Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

Chapter 512 115.10 - First Mission

Chapter 512 115.10 - First Mission

"I have something to report."

The room fell silent as all eyes turned to Astron, their attention captured by the unexpected interruption. Shanks, his curiosity piqued, leaned slightly forward. "What is it you want to report, Astron?"

Astron remained calm, his expression composed as he glanced at the faces around the table. He took a moment before speaking, his tone measured but carrying an underlying intensity. "Before I present my findings, I have a question for Mikhail."

Mikhail's gaze sharpened, intrigued by the shift in focus. "Go ahead," he said, his voice steady.

"Why do you believe there is a monster behind this whole ordeal?" Astron asked directly, his eyes locked onto Mikhail's.

Mikhail didn't hesitate, and his response was firm and confident. "Because the evidence corresponds to that conclusion. The disturbances, the strange phenomena—everything points to the presence of an ancient being, something far beyond our current understanding."

Astron nodded thoughtfully, his expression unreadable. "What evidence, specifically, leads you to that conclusion?" he pressed, his tone more probing now.

Mikhail leaned back slightly, his demeanor still composed. "The patterns of the disturbances, their frequency, and the areas they affect are consistent with what we know about ancient entities. These creatures leave behind certain signatures—whispers that echo through time, disturbances that seem to follow no logical pattern but are actually the byproduct of a creature's reawakening. The data we've gathered aligns with historical accounts of such beings. Especially the history and the past records of Veilcroft City."

Astron listened carefully, waiting for Mikhail to finish his words. The room remained tense, the weight of the conversation pressing down on everyone present. Nôv(el)B\\jnn

Astron nodded again, his gaze unwavering as he processed Mikhail's words. "That indeed aligns with the past records of Veilcroft City," he acknowledged. The tension in the room seemed to thicken as everyone awaited his next words.

"But," Astron continued, his tone becoming sharper, "which records exactly have you been talking about?"

A flicker of confusion crossed Mikhail's face before he quickly composed himself. His brow furrowed slightly as he responded, "Is it not obvious? These are the records uncovered by historians and academics. I've even obtained an official permit to access them."

Astron's expression remained neutral, but there was a subtle shift in his demeanor, a hint of something more inquisitive beneath the surface. "When exactly were those records made public?" he asked, his voice calm but carrying an edge of curiosity.

Mikhail's frown deepened, sensing the underlying implication in Astron's question. "They were released to the public only recently, during the last major excavation of the ancient sites around Veilcroft," he replied, his tone now more guarded. "The records were thoroughly examined and authenticated by reputable scholars. Why do you ask?"

Astron paused, allowing the weight of his next words to settle in the room. "Because," he began slowly, "if those records were only recently uncovered, there's a possibility they might not be as reliable as we think. What if the information within them was altered or fabricated to mislead us? After all, the timing of their release coincides suspiciously with the onset of these disturbances."

"That is not possible. When I say 'recently,' I mean it is recent compared to other types of historical information. It was published ten years ago, and there are also many other referrals to the history of the Veilcroft and the folk stories."

Astron leaned slightly forward, his expression intent as he responded, "The thing with folktales is that they're easily manipulated. With the right resources, planting spies or individuals with specific [Traits] to convince others could easily accelerate the process of spreading these stories. If someone were to craft a legend, make it pseudo-academic with a few well-placed articles and records, it would create a perfect veil to hide their true intentions, wouldn't it?"

The room was thick with tension as Astron's words lingered, the implications clear to everyone present. Mikhail's frown deepened, though his eyes showed a flicker of acknowledgment. "That can indeed happen," he admitted, his tone measured. "But it's also a very difficult thing to do, especially on such a scale. The probability of successfully executing something like that is low."

"Low, but not impossible," Astron countered. "Especially if the thing or organization behind these disturbances is cunning, as we suspect. It might have had centuries, if not millennia, to plan and prepare for something like this. The very fact that it seems improbable could be the reason it's been so effective. Who would question a well-documented history, especially when it's been validated by scholars and academics?"

Mikhail remained silent for a moment, contemplating Astron's reasoning. The rest of the team watched the exchange closely, the weight of the discussion pressing down on them.

Finally, Mikhail spoke, his voice more subdued but still firm. "You're right to bring this up. The possibility of fabricated history is something we should consider. But let me ask you this, Astron—what about the people who were attacked by these monsters? If there isn't an ancient entity or monster behind it all, how do you explain the very real attacks? What force is controlling these creatures?"

Astron didn't hesitate. "There are indeed monsters attacking the people, and they're dangerous—no one is disputing that. But I don't believe they are the main perpetrators. Instead, they're being used as tools by someone—or something—with a much more deliberate agenda."

He paused, allowing his words to sink in before continuing. "Last night, I encountered a rank-3 [Umbral Wraith] in one of the southern districts, guarding a concealed passage. The creature was clearly stationed there to deter intruders. But what struck me was the method in which it was deployed."

Following that, he brought the monster out of his spatial storage.

"Here is the body."

There lay a monster with clean cuts all over the place. It was evident that the monster was handled with precision, as no body parts were missing. That alone showed the skill of this newcomer, who somehow changed the entire scene.

"Now, please take a look."

Astron activated his device, projecting a detailed map of the area he had investigated. "The [Umbral Wraith] was placed strategically, and it was not acting on instinct. It followed specific orders meant to protect a hidden passage leading to an underground network. The fact that the creature was able to avoid detection by the Local Awakened Association or even our organization until now is telling."


"It is because they have an artifact that can detect the mana of another person. If an Awakened enters their range, monsters are not released. By doing that, they can get rid of the possibility of monsters being discovered and keep the investigation in the dark."

"Ah…." A gasp left one of the member's mouth. It was evident that this plan was crafted quite detailed, especially since the other party expected a lot of things.

"I see….By doing that, they can hide the fact that the monsters that are attacking the people are not an [Umbral Wraith] but something dangerous."

"Correct. The less information there is, the more speculation it would cause."

He pointed to the map, highlighting the concealed passage he had uncovered. "The monsters are being controlled and deployed with precision. They're being used to guard something, not as the primary threat but as a means to obscure the true danger. This isn't the work of an ancient entity acting out of instinct; it's the work of an intelligent force with a plan."

Mikhail's gaze sharpened as he considered Astron's words. "So you're suggesting that the monsters are a smokescreen, a way to keep us distracted while the real threat operates in the background?"

"Exactly," Astron replied. "The disturbances and attacks are real, but they're being orchestrated to mislead. The ancient entity you suspect may exist, but it's not the one pulling the strings. Someone—or something—is using the legend of this entity to cover their tracks and manipulate the investigation into focusing on the wrong threat."

Astron then described his encounter with the masked figure he had observed after defeating the [Umbral Wraith]. "This figure was clearly involved in maintaining the illusion. He was checking the area for anomalies, ensuring that the monster had fulfilled its purpose before retreating into a hidden passage. The well I discovered was protected by enchantments—both ancient and modern—indicating that someone is actively working to keep this operation concealed."

As the room absorbed Astron's words, a murmur of speculation rippled through the team. One of the members, a young adept with keen eyes, leaned forward, a question evident on his face. "But why? For what reason would they go to such lengths to orchestrate this? What are they gaining from all this chaos?"

Astron took a deep breath, ready to present the final piece of the puzzle. "The reason they're doing this is because they're benefiting from the discord they're sowing in the city. The fear, the anxiety, the despair—it's all being harvested."

Another member, a woman with a sharp mind for analysis, frowned in thought. "Harvested? You mean they're feeding off it somehow?"

"Exactly," Astron confirmed. He pulled up the holographic map again, this time zooming in on the most concentrated areas that Lira had previously identified. "During my investigation, I noticed that the areas with the highest concentration of disturbances—the places Lira had marked—had something in common."

He pointed to the locations on the map, each one glowing with a faint red hue. "These areas aren't just random spots of chaos. They're focal points, almost like nodes in a network. The negative emotions—fear, despair, anger—are being channeled and absorbed through these points."

Lira's eyes widened slightly as she began to see the connections. "Are you saying these locations are acting like… conduits?"

Astron nodded. "Precisely. The despair and fear are not just incidental—they're being deliberately amplified and drawn into these focal points. I found traces of an energy conduit system, hidden beneath the city, that is siphoning these negative emotions. It's subtle, almost undetectable, but it's there."

He tapped the map, highlighting the pathways of the conduits. "These conduits are connected to the underground network I discovered. The energy being gathered is being funneled somewhere—likely to the source of this entire operation. This isn't just about causing chaos; it's about accumulating power through the despair of Veilcroft's citizens."

Mikhail, who had been silent for a moment, finally spoke up, his voice tinged with realization. "That's why the disturbances have been escalating. The more fear and despair they generate, the more power they can draw from it. This isn't just a plot to release a monster—it's a deliberate strategy to weaken the city and empower whoever is behind it."

Shanks, who had been listening intently, nodded slowly as the pieces began to fit together. "So they're using the legend of the ancient entity as a cover to hide their real goal. The monsters are a smokescreen, and the true threat is the power they're amassing through the despair of the city."

The room was silent for a moment as the full scope of the plot became clear. The team realized that they were not just dealing with random attacks but with a highly organized effort to destabilize Veilcroft and empower a hidden force.

Astron continued, "I found traces of this siphoning at the locations Lira had identified. The patterns of despair and fear align perfectly with the conduits I discovered. This is why the disturbances seem so concentrated and why they're spreading—it's all part of a larger design to draw in as much negative energy as possible."

Lira, visibly impressed by Astron's deductions, nodded thoughtfully. "That explains everything. The reason why it looked like they were targeting the special people. In fact, they were not targeting special people; they just knew that between all those people there would always be some who would show extreme reactions."


"That…..That is impressive."

The moment Astron had finished what he was saying, Shanks stood up.

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