

Shanks' eyes widened in realization. In an instant, he understood what Varnis was trying to do. A suicide capsule—a quick and efficient way to end his life and take whatever secrets he had to the grave.

Without hesitation, Shanks forced Varnis' mouth open, his fingers prying past clenched teeth. The counselor struggled violently, his eyes filled with a mix of desperation and hatred. But Shanks was faster. He felt the small, hard object inside Varnis' mouth and grabbed it, yanking the capsule out before it could be crushed.

The counselor's eyes widened in shock and fear as the capsule was removed from his mouth, his final means of escape taken from him. Shanks tossed the capsule aside, ensuring it would be of no use.

"Sigh….Just what am I doing?" Shanks growled, his voice low and menacing. The moment of panic had passed, replaced by a cold, calculating fury. "You'll pay for what you've done. But not on your terms."

Varnis, now powerless and defeated, could only glare back, the last vestiges of defiance fading from his eyes. The dark energy that had once empowered him was now dissipating, leaving behind a broken, twisted man.


And then, while enduring all the hatred that he was feeling, Shanks fed the man a healing potion as he needed to be alive for the sake of the investigation.

Following that, he took a deep breath, calming himself as he looked over at Astron, who was slowly pulling himself up from the ground. The young warrior was bruised and battered but alive. n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

"You did well," Shanks said, his voice softening slightly as he addressed Astron. "Thanks to you, we'll get the answers we need."

"I did what needed to be done," Astron replied while gulping the remaining health potion that he must have taken out just now.

Shanks sighed, running a hand through his hair. "To think that the Counselor was the one behind all this," he muttered, his voice tinged with disbelief. "I never would have suspected Varnis."

"It had to be someone of his standing," Astron replied, his tone measured. "To construct something of this scale, influence over the scholars and the ability to bribe them to craft false narratives would be essential. A lower-ranked individual wouldn't have had the reach or the resources to pull this off."

Shanks nodded in agreement, his mind racing as he considered the implications. Varnis had been a trusted figure, someone who had been a part of the city's leadership. He was already expecting that someone from the higher-ups was involved, as only someone with that level of authority could have orchestrated such a complex and dangerous plan.

But it was still not a good feeling.

"You've done enough, kid," Shanks said after a moment, his tone more gentle. "You should head back and rest. The remaining cleanup will be handled by Jim and his team. They're on their way as we speak."

Astron hesitated for a moment, his eyes flicking back to the fallen counselor. He clearly wanted to see this through to the end, but the 'exhaustion' was evident in his posture. Finally, he nodded. "Understood. I'll leave it in your hands, then."

Shanks placed a hand on Astron's shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "You really have a bright future ahead. It was nice working with you."

Astron nodded again, turning to leave the chamber. As he walked away, Shanks watched him go, a sense of pride swelling in his chest. The kid had more than proven himself today, showing not just skill but also the presence of mind that would serve him well in the future.

Once Astron was out of sight, Shanks turned back to Varnis, who was still slumped on the ground, his eyes downcast. The counselor was a broken man, and while the healing potion had kept him alive, there was no doubt that his fate was now sealed.

'Let's just end this thing. It has been a tiring two months already.' While most people were investigating, Shanks was not staying idle either, even if he was not actively participating in the investigation.

After all, seeing the city's situation, there were many villains who were looking to go rampant, and someone needed to deal with some of them.


As I lay on the infirmary bed, the sterile white walls around me seemed almost too bright, the contrast stark against the dim, shadowy corridors we had just emerged from.

The air was filled with the faint scent of antiseptic, and the gentle hum of machinery provided soothing background noise.

Nadia moved efficiently, her hands steady as she tended to the wounds I had allowed to remain visible.

In reality, I could have handled the injuries better myself. My red dagger, capable of absorbing vitality from enemies, had already done most of the healing during the fight.

My newly enhanced physique, a result of recent advancements in my [Everchanging Glyph], allowed me to adapt and recover faster than most.

But I had made a decision to downplay my abilities.

'It is always better to show that you are vulnerable so that you are not exploited by your boss.' As Nadia applied a fresh bandage to a gash on my arm, I reflected on the events that had just unfolded. Shanks had been impressed—there was no doubt about that—but I knew better than to reveal all my cards so early in the game.

I had spit out the potion I pretended to drink on the way back, making it seem like I was still injured despite receiving treatment. It was a small deception but a necessary one. In a world where power dynamics shifted constantly, it was important to control how others perceived you.

"How are you feeling, Astron?" Nadia asked, her voice gentle but professional. She was focused on her task, but I could sense the underlying concern in her tone.

I showed a slightly pained image, keeping up the facade. "I've been better, but I'll manage. You're doing a great job, though."

Nadia nodded, her expression softening slightly. "I never expected someone from the city government would do such a thing."

For now, I have earned quite some time to rest. At least until this night, I will not be sent anywhere else.

However, to satisfy the promise, I will eventually need to go on another mission once again.

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