Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

Chapter 501 114.5 - Young Hearts

Chapter 501 114.5 - Young Hearts

–"You…..You are jealous, aren't you?"

Jealousy. It was indeed a word that would trigger many people.

Why was that?

Was it because of the fact that admitting that one was jealous would show that they were on the losing side?

Would it hurt their pride?

–"You…..You are jealous, aren't you?"

The moment Irina heard about this, she felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment at his accusation. "I'm not jealous!" she shot back, her voice a little too sharp to be convincing.

And that was something that would never go past that guy's eyes. He would always find out about things like that too easily, just like how it was right now.

–"Then what are you doing right now?" Astron asked his tone calm but with that ever-present hint of amusement. –"Because it sure sounds like jealousy to me."

Irina huffed, crossing her arms even though he couldn't see her. "I just want to talk to you a little longer, that's all," she said, trying to sound nonchalant but failing miserably.

–"You do realize you'll have an entire week with me soon, right?" Astron pointed out. –"Shouldn't you stop being so greedy?"

Irina bit her lip, her frustration bubbling up again. He was right, of course, but that didn't make it any easier. The idea of waiting felt unbearable, especially when she knew he'd be spending time with Maya in the meantime.

Because she did not forget what she had seen at that time. The way how she had pushed her fangs onto his neck, the expression she made.

Astron may not be like her, but Maya was different. Irina knew what she had seen there and what kind of thoughts Maya had.

That was why it was harder for her to just let him go.

Irina tried to muster her strength, determined not to let him have the last word. "I'm not being greedy," she insisted, her voice firm. "I've been spending my time in the fire, pushing myself to my limits, and this is one of the few times I can actually rest."

There was a brief pause, and then Astron's voice came through, softer this time. –"That's true. You are working hard. I know that."

Irina felt a small smile tug at her lips, thinking she had finally convinced him to stay on the call a little longer. But before she could get too comfortable, he continued.

–"But that's exactly why you need to rest. I enjoy talking to you like this, Irina, but you shouldn't forget your priorities. Just to talk, you shouldn't throw away your chance to recover and prepare for the week ahead. Resting is important, too."

Irina frowned, feeling the sting of his words. "You're the one saying that?" she retorted, her voice tinged with disbelief. "The person who trains relentlessly, pushing himself beyond the brink without ever taking a break? And you're telling me to rest?"

Astron didn't respond immediately, and when he did, his tone was calm and resolute. –"Exactly because I know how it feels; I'm telling you to stop. You shouldn't push yourself the way I do. It's not worth it."

Irina was left speechless for a moment, the weight of his words settling over her. There was a sincerity in his voice, a concern that she hadn't expected.

Despite his teasing and his stubbornness, there was a part of him that genuinely cared for her well-being, and that realization both warmed her heart and made her feel a little guilty.

And that guy….she knew why he was training that hard.

It was most likely to forget about that time.

'Really….Now, how can I retort you?' She sighed, finally relenting. "Fine. But don't think I'm doing this because you're right."

–"Of course not," Astron replied, the amusement returning to his voice. –"You're doing it because you're smart enough to know when to listen to good advice."

Irina couldn't help but smile at that, shaking her head. "Goodnight, Astron."

–"Goodnight, Irina. Rest well."

As the call ended, Irina stared at the stars for a moment longer, the echo of his voice lingering in her mind. She hated to admit it, but he was right. She needed to rest to be ready for the challenges ahead.

But that didn't make the waiting any easier.

With a sigh, she closed her eyes, letting the exhaustion take over as she drifted into a much-needed sleep, thoughts of Astron still lingering in the corners of her mind.


Maya's gaze remained fixed on the smartwatch, her frustration simmering just beneath the surface. The seconds ticked by, each one dragging longer than the last. The warmth of the bath, once comforting, now felt almost suffocating as she waited for the call to end.

Her mind was racing, filled with thoughts of what she would say, how she would confront him about the cold distance he seemed to maintain.

Then, just as she was about to lose patience, her smartwatch vibrated softly, the screen lighting up with a notification.

Caller: Junior

Her heart skipped a beat, and without a moment's hesitation, she accepted the call. The screen flickered as the connection was made, and then she heard his voice—calm, steady, and frustratingly composed.

"Senior Maya," Astron's voice came through, as usual, devoid of unnecessary emotion. "I'm sorry I missed your call. I was on another line."

Maya's grip on the edge of the tub tightened slightly, but she kept her voice even, hiding the tumultuous emotions swirling inside her. "It's alright, Junior," she replied, her tone softer than she felt. "I wanted to check in on you. I received your message, but I needed to hear your voice."

There was a brief pause on the other end as if Astron was processing her words. "I appreciate your concern, Senior. I'm doing well and progressing in my training. How have you been?"

Maya's eyes narrowed slightly at the question. He was deflecting, turning the focus back on her. She resisted the urge to let her irritation show. "I've been fine, Junior," she replied, her voice taking on a more pointed edge.

"But I was hoping for more than just a progress report. You've been distant lately, and I wanted to know why."

"Distant? What do you mean, Senior?" Astron's voice carried a hint of genuine confusion, and Maya could almost picture his brow furrowing on the other end of the line.

Maya took a deep breath, trying to organize her thoughts. "What I mean is… was that all you wanted to say in the voice message you left for me? It felt like you were just giving me a progress report like I'm some instructor you're reporting to."

There was a moment of silence, long enough for Maya to feel the tension building in her chest. Then, she heard Astron cough softly as if gathering his thoughts. "I… well, it was my first time leaving a voice message, Senior. If it came off as curt, I'm sorry. I thought it would be better to talk on the phone directly."

Maya blinked, her irritation softening as she processed his words. It was easy to forget that not everyone was as comfortable with certain forms of communication. Astron's reserved nature, coupled with the novelty of leaving a voice message, made his response understandable.

Her grip on the tub's edge relaxed slightly as she let out a small sigh. "I suppose that makes sense," she admitted, a bit of the tension easing from her voice. "I don't leave voice messages either, so I can understand how it might feel awkward."

Astron's tone was apologetic though still tinged with his characteristic calmness. "I didn't mean to come across as distant, Senior. I guess I'm just not used to this… kind of thing."

"I see…." Maya mumbled.

"But, Senior. How is your training going? Are you able to control it a little bit better now?"

Maya paused, the question hanging in the air as she considered how to answer. The gentle warmth of the bath water enveloped her, but the tension in her chest hadn't fully dissipated. She knew Astron's inquiry was genuine, a sign of his concern, yet her thoughts kept circling back to the nagging curiosity about his previous call.

After a brief silence, she began, "The training has been… challenging. The forest is rich with natural energy, so it's been helping me focus on balancing my two sides. But it's not easy. Sometimes, it feels like the darkness inside me is just waiting for the slightest slip to take over."

She sighed softly, running her fingers through the water as if the motion could soothe her inner turmoil. "I've been trying different methods, combining what we researched, but it's slow progress. I can feel myself getting stronger, more in control, but there are moments when it's… difficult."

Astron listened intently, his presence on the other end of the line steady and reassuring. "You're doing well, Senior. This kind of control takes time. The fact that you're progressing at all is a good sign."

Maya smiled faintly at his encouragement, but the unease in her heart remained. She couldn't shake the feeling that there was something she wasn't addressing, something that gnawed at the back of her mind. She wanted to ask about his previous call and to know who he had been speaking with, but she hesitated. It felt intrusive, almost as if she would be crossing a line she wasn't sure she had the right to cross.

But the curiosity was persistent, a quiet voice that refused to be silenced. Maya took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts, trying to find a way to broach the subject without sounding accusatory or insecure.

"So, Junior," she began cautiously, her voice careful and measured, "earlier, you mentioned you were on another call. Was it… anything important?" She tried to keep her tone light as if the question was asked out of casual interest rather than the deep-seated curiosity she truly felt.

"It was just a conversation with someone from the academy," he replied, his voice calm without giving anything away.

"Someone from the academy?" Nôv(el)B\\jnn

"Yeah. We were just adjusting the training schedules."

Maya's heart skipped a beat as she listened to Astron's response, trying to pick up on any subtle clues in his tone, but he remained as composed as ever. She knew he wasn't one to give away much, but her curiosity had already latched onto the idea that there was more to this conversation than he was letting on.

"Is it someone I know?" she asked, keeping her voice light. "I'd love to help as well, especially if she's your friend."

Astron hesitated for a fraction of a second, but Maya caught it. "It was Irina," he said simply, his tone matter-of-fact.

Maya's mind raced as she processed the name. "Irina Emberheart?" she asked, her voice tinged with a mixture of surprise and something else she couldn't quite place.

'The fiery red-haired girl from the academy? The one I… saved and… well, attacked at the same time?'

She thought. And then remembered something.

'Don't tell me.'

That girl.

The expression she made when she was leaving at that time. It was an expression that she could not quite make sense.

But now that she looked at her reflection in the bathtub, she could see that she was making the same expression.

'.....' She did not say anything for a while, looking at her reflection.

If that was indeed the case, that meant danger.

The danger of losing him.

The danger of him being taken away.


And she could not live with that fact.

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