Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

Chapter 478 107.1 - Aftermath

Chapter 478 107.1 - Aftermath

"So….This is why he is doing this…..It is indeed understandable…It feels refreshing…."

Just as Irina pressed her hand down further, relishing the twisted satisfaction of her retribution, she sensed a rush of footsteps and the frantic murmurs of people approaching. The air was thick with urgency and fear as guards and other attendees finally realized the situation on the balcony.

"Irina! Stop this!" a voice shouted, panic laced in the tone. Several figures appeared at the entrance to the balcony, their eyes wide with horror as they took in the scene.

But before any of them could reach her, Irina straightened up, removing her hand from Jeremy's face with a calm, deliberate motion. "I can do it myself," she said coldly, her voice cutting through the air like a knife. "No one touches me."

The flames around Jeremy flickered out, leaving behind a charred, disfigured mass where his face had been. He slumped to the ground, sobbing and whimpering, his once-proud demeanor shattered beyond recognition.

Irina turned slowly, her amber eyes locking onto the approaching guards. They hesitated, their steps faltering as they took in the terrifying sight before them.

The fear in their eyes was unmistakable—this was not the haughty, untouchable Irina Emberheart they had known. This was something far more dangerous, something far more ruthless.

Her gaze swept across the gathered crowd, her expression devoid of emotion. The fear she saw reflected in their eyes was real, palpable. They weren't just afraid of what she had done; they were afraid of her.

Irina could feel the weight of their stares, the collective realization that she was not to be trifled with. She had crossed a line, one that few had dared to even approach, and the repercussions of her actions were now etched into the minds of everyone present.

"Make sure he lives," she said coldly to the guards, her tone leaving no room for argument. "I want him to remember this night every time he looks in a mirror."


Jeremy lay on the cold floor of the balcony, his body convulsing in pain as the searing burn on his face sent shockwaves through his entire being.

The world around him blurred, his vision fading in and out as he struggled to comprehend what had just happened. The agony was overwhelming, consuming every thought, every breath. His skin felt like it was on fire, every nerve ending screaming in torment. The once-proud heir to the Hawkins family was now reduced to a trembling, broken figure, his mind barely able to process the horror of his own disfigurement.

'What… what is happening to me?' Jeremy's thoughts were frantic, disjointed. 'This… this can't be real… it can't be…'

The sounds of hurried footsteps and gasps of shock surrounded him, but they were distant, muted by the intense pain that dominated his senses. He could hear voices, angry and panicked, but they were nothing more than a dull roar in his ears.

'Why… why is this happening?' Jeremy's mind raced, trying to grasp anything that made sense. 'I'm the heir… I'm supposed to be in control… This… this shouldn't…'

As the other guests of the banquet rushed onto the balcony, they recoiled in horror at the sight before them.

The proud and haughty Jeremy Hawkins, the heir to one of the most powerful families, was lying on the ground, his face a charred and twisted mass.

The once-handsome features that had drawn admiration and envy were now unrecognizable, a grotesque reminder of the wrath he had provoked.

"Do you know what you've done?!" One of the guests, a tall man with a stern expression, shouted at Irina, his voice laced with disbelief and fury. "How could you do this to the heir of the Hawkins family? Do you think we'll stand idly by while our friend is assaulted like this?"

Several others nodded in agreement, their faces twisted in anger and fear. Jeremy's friends, who had mocked him earlier, were now pale and trembling, unsure of what to do in the face of such raw power. They had never seen Irina like this, and the fear that gripped them was palpable.

'I… I need help… I can't…' Jeremy's thoughts were a jumble of pain and desperation. He sought for this pain to end.

He wanted it to end.

But, as he waited, things did not happen as he wished.

 'Why… why isn't anyone doing anything?'

Irina stood calmly amidst the chaos, her expression untouched by the panic around her. A smirk curled at the corners of her lips as she surveyed the crowd, her amber eyes burning with a fierce, unyielding light.

"What can you do?" she asked, her voice dripping with contempt. "I'm standing right here. If you want to do something, then by all means, try."

The challenge hung in the air like a gauntlet thrown down, daring anyone to take it up. The crowd hesitated, their anger faltering as they felt the weight of her gaze. No one moved; no one dared to.

And then, with a calm and deliberate tone, Irina called out, "Esme."

In an instant, the atmosphere on the balcony changed. A figure appeared beside Irina as if materializing out of thin air. It was a maid dressed in a simple yet elegant uniform, her demeanor calm and composed.

But the pressure that emanated from her was anything but ordinary. It was immense, suffocating, like a heavy weight pressing down on everyone present. n/ô/vel/b//in dot c//om

Esme's presence was overwhelming, her power palpable in the air. The guests who had been so eager to confront Irina now found themselves shrinking back, their bravado evaporating in the face of this new threat. Even those who had been ready to defend Jeremy faltered, their confidence shattered by the sheer force of Esme's aura.

'No… no, this isn't right…' Jeremy's mind was a swirling mess of pain and disbelief. 'She… she can't do this… This… this is wrong…'

Jeremy, still writhing in pain on the ground, could only manage to look up with one eye, the other swollen shut from the burns. His mind was a haze of agony and terror, unable to fully grasp the extent of his situation. All he knew was that he had never felt such pain, such helplessness.

Irina looked down at him one last time, her smirk widening as she spoke, her voice cold and unforgiving. "Remember this. No one can threaten an Emberheart…..Engrave this into your hands, or the Wrath of Ember will be upon you."


No one was able to reply, as they were all reminded of one simple event that had transpired a hundred years ago.

A hundred years ago, a city was erased from the lands of this world.

「Wrath of Ember」 It was that spell that had burned that city to the ground.

The crowd remained silent, their anger replaced by fear and uncertainty. No one dared to speak out, not with Esme standing there, her presence a constant reminder of Irina's power.

Irina turned to leave, her amber eyes flicking over the gathered guests with a final, disdainful glance. As she walked away, Esme followed, her steps silent but heavy with the weight of her power. The balcony, once filled with murmurs and accusations, was now eerily quiet, the only sound the faint whimpering of Jeremy Hawkins, his spirit broken, his pride shattered.


As Irina and Esme left the balcony, the tension of the evening still hung heavy in the air. The crowd behind them remained silent, too stunned to react to what had just transpired. The cool night air did little to quell the fire simmering within Irina, her mind replaying the events over and over.

Esme, walking a step behind her, finally spoke, her tone calm but laced with a subtle undercurrent of concern. "Young Miss, what you did back there... It was intense, even for you. What drove you to such an action?"

Irina didn't break her stride, her expression a mask of cold determination. "That little fucker dared to threaten and blackmail me. He thought he could manipulate me, use me as a pawn in whatever twisted game he was playing. There was no way I could allow that."

Esme's steps remained steady, but her eyes narrowed slightly, considering Irina's words. "I understand your anger, Young Miss. However, the Hawkins family is a significant business partner for the Emberheart family. The Matriarch may not be pleased with the consequences of your actions."

A small, bitter smile tugged at the corner of Irina's lips. "You think I'm worried about that? If the Matriarch knew everything, she would rather praise me than get angry."

Esme's expression softened, a hint of curiosity flickering in her eyes. "You sound confident, Young Miss. Are you certain the Matriarch would see it that way?"

Irina finally slowed her pace, turning slightly to meet Esme's gaze. Her amber eyes held a steely resolve. "She will. Jeremy Hawkins is more dangerous than he appears. I've seen what happens when his kind is left unchecked. He's a threat to our family and to everything we stand for. I simply took preemptive action."

Esme studied Irina for a moment, her expression inscrutable. "If that is your belief, then I will stand by your decision, Young Miss. But understand this: your actions will ripple through the Federation. The Matriarch may have her reasons for supporting you, but the other families... they may not be so understanding."

'Other families…..Those who ally themselves with Hawkins….They will meet the same end, you don't need to worry about that….'

This federation had been far too corrupted for its own good, and it needed some cleansing.

Irina's smile didn't waver. "Let them try. I'm not afraid of a few ripples, Esme. If anyone tries to challenge me or my family, they'll face the same fate as Jeremy."

And what was a better cleanser than the Fire of Emberheart?

Esme nodded a subtle respect in her gaze. "Very well, Young Miss. Just be prepared for what comes next."

Irina turned back toward the path ahead, her steps firm and unwavering. "I always am."

'Just as I had promised before….From now on, there is no running away. After facing him, there is nothing that scares me in this world, no more.'

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