Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

Chapter 505 115.3 - First Mission

Chapter 505 115.3 - First Mission

"Follow me."

As we walked, I took in the surroundings, noting the high level of organization and the sense of purpose that permeated the air.

The vibe was similar to the base, albeit less organized. That was understandable. The branch of Veilcroft was most likely not that big, considering the fact that while the city was big, the population did not reach the necessary amount.

"We've been monitoring the situation in Veilcroft closely," Shanks began, his tone matter-of-fact. "The disturbances have been increasing in frequency and intensity. Your presence here is part of our efforts to contain the situation before it escalates further."

As we continued walking, I could feel the weight of the moment settling in. This was my first mission as an Adept, and while my official role was to support the investigation, I knew that every move I made would be scrutinized.

This was as much a test of my abilities as it was a mission to contain whatever disturbances were plaguing Veilcroft.

The atmosphere in the complex was tense, charged with a sense of urgency. It was clear that the situation in the city was serious, and the people here were fully aware of the stakes.

I could feel their eyes on me, subtle glances that conveyed a mix of curiosity and appraisal. They knew I was new, and they were undoubtedly assessing whether I could pull my weight in this operation.

'They're not going to make this easy,' I thought, but that was to be expected. The organization didn't hand out responsibilities lightly, and they certainly didn't let anyone rise without proving themselves first.

We reached a large room at the end of the corridor, and Shanks led me inside. The space was dominated by a central table, surrounded by monitors displaying various data streams, maps, and live feeds from different parts of the city. Around the table stood four other individuals, each one radiating a quiet confidence that marked them as seasoned operatives.

"This is the core team," Shanks said, introducing them with a wave of his hand. "You'll be working alongside them during this mission. Let me introduce you."

He pointed to a tall woman with short, jet-black hair and sharp, piercing eyes. "This is Elysia, our field strategist. She's in charge of coordinating our movements and making sure we're one step ahead of whatever's out there."

Elysia gave me a curt nod, her gaze assessing me with the same intensity I'd sensed from the others. "Welcome aboard," she said, her tone clipped but not unfriendly.

Next, Shanks gestured to a stocky man with a shaved head and a scar running down the side of his face. "That's Jim, our combat specialist. If things get rough, you'll be glad he's on your side."

Jim grunted in acknowledgment, his eyes briefly meeting mine before returning to the map in front of him. He had the look of someone who had seen plenty of action, and his demeanor suggested that he was all business.

Beside Jim stood a wiry, lanky man with a nervous energy about him, his fingers constantly tapping on the table. "This is Ren, our tech expert. He handles all the gadgets, surveillance, and data analysis. If you need something hacked or monitored, he's your guy. He is also in contact with headquarters and has access to the database. If you wish to see the related records after getting permission from me, you can make a request."


Ren offered me a quick, almost jittery smile before turning back to his array of screens. It was clear his mind was constantly in motion, processing information at a rapid pace.

Finally, Shanks nodded toward a woman with auburn hair tied back in a ponytail, her expression calm and focused. "And that's Nadia, our medic and support specialist. She's the one who'll keep you on your feet if things go south."

'A healer…..As expected.'

It was understandable that the branch had at least a healer.

'These four…..They must be the core members of this branch. Most likely accommodating the newcomers like me or the adepts sent to the missions.' Nadia gave me a warm smile, the kind that put people at ease, even in tense situations. "Nice to meet you, Astron," she said. "Don't hesitate to ask if you need anything."

Shanks nodded, satisfied with the introductions. He then turned back to me, his expression serious and focused. "Now that you've met the core team, there's something you need to know. In addition to us, there are two other Adepts assigned to this investigation. They're out in the field right now, handling the on-the-ground aspects of our operation."

I nodded, absorbing the information. "I see. When will I be able to meet them?"

Shanks glanced at the digital clock on the wall, then back at me. "You won't have the opportunity to meet them until this evening. They're scheduled to return to the base at 7 P.M. for a briefing. Every day at that time, we convene here to discuss the day's findings and plan our next moves. It's a crucial part of our strategy, and it's when you'll get a full picture of what's happening in Veilcroft."

"Understood," I replied, noting the importance of the evening meeting. It would be my first real chance to integrate with the full team and get a sense of the progress that has been made so far.

Shanks continued, "For now, your primary task is to familiarize yourself with the base and the resources we have at our disposal. You'll be supporting our efforts, so it's critical that you know how to access information, use the equipment, and coordinate with the rest of the team. Ren will be your point of contact for anything related to tech or data. If you need access to specific records or databases, he can facilitate that after you've gotten permission from me."

I glanced at Ren, who gave me another quick smile, though his focus was already drifting back to his screens. It was clear that he was constantly engaged with multiple streams of information, a vital role in an operation like this.

Shanks paused for a moment, studying me as if to gauge my understanding. "This isn't just about following orders, Adept Astron. You're here to learn but also to contribute. Pay attention, ask questions if you have them, and don't hesitate to step up when needed. This investigation is complex, and we need everyone at their best."

"I'll make sure I'm ready."

He nodded, seemingly satisfied with my response. "Good. You have until the evening to get yourself situated. I'll be in my office if you need anything before then."

With that, Shanks gave a final nod and turned to leave, heading towards the command center where his office was located. The rest of the team returned to their tasks, the room humming with the quiet efficiency of an ongoing operation.

'Two other Adepts in the field,' I thought. 'Interesting. Were they assigned at the same time, or was the size of the team gradually increased?' I pondered as I slowly made my way to toward the tech station where Ren was working, ready to dive into the details that would help me support the investigation.

As I approached the tech station, Ren was engrossed in his work, his fingers flying over the keyboard as multiple screens displayed streams of data. I waited for a moment, not wanting to interrupt his rhythm, but he seemed to sense my presence and glanced up.

"Need something?" he asked, his voice quick and to the point.

"Yeah," I replied. "Which desk is mine?"

Ren paused for a moment, then pointed towards a row of doors along the far wall. "Each Adept has their own office. Yours is the one on the left, third door down." Nôv(el)B\\jnn

I nodded, following his gesture. "Thanks. And how do I access the past findings or the progress of the investigation? I'd like to get up to speed as quickly as possible."

Ren gave a quick nod of approval. "Good thinking. I'll send the relevant files to your account. Every Adept has their own account with access to an online drive. It's where we store all the data, reports, and mission briefs. You'll find everything you need there."

I raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the setup. "So, everything's digital? No physical files?"

"Correct," Ren confirmed. "The organization prefers it that way—keeps things streamlined and secure. You can access the files from your office terminal or your smartwatch, but they are all tied to your account. I'll make sure the most recent data is synced to your drive so you can review it at your convenience."

"Appreciate it," I said, already thinking ahead. The ability to access and analyze the investigation's findings from anywhere would be invaluable, especially given the complexity of the situation in Veilcroft.

Ren offered me a quick smile, though his attention was already drifting back to his screens. "If you need anything else, just let me know. I'm here to keep the tech running smoothly, so don't hesitate to reach out."

With that, I turned and headed towards my office, my mind already shifting gears. The office itself was small but functional, designed for efficiency. I took a seat at the desk, powering up the terminal and waiting for the files to come through.

As the files began to populate my account, I leaned back slightly.

'Let's see what they have got,' I thought, opening the first report and beginning to dive into the details.

I settled into my chair, the terminal screen glowing softly as I began to sift through the files Ren had sent to my account. The data was neatly organized, with each report and piece of intelligence cataloged for easy access.

I started with the earliest records, keen to understand how the situation in Veilcroft had escalated to the point of requiring our involvement.

The first file I opened detailed the initial reports of strange whispers and noises at night. These reports dated back two months when the first murmurs of something unusual began to circulate among the city's residents. At that time, the incidents were few and far between, and the level of concern was relatively low.

The complaints were mostly dismissed as figments of the imagination or simply the result of overactive nerves. The authorities had recorded them, but there was no sense of urgency, no indication that these events were anything more than isolated oddities.

I continued reading, and the pattern started to emerge. The complaints, while initially sporadic, began to increase in frequency.

The reports described unsettling experiences—faint whispers that seemed to come from nowhere, strange noises that defied explanation, and an eerie sense of being watched.

At first, these incidents were limited to certain parts of the city, mostly the quieter, more secluded areas. The reports were easy to overlook, blending into the usual noise of city life.

But then, about a month ago, something changed. The number of complaints began to rise sharply. What had once been an occasional disturbance became a nightly occurrence for many of Veilcroft's residents.

The tone of the reports shifted as well, reflecting a growing unease. People who had initially dismissed the noises as harmless or imagined were now genuinely afraid. The whispers were no longer just unsettling; they were terrifying. The strange sounds grew louder, more persistent, and harder to ignore.

The public mood shifted accordingly. What had been a low-level anxiety began to escalate into something more serious. The reports described neighborhoods growing tense, with residents hesitant to leave their homes after dark.

The local authorities, once dismissive, began to take the complaints more seriously, but their efforts to investigate yielded little. The phenomena were elusive, defying any logical explanation, and the fear in the city started to spread like wildfire.

I paused, tapping a finger against the desk as I considered the timeline.

'First, it's just a month of just showing the presence and then suddenly increasing the activity. Interesting.' Though speculating with this amount of information would not be advised, something slowly formed in my head.

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